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New Player From Staffordshire


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Hi guys,

I've recently got into Airsoft and booked my first game in April. 

I used to love playing paintball but I didn't have the funds years ago to really get into it. Nowadays I have a bit more spare pocket money and I've seen some quite affordable options. My friend has introduced me to Airsoft and I've watched videos and things on YouTube. I've bought a pistol and a rifle and my friend gave me an old Molle vest and belt.

I've been shooting targets in my garden since Christmas and I'm really excited to get started. 

Can anyone give me tips on what to expect, and is there anyone going to Op-Tac on the 4th of April just so I don't feel like a stranger?


Edited by OldNoob81
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Hi @OldNoob81and welcome to forum. You will find lots of practical advice here.

Main thing is to make sure you have some good eye pro and sturdy footwear.try and make sure most of your skin is covered. You probably will go home with wealts and lumps!we all have! Lol.

Start out early on the 4th so that you have plenty of time to look around and get organised.sort your gear the night before so that it's all ready to sling in jam jar,do a little check to make sure you have all you need.

When you get to site and see all of us nuts in full battle dress with multiple weapons strapped to every limb,don't feel underdressed and keep in mind that all of us started somewhere. Ask questions, aitsofters love to talk! You will probably be hit with more advice than bb's lol.

Listen up to any instructions from staff and watch what others are doing. 

Its an easy learning process really,the hard part is funding it!lol

Have fun and let us know how you get on.👍

Ps check out @GAMBLEhe has a tube channel that is worth 👀watching.


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Hi @OldNoob81! 👋

Welcome to the forum, full of advice and like minded players! 🔫🤪👍

Good luck getting started in April, hopefully have a Great time and got some gear! 🔫🤞👍

Shoutout to @Shamal! 🔫😎👍


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Thanks guys, I think I've got everything I need now (all the gear and no idea)😁.

I'll see if I can start some conversation's while I'm there and make some new buddy's.

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Welcome to the slippery slippery slope. ;)

On what to expect, just be open, call your hits and have fun. You should find airsofters are a friendly lot.

I'm staffs based but out with a knee op so I'll see you on the field later in the year. :)

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Don't worry Chris.

As has been said, good eye protection and ankle support boots are the only essentials to worry about.

Its great you have all the kit already 👍


It may seem a bit intimidating and confusing at first.

Find a place to set up and get your kit sorted.  You'll start chatting to people around you who will likely be happy to help you if you have any questions.  (If they aren't friendly find a different spot)

Listen to the instructions of the organisers/marshals and follow your team to the start point.

Then just follow what everyone else is doing 😁


By lunchtime you'll be one of the regulars 😉


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My rifle and pistol are two tone red at the moment, can I paint over the red legally?

I don't want to be the 'bright red guy' when I go 😂

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  On 23/03/2021 at 14:46, OldNoob81 said:

My rifle and pistol are two tone red at the moment, can I paint over the red legally?

I don't want to be the 'bright red guy' when I go 😂


Evening and welcome.

Whereabouts in Staffs are you? I'm stoke(ish) area and would recommend trying First and Only's Anzio camp site in Leek, awesome site.


You wont be able to spray your bright colours black until you have a Ukara or equivalent defence, or you will be manufacturing a RIF, against the vcra.

It's only 3 games for Ukara, they will fly past!

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I'm in Stoke so I've been looking at all the local sites. I have a friend that goes to Anzio and I'd like to try Sierra in burslem. 

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Sierra's alright, been a while since I've been; Very dark in places and very tight. I'm gutted that Squad assault in Burslem closed; was at the old pottery place on Bournes Bank near the snooker/pool place. 

Theres a paintball site in Madeley as well that sometimes has airsoft events (unreal paintball maybe) that's good too.

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  On 24/03/2021 at 06:53, OldNoob81 said:

I'm in Stoke so I've been looking at all the local sites. I have a friend that goes to Anzio and I'd like to try Sierra in burslem. 



Welcome to Airsoft, there is a few good sites around Stoke

Westmidlands Airsoft FOB is really good site just outside of Stoke and they have really good rental equipment ideal for a new starter

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