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Thoughts on YT channel Negative Airsoft


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12 hours ago, noctu said:

A poem about a man who did psychology:



rabid feminists

feminists getting wind

up their duffs... women


Kind of works as a haiku too; but the last line's a bit off.

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YouTube - straight talking, no BS, and very entertaining and one of the few that agrees that TM recoils aren’t the dogs bollocks like people claim them to be ( I used to own one and sold it very quickly). 


personal experience - had him fix one of my guns last year; nice guy, knowledgeable and keeps you updated on progress, sending videos showing it working and on the chrono and charges a fair price.
Just waiting to have the money to send him my next one.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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