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New Double Eagle UTR DRP9 ... tidy little SMG with new feature

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... so it looks like a UTR with a choice of stocks, two mag options, and that new feature is a 'stop on empty' function.   Which I like the idea of, assuming it doesn't make the mags too expensive!

Now, Double Eagle, where's that commission check you promised, eh???

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I like it. it's a Striborg SPG9 which is unofficially known as the poor mans ARP9 but seems well liked by the shooting community in the US. I made a 3D printed version a while back.


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Nice, i like the stop on empty function so glad to see that popping up more.

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I've definitely become a fan of replicas of cheaper guns on the US civvie market vs ultra gucci mil-only 'we supplied 7 of these to Delta force and that's it' guns that cost thousands in their original firearm format.


Personally I'm crossing my fingers for something like a PSA or Aero AR AEG, hell even just better availability of the BCMs etc.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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