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Is it my imagination but almost every L85 rif I see online has the front sling loop on the right side of the hand guard, is there something I'm missing about the famously non leftie firearm or what???


I know it's easily swopped, just seems odd that so many are set up this way.

Edited by gavinkempsell
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10 minutes ago, JinxDuh said:

I did it on mine to stop the handle from poking my side 😂

You a leftie then?

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5 minutes ago, gavinkempsell said:

You a leftie then?

No just mentally deficient 😂 99% of the time I would sling the rifle on my right shoulder barrel forwards to and from game zone to safe zone. 

I do also wonder why majority of pictures are with it on the left side though

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Don't mean to sound funny here but if you're shooting right handed then left side sling loop is the default, assuming you're looking from the butt end of the rifle down the bore, lol (i.e. same side as the mag catch).


If you google image 'L85 airsoft' though there are indeed plenty of them on the right side of the weapon i.e. same as the ejection opening, which would of course not work out.


ETA - looking through a small portion of the search results, seems that the ICS and G&Gs get it correct to the real rifle, but a lot of stock/retail pictures of the WE, Army and generic springers have it 'wrong'.  Which as someone who's always been anti-WE gives me a weird little buzz in a bad way 'cause I'm just a bad person like that.

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3 hours ago, LMKipper said:

Eh? The sling loop is on the left for righty shooters to sling it crossbody.

Oops... I meant the right side.

3 hours ago, TheFull9 said:

Don't mean to sound funny here but if you're shooting right handed then left side sling loop is the default

I meant the right side.

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If you connect to the sling to the outside-facing part of the rifle, it pulls it tighter to your body.   At leas that's what I've found with the rear sling loop anyway. 

Would that be a good enough reason?

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Dunno tbh, I was only ever issued the SLR in the TA, seems bizarre to me that the sling is reversable but that's understandable for it's development, my query is more about how it seems several airsoft manufacturers first thought seems to be to fit it on the wrong (right) side.

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On 23/05/2024 at 12:28, RostokMcSpoons said:

If you connect to the sling to the outside-facing part of the rifle, it pulls it tighter to your body.   At leas that's what I've found with the rear sling loop anyway. 

Would that be a good enough reason?

Nah, that's only for 2-point slings.  The issue SA-80 sling was a 3-point that hugged your rifle close to you when you needed both hands free.  You had a release buckle that you could unclip when you needed more room to go prone or wave it about a bit.  A fun test was undoing that clip to see whose rifle would clatter to the ground because they'd threaded their sling wrong.

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Remember that test well… 😂

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