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Best AEG


This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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16 minutes ago, nappa said:



What would you say was the best AR platform in AEG?



It would rather help us if you were to define what you mean by "best".

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1 minute ago, Colin Allen said:

It would rather help us if you were to define what you mean by "best".

The opposite to being shit

3 minutes ago, Enid_Puceflange said:

Probably the one at the end of the search function

this has been discussed about eleventeen million times 😂👍

Best out of the box? 
Probably any TM ngrs


I aim to please

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18 minutes ago, Enid_Puceflange said:

Probably any TM ngrs


Are. They. Fuck.


The likes of Eagle6 or Kingdom of Airsoft wouldn't exist is they were the 'best' guns out of the box.


Hold on...are we being trolled here by the OP...?







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1 hour ago, nappa said:

The opposite to being shit


I aim to please

Define what you mean by "shit".

1 hour ago, Speedbird_666 said:


Are. They. Fuck.


The likes of Eagle6 or Kingdom of Airsoft wouldn't exist is they were the 'best' guns out of the box.


Hold on...are we being trolled here by the OP...?








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1 hour ago, nappa said:



Wow thats not cheap, why would you say its as good as the price


I think it's got a recoil system, and is allegedly long ranged and accurate.  I was impressed when I watched videos about the guns, but that was a while ago now.


So my question mark was genuine, in that I don't know if it's actually a good system or not

Edited by RostokMcSpoons
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11 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

[*] Not you, VFC.


'Old' VFC weren't *that* bad. I had a HK416 that actually shot really well out of the box once upon a time (circa 2014). In a way I regret selling it because it looked great.


(I was going for a Norwegian-inspired build at the time.)


This was before they fitted their janky Ambi controls and shit mosfets to their guns mind you. I think their QA has taken quite a nose dive in more recent times.

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1 hour ago, Speedbird_666 said:



I mentioned VFC because I think Luke is in an "I'll never, ever touch 'em" phase (again).  Same with TM recoils.  Still, give it 5 minutes.

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TM Recoils out of the box. And even better with some fine tuning and most importantly to keep the TM magic dust - your on to a winner!

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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