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Hi All,


New to airsoft so thought I would introduce myself. Somewhat fat, mid/late 30s bloke who lives near Birmingham. Currently re-enacting as well but want to get more out of just shooting blank firers.


Have been looking into this for a few months now and decided to take the plunge.


Kit wise have a general idea of what i'm going for, Weapon wise would like an AK or similar however i would welcome and input in what not to get what to get.


Thanks for reading 



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Guest DrAlexanderTobacco

Hi mate,


First of all - welcome!


Plenty of decent sites near/in the the Midlands, there's a forums section here which has a list of sites you could poke around in.


With regards to gear, the most important thing to focus on is getting good eye protection, and face protection if you want to protect your teeth - plenty of options for both, but whatever you do, don't go cheap here. You've only got two eyes!


With regard to AKs - lots of good brands. Some to consider: Cyma, LCT, E&L. All 3 make AKs which are well regarded, pretty durable etc. Cyma is on the cheaper end.


Ask away if you have any specific questions

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Thanks DrAlexanderTobacc


Im currently looking at Bassetts Pole as this is the closest to me. 


I want to go milsim really but would like to be a little bit unique as well


So i have got osprey body armour MTP, Jungle Boots some generic Khaki trousers and was looking at a smock of some description. What's the way to go with face/eye pro and helmet?


AK wise I'm looking at LCT as they seem to be the way to go between affordability and quality. I already have PLI through my re-enactment group so purchasing a RIF shouldn't be too much of an issue as i already have a few. However I would get UKARA registration once I qualify.


Apart from that i really just need some ideas on what equipment to get without breaking the bank and not looking like a complete fool

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Ahoy.  The first thing you'll want to do is to try a rental package.  Almost all sites will rent you eye/face protection and an AEG carbine so that you can see if airsoft is for you.  The only thing I'd recommend in addition to that is decent boots with ankle support.


There's a pretty much unlimited amount that you can dump into it after that.  On eye protection, Pyramex i-Force dual pane glasses are a reasonable default choice, although there are as many opinions on that as there are airsofters.  I have to use dual pane goggles with a fan to be sure not to steam them up.


If you're after an AK, the CYMA CM.04x series (e.g. CM.045) is getting a fair amount of love at the moment.



  On 08/10/2020 at 10:35, GenuineGerman said:

not looking like a complete fool



Eh, we're playing dress up soldiers with toy guns.  On my first game day there was a guy in a Deadpool costume, which rather set the tone for me. ;)



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Thank Rgerborg


I will take that on board thanks for help :)


  On 08/10/2020 at 10:39, Rogerborg said:



Eh, we're playing dress up soldiers with toy guns.  On my first game day there was a guy in a Deadpool costume, which rather set the tone for me. ;)





Very true haha im sure its something i will enjoy and it might even help my fitness haha

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Come on in the water is lovely.lol

Love the opening lines. Honesty is the best policy although bit concerned that you dont know whether you are mid or late 30s! Is there anyone you could ask? πŸ˜‰

It's a great shame that the Grange/bravo one is closing. Played there a few times.

Anyway hope you find somewhere to call home soon.



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Hi Shamal


Many thanks, well I’m 36 so I can’t decide if that’s mid or late 30s. Maybe I need an independent opinion haha 

Thanks for the welcome 




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  • Head Moderator

Welcome :).

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  On 08/10/2020 at 10:35, GenuineGerman said:

AK wise I'm looking at LCT as they seem to be the way to go between affordability and quality. I already have PLI through my re-enactment group so purchasing a RIF shouldn't be too much of an issue as i already have a few. However I would get UKARA registration once I qualify.


Between affordability and quality? That would be CYMA, LCT is expensive and not all that much better. 


CM.040-48 series and CM.076-77 are what you're looking for. I still keep mine around, it's just too good to get rid of it. Never had to do anything with it, except for a bit of teflon tape to help air seal and she keeps rocking for years like it was just bought. I would love to say the same about my CM.077 but I bought it second hand and it doesn't give me any issues either, not sure about the previous owner. 


Just avoid CM.045C variant, C has railed metal handguard and it's complete dogshit... and AKS-74U handguards are surprisingly hard to get hold off if you want to replace them... wooden nowhere to be found, I had to order Plum from evike (USA...).


My AKs (CM.045C with changed handguard and dust cover) and pretty much stock CM.077 - which is AK102 with Magpul look-a-like furniture)




  On 08/10/2020 at 10:39, Rogerborg said:

Eh, we're playing dress up soldiers with toy guns.  On my first game day there was a guy in a Deadpool costume, which rather set the tone for me. ;)


On my first game there were two brothers dressed up as Mario and Luigi. I'm currently in the market for yellow tiger onesie to go with my baby meme Striker :P 


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  On 08/10/2020 at 18:08, GenuineGerman said:

Im 36 so I can’t decide if that’s mid or late 30s



As a fellow 36 year old, I can confirm that it's mid. It goes like this: 31, 32, 33 = Early

34, 35, 36 = Mid

37, 38, 39 = Late


....Oh and welcome! 


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  On 11/10/2020 at 08:11, Cr0-Magnon said:


As a fellow 36 year old, I can confirm that it's mid. It goes like this: 31, 32, 33 = Early

34, 35, 36 = Mid

37, 38, 39 = Late


....Oh and welcome! 



Well as an independent opinion thats work for me. Mid 30s it is. πŸ˜‚


Thanks for the welcome πŸ™ 

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