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Me & airsoft......in the Philippines

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Hi Guys....and possibly girls but won't get my hopes up.


Although I'm not new to airsoft I am new to these forums and as such it's only proper to do a brief introduction about myself. So strap yourself in, here we go!


I'm 31 years old and originally from Nottingham, my first airsoft gun was a piece of sh*t Double Eagle G36C with an FPS of around 180, it was great for about the first five minutes until i realized it was infact a turd. That was about 4 years ago.


Moving on four years I am now located in the Philippines where I play for a MILSIM team called Panther Squad. The team is made up of entirely Filipino's and I am the only Expat which I guess for visiting teams is a bit of a novalty, the team is made up of around 15-20 fully active members and we play each Sunday at various local game sites, all of which are awesome by my standards. These next two are my favorote:-


1. A full 7 hecter tropical jungle site complete with bunkers. ( just watch out for snakes)

2. A huge ex-military abandoned hospital and out buildings surrounded by various jungle out croppings.


The FPS out here is very high compared to that of the UK most AEG's are comping in at around 500-520 with sniper rifles being about 600+. Yes it may seem very high but in all the time playing here I have seen very few injuries as engagement distances are enforced and respected. Needless to say full face protection is a must.


My current main AEG setup is:-



Madbull tight barrel

Deepfire piston body

SP150 Spring

Titanium Carbide bushings

TU Silent piston head with double O ring

Upgraded hop rubber

and a few other little bits and pieces.


Current FPS is 512 on .23 BB's


i'll try and get some pics uploaded as soon as I get the chance.


Thanks for reading and hope to have an enjoyable time here on the UK forums. :D



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500......fook that would be fun, people would defo call hits.

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  Tropic_Blunder said:
1. A full 7 hecter tropical jungle site complete with bunkers. ( just watch out for snakes)

2. A huge ex-military abandoned hospital and out buildings surrounded by various jungle out croppings.


The FPS out here is very high compared to that of the UK most AEG's are comping in at around 500-520 with sniper rifles being about 600+. Yes it may seem very high but in all the time playing here I have seen very few injuries as engagement distances are enforced and respected. Needless to say full face protection is a must.


You have life sorted ! ;)

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I have the same gun as you! A&K M4 RIS!

It's just completely stock, shooting about 300 FPS on .20s :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

Welcome to the forums... can't believe how fun everything seems in the Philippines, I will remember that if ever I go on holiday there, its well worth renting :P Apart from the FPS puts me off a little :S


And on the whole girl front... the only active one on this forum is mine ;) better luck next time :P

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