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Looking at potentially getting back into the sport, need a variety of RIFs servicing - North West


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So I've been out of the game for some time (transport, work and mental health takes a toll) and I'm moving house soon and with a new fixed work rota, I'll have my weekends available once more on a regular basis. I've been toying with the idea of getting back into the game as while it wasn't the best for the health of my wallet, it was alright for the health of my body (minus the scars). Everything has been sat for over a year or two so desperately needs work, alongside a couple of RIFs needing some more major work doing to them. Anyone have any recommendations for people that are willing to take on a pretty large order? Time scale isn't too important but obviously I don't want to be waiting a year for it.


Gun list (Might have brands wrong, lots of my knowledge has vanished)



Krytac SDP

Krytac CRB (Heavily modified, needs further work. It overhops .28's with no hop applied)


Ronin AK-47 derivative (Not sure, box says 'Blade of Ronin' and '6841C'. Never used)

Tokyo Marui AA-12 (This thing absolutely chewed through batteries when I used it. Like 8 in one day of CQB)

CA P90 (Cheap thing, unused for like 4 years minimum)



Tokyo Marui KSG-12 (DTD M4 Mag adaptor installed)


GBB Pistol

2x WE-T Gen 3 Glock 17

WE M92A1

Hi-Capa (Brand unsure)


NBB Pistol

HFC MK23 (Potentially broken trigger/hammer mechanism)



Something like 8x standard WE Glock 17 Mags

8x Double length WE Glock 17 Mags (Twin pistol days are fun okay)

2 or 3x TM KSG-12 gas tanks

2 I think MK23 mags

4 Hi-Capa mags (Actually tested, those things were holding gas after sitting unused for like 2 years. Godly seals)

Potentially mag springs in AEG/AA-12 box and 1x drum mag

3 P90 mags all need work


There's potentially something I've missed here but if I ever work through the stash and organise, I'd probably find it.

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Hi bud good to hear you are making a comeback🙂

I hope your health and wealth have improved,mainly your wealth really cause that little lot is gonna cost a few pennies to sort out.☹️


Could you sort out a working set to get you going for now and then look to getting the rest sorted?


But you never know there may be an Airsoft Angel 😇 on here with some time on their hands 😉


Good luck bud and enjoy your resurgence 👍



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Welcome back to the madhouse. I can't really help recommending a tech, but if the aegs have only been sat for a year or two it might be worth just plugging in a new battery to see if they're ok. No point wasting money on repairs if they aren't necessary.

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I'm not fully decided on committing but it's in the mind.


As for the AEGs, they will probably work with a fully charged battery but I'd prefer to get them at least cleaned and regreased beforehand.


For a working set, my Hi Capa is seemingly working, I'd have to check my KSG gas tanks as they always seemed to do well. All the seals on the Glock mags are shot though.


The biggest job is my CRB, its been worked on by several people and had all sorts done to it. I don't remember exactly what internals except for a Prometheus 6.03 barrel, a CNC Maxx Hop Unit (I think it was a Pro or something) and metal gears. It might have a motor but no idea. I used to run .28s and even with no hop that thing overhopped something fierce, so much so that I often had to turn it to a side or upside down to make the shot at short ranges. I only played CQC and I would probably go back to that first.

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Seriously, your aeg's should be fine, you'll take them to a tech, he'll pretend to agree with you, at best maybe squirt some lube through a straw in to any available aperture, wipe it over & test it with a charged battery, & charge you an an arm & leg for the privilege.

Your gas kit might have issues, but again nothing too difficult to sort yourself, most issues can be sorted with some spray silicone lube & some tpfe tape & bathroom silicone sealant if needed, it really can be that simple.

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I'd agree with the general consensus on here. 


Do some basic tests yourself and see what's working well. Get enough to see you through a game day or 2. If you haven't, I'd suggest picking up a new rif and offloading anything you don't absolutely love. Having a tech do proper checks will cost a fortune. 


All the rifs etc are just extra weight on the mind and a distraction from actually playing (which I think is the good bit) get stuff you love and can use. Keep anything you love and move anything you don't love on to pay for the new bits and free up head space. I always think a high quality item is better than 3 cheap ones. 


Unless teching is a side of Airsoft you love (and by the fact you even asked this question, I guess you don't) the whole tech side can be a slog that takes away from the pure joy of our sport and I've seen people get so wrapped up in it they forget the objective is to have fun playing army soldiers. 

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So, minor update.


I have a working AEG (The Krytac CRB) and I've charged one of the two 11.1 LiPo's I have, will charge the other.

I have a working pistol (Armourer Works Hi-Capa, I forgot the brand before). All 4 mags have gas seals that are holding.


I guess I might try half a day somewhere on Sunday to ease myself back into things.

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On 29/02/2024 at 19:12, Paltala said:

So, minor update.


I have a working AEG (The Krytac CRB) and I've charged one of the two 11.1 LiPo's I have, will charge the other.

I have a working pistol (Armourer Works Hi-Capa, I forgot the brand before). All 4 mags have gas seals that are holding.


I guess I might try half a day somewhere on Sunday to ease myself back into things.

I'm a bit cynical when it comes to 11.1 lipos, if you have any concerns about the viability of any of the aegs, you might want to invest in a 7.4 or two, definitely doesn’t put as much strain or pressure on your gearbox as an 11.1

Worth considering  🤔

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2 hours ago, Tackle said:


I do have 7.4's but my CRB has had a fair bit of work done to it to support 11.1s. Gearbox was upgraded, piston has metal teeth is memory serves me right with a gate titan v2 as well.


If the 11.1's do cause a damage, it's just an excuse to get more work done to it.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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