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"Custom paintjob"


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Is this code for... Was a two tone but not anymore.


I have a few two tones and gradually they are getting a rattle can paintjob to become less offensive (sometimes the paint job works & sometimes it doesn't), I rarely paint a pew that I bought 'stock' & unblemished.


With the odd exception my toys are unpainted & I'd like to know why you've painted yours?

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Personally, I'm like you and my pews are the same colours that they & their parts came in.


Yes, there are plenty of examples of the custom paint job being one that was done to hide a pews two-tone origins and these are usually of a certain, somewhat poor quality. But then there are other examples where the pew is an expression of the owners personality or painted up because black isn't exactly camouflaged in the woods, there are some really nice paint jobs out there that would make me think twice about painting mine. That said, I have nowhere near the skill set to do a decent job and it'd end up looking worse than terrible so I'll just stick with black.

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For me that is part of the hobby alongside crafting your sniper hood or whatever you use. While I haven’t touched my Krytac (I am using a rifle wrap for that one) something as ugly as my AAP can only benefit from a custom paint job 🤣(and no it wasn’t a two tone).
I’ve pained my holster, coms including cable even my speed loader (as a guinea pig). 


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To me it depends on the gun. For example I'm happy to take a rattle can to a M4 but my SL8 is staying black as imo it looks far better that way

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I mostly make wraps or covers for my guns. I did take the plunge recently and covered my tac41 in tough tape. But my new VSS is gonna stay using a cover for as long as I can get away with. I'd hate to cover up its beauty. 


But I mostly will use tough tape if I want anything to be stealthy. It blends most of the year round, or at least acts as an excellent base for adding some green. Kills any reflections too, and it can be removed fairly easily in the future. 

Edited by Badgerlicious
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I used Camo tape and rubber bands to attach real vegetation at first. Than added burlap and some artificial leaves. That worked great but I would always have to adjust all the camo so that I could look through my optics because the camo was pushed up when you lay it on the side or simply by holding it. 
i now got myself a generic M4 gun wrap from Novritsch and it is actually quite good. I’ve added extra rafia. With the sturdy mesh you can easily attach stuff with cable ties. The advantage is you can take it off whenever you want and then put it back on for the next game. 
The extra camo isn’t moving around anymore sore the optics are not obstructed. 

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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