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Looking for Buddy Around Stratford London

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Hi all,


I decided to start with Airsoft again after 8 years and I would like to buddy up with someone around my location to go play with together. I played for 4 years in Czech Republic and stop when I moved to London. So I don't know anyone in this country to play with and as (I believe) most of you know go play by yourself is not best feeling.


So is here someone around Stratford (London) or close East London area that would take one team mate under their wing?


Thanks for responses 

Your truly

Angry Pete

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Myself and George play out sometimes. I am based in Dagenham just down the road. I am kind of useless unless you like my company as I cannot drive!


I typically head out on the train Essex way to go to a site. But I tend to go to as many as I can get to on Public transport. 


Check out the SE Tour reviews in the Skirmish review part of the forum. That will give you a good overview of what's around. 

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Hi Asomodai


I already spoke with George and we possibly will meet up soon as we live 20 min away from each other.


So I guess I will see you soon.

I will have look on that.


Angry Pete

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On 31/07/2020 at 17:35, Asomodai said:

Myself and George play out sometimes. I am based in Dagenham just down the road. I am kind of useless unless you like my company as I cannot drive!


I typically head out on the train Essex way to go to a site. But I tend to go to as many as I can get to on Public transport. 


Check out the SE Tour reviews in the Skirmish review part of the forum. That will give you a good overview of what's around. 


Hi Asmodai.


Your reviews are amazing.


I am without a car too so public transport it is. haha

I just need to start quickly my UKARA application.


Dagenham is like 40 min on bike from me. 

Hopefully see you soon.


Angry Pete



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@AngryPete I’m @Asomodais personal Uber driver :D  (Jokes, we tend to play on and off together and I’m happy to give him a lift when I’m playing or we choose sites and try them out) and there tends to be a spare seat in the car, I’m north London based so next time me and him head out if you can get up towards me (I can pick you up from canonbury or upper Holloway overground or archway tube really easily) then I’m happy to let you know 

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On 02/08/2020 at 19:32, Albiscuit said:

@AngryPete I’m @Asomodais personal Uber driver :D  (Jokes, we tend to play on and off together and I’m happy to give him a lift when I’m playing or we choose sites and try them out) and there tends to be a spare seat in the car, I’m north London based so next time me and him head out if you can get up towards me (I can pick you up from canonbury or upper Holloway overground or archway tube really easily) then I’m happy to let you know 


That's sounds like amazing offer. Thank you very much @Albiscuit. I just need to sort out my own gun and then I will take any opportunity I can get.

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Let me know when your ready. Not a hardship to meet up and travel together.

Post Covid nonsense though. 

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  • 3 months later...

Hi guys, hoping to don't mind me jumping in on this thread? I'm North London (Enfield) based and I'm thinking of getting involved in airsoft and you all sound localish!

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Hey @AngryPete, add me that East London crew. I am just in Custom House. Like @Asomodai I am public transport bound (he is much luckier having @Albiscuit  as driver, ha!).


I will be touring the SE (well londonish on public transport) over the next few months starting with Red1. 90mins on bus and too fucking early on a sunday, but I reckon it will be worth it. 


Also please see the the soon to be posted link to upgrade @Albiscuit to a 7 or 15 seater

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