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Need Advice - HPA Conversion (Marui M40a5)

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So you just bought a SPRING Sniper rifle and want to convert to HPA?.....Um, you can't. 


Well you can but its pointless.  You may as well have bought a £50 Well springer and gutted it than buy a £300 Tokyo Marui.  Kinda silly to spend all that money then gut the rifle.  I am guessing you are pretty new to airsoft?  Go and read some of the introductory posts about getting started.  Oh and no likes HPA users anyway.


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There's lots of HPA kits for sniper rifles.

Skirmshop or High Pressure Airsoft are likely your best bets:




I'm not familiar with them whatsoever I'm afraid so I can vouch for which ones are good, or which ones to avoid.


@proffrink  is our resident HPA expert.

I think @Monty had HPA Sniper rifles too (though I can't remember the last time Monty was here...)


7 minutes ago, EvilMonkee said:

You may as well have bought a £50 Well springer and gutted it than buy a £300 Tokyo Marui.  Kinda silly to spend all that money then gut the rifle


I mean, people do this all the time with sniper rifles with spring internals all the time anyway. 

No harm in splashing out extra for the better externals of the Marui over the kinderegg plastic of the Well if he wants a great overall rifle, inside and out.

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17 minutes ago, L3wisD said:


@proffrink  is our resident HPA expert.

There might have been a time when that was true, but probably not anymore I'm afraid. I'm a bit out of the loop on the latest goings-on.


However for this question: SDiK is quite nice, Bolt is marginally more competitive (shorter, lighter bolt cycling). I would go with the SDiK if you don't mind the fact that it shoots a little slower (is this even a problem for such a gun?) and a tiny bit louder. Just make sure you use good quality pneumatic line and not some thin-walled stuff for fish tanks, or it will explode (not dangerously, but annoyingly). I've shot the Bolt and owned two of the SDiK. Both will accept a CO2 bulb (if that's your jam later on), but the Bolt needs space for a battery (not a big deal in a VSR, but check how much room you have in the stock for a CO2 adapter and battery if you're using the M40. I'm sure a million people have already done this.


The Mancraft HRR looks great (again if you want that lightweight CO2) but I've never touched one.


Can order directly from Mancraft if you want to by the way.


I agree with @EvilMonkee though - you will be stripping out a major part of a nice gun. This is a better operation to do on a cheap body, then upgrade the hop and barrel accordingly (consistent power source, good hop unit and a nice barrel finish are the holy trinity of getting a really nice firing airsoft gun of any kind, but so much more so in a sniper rifle). If you can find a donor gun for a reasonably amount of money, you should do that and even consider selling the TM. They are nice guns out of the box, but if you're going to the effort of moving to HPA and really want the best of the best, even a well adjusted TM hop and barrel probably won't do that in a sniper rifle.


All of this is eclipsed by the fact that if this is your first BASR, you should get used to using it normally for a few months or a year first anyway. I don't know how much you've played so I might be stating the obvious but sniping gameplay is a lot different to anything else and you will have to do a lot of your own fiddling around with any sniper rifle to get it shooting in that top percentile (really the only justification for stripping it out and going with HPA in the first place). If you're not up for replacing the hop unit, barrel (and spacers, maybe a trigger etc.) it's not worth doing. Changing the power source alone won't get it shooting much better.

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50 minutes ago, L3wisD said:

There's lots of HPA kits for sniper rifles.


Fair enough - news to me as am not really into sniping.  I stand by my point though.

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tbh i'm not sure what hpa really offers for the BASR world, even quietness to some extent is a moot point given it's possible to get a spring gun pretty quiet.


you're not doing it for consistency or rate of fire because you can get consistency from a spring gun and if you cared about rate of fire you'd be building a dmr.


which just leaves adjustable energy which is kinda meh unless you go to a bunch of sites with different limits.


all thats left is a smoother bolt pull


i'm with evilmonkee on this i wouldn't bother, especially if you're not going co2 so you have a tank to deal with.

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