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The take down and first time "trouble shooting"


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9 hours ago, Jaylordofwaargh said:

The trickiest part of getting my box back together was not have the tappet plate slip up on to the gear so it could actually close


If you have the sector rotated to keep the delayer unengaged from the tappet then as you close the halves a little push back on the nozzle usually takes the pressure off and lets it pop into place.


Usually the final stage of closing up a box is poking/prodding various gear shafts, the trigger and the nozzle to see which one of them is causing the binding.

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So it was indeed the tappet plate not engaged with the nozzle correctly...

The time constraints I have mean I only get 20/30min slots to do the the work. Yesterdays work included watching one of @Luke NegAir vids of a V2 which was eye opening as to the shimming process, and now I need a bag of shims....


I do need to pick up a long shafted screwdriver at some point, using a butter knife is just getting tedious for the buffer tube

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Ok, so here is where I currently am with it. 

It looks and sounds (?) Like it is not completing a cycle each trigger pull, and then on some pulls the motor still doesn't spin. 

The trigger unit itself seems fine and has solid connections so.....


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Have you checked your motor height? 



When I shimmed my gears, I found some more helpful vids on YouTube than Luke's. 


If I get time later I'll try island find them. 

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This chap has some good videos on gearbox wrangling.




Luke can be entertaining but not always coherent or linear in his vids 😂

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This one from the chap that SSPKali mentioned is very helpful for shimming: 


9 hours ago, Jaylordofwaargh said:

Ok, so here is where I currently am with it. 

It looks and sounds (?) Like it is not completing a cycle each trigger pull, and then on some pulls the motor still doesn't spin. 

The trigger unit itself seems fine and has solid connections so.....

Try it with a fully charged battery; that one appears to be very low.  If it is fully charged, something is preventing the geartrain/piston moving freely.  It does sound like something is rubbing.  What power spring is in it?  Have you tried it with a motor that you know is ok?

It looks like you are getting semi auto lockup; this happens when the gearbox stops in a position where the cutoff lever is still engaging the trigger trolley; it can be cleared by shooting in full auto.  This can be fixed by fitting an AB mosfet or a Gate Titan/Perun Hybrid type.

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  • 2 months later...
On 01/06/2023 at 19:11, Colin Allen said:

This one from the chap that SSPKali mentioned is very helpful for shimming: 


 This can be fixed by fitting an AB mosfet or a Gate Titan/Perun Hybrid type.

Battery is fully Charged.

Spring is stock was shooting at 345on 0.2's.

I have put in a new motor and it is still! Not cycling fully. It is likely I have over shimmed and tightened to much but that will be some thing to look at this afternoon. If after all of that, I may just go and buy another battery to see if that works....





Ok so. Reshimmed - check 

Gears engaged and spinning check, well - Kinda - 

Now seems that the trigger (and attached parts) are the issue.... If I lightly engage the trigger, it will behave perfectly both in semi and full, if I do a full trigger pull too fast then it doesn't engage fully and will do the skipping shots thing. 

So as of right now I am going to leave it alone and take it to my next game day (when ever that is), crono it and see what happens for a game or two. 

Edited by Jaylordofwaargh
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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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