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Looks Like the Start Back Has Crashed and Burned


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I generally play at one of 4 sites.


2 have been given the go ahead from their respective councils (different areas) so games are on from today.


1 hasn't checked and just decided to stay shut until 12th.


The 4th is an FAO site and they're all waiting until 12th too. 


It's a small sample size but seems plenty will be opening for better or worse. 

Edited by DaveJayEm
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Watched this video just before reading this topic. I am very confused now. Seems like some councils are allowing games. The implication from the video and site he references are that the government reference airsoft as it was due to an incident with a bunch of lads turning up to essentially an unlicensed and uninsured event. Whereas If you go to a proper site it is "Organised" 



I am actually so confused and annoyed now haha. Some sites are going ahead but not mine.

Edited by gunbod007
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1 hour ago, DaveJayEm said:

I generally play at one of 4 sites.


2 have been given the go ahead from their respective councils (different areas) so games are on from today.


1 hasn't checked and just decided to stay shut until 12th.


The 4th is an FAO site and they're all waiting until 12th too. 


It's a small sample size but seems plenty will be opening for better or worse. 

What were the two open sites?

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The government advice is quite clear:

"Until your proposal for grassroots sport provision has been approved [by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport], your sport is not considered to be organised, so activity that goes beyond legal gathering limits should not take place. "

 - https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-grassroots-sports-guidance-for-safe-provision-including-team-sport-contact-combat-sport-and-organised-sport-events#team-sport-framework


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10 hours ago, Iisjreg said:

The government advice is quite clear:

"Until your proposal for grassroots sport provision has been approved [by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport], your sport is not considered to be organised, so activity that goes beyond legal gathering limits should not take place. "

 - https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-grassroots-sports-guidance-for-safe-provision-including-team-sport-contact-combat-sport-and-organised-sport-events#team-sport-framework


Yeah after reading the updated guidance it seems like the site from the video is in the minority and probably incorrect 

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It's not even really updated. What I quoted was on that page before the roadmap was published. It was guidance already established.

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All of this is as clear as mud really isn't it 😡


The below provides no useful guidance that I can see for airsoft sites...




... and according to the below...




... is airsoft acceptable from 12th April or 17th May? Is airsoft an "outdoor attraction" or "outdoor venue", what a nightmare for site owners.

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One of my local sites Humber airsoft is running from the 3rd April, they've said the council has given them the green light so I guess its fine.


Although I don't want to be turning up to a police car turning everyone away. 


Who knows.

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My games going ahead at Phoenix! Can't wait!

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