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Where to find; KTW Ithaca M37 Sawnofff?

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Out of stock everywhere I can see, is there a newer model by anyone that I might find still in stock somewhere? or any places I can find one used (none on ebay)?


Apologies if this is the wrong section but can't find this anywhere and didn't know where else to look for help.


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3 hours ago, BigStew said:

heres one https://www.anareus.eu/detail.php?id=9656. however they are garbage i only have one for my colonial marine costume they are not skirmishable 


Out of stock. Going through Airsoftdb will show up anything on Anareus and partners as in stock even though it is not. 

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You’ll never find a decent copy of an Ithaca so why not buy something like this then make your own ? 

Chop the barrel and stock down , fill the hole in the stock handle bit of a paint job and you’ll be good to go ? 


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Could always get the long one and cut it down. Seen that about. I would say the trishot ones are better. Although the Ithaca is a lovely looking gun. 

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It's mostly for aesthetics, not to really be used - plan to have some sewing shop add some molle cutting on the rear hydro pouch and add a simple shottie scabbard on the side with some kind of super-lightweight-shorty on it, I've been eyeing this; https://www.surplusstore.co.uk/hs-mad-max-sawn-off-shotgun-2350.html but it's pretty expensive and I would really like a pump action on it.



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23 minutes ago, paradoxum said:

It's mostly for aesthetics, not to really be used - plan to have some sewing shop add some molle cutting on the rear hydro pouch and add a simple shottie scabbard on the side with some kind of super-lightweight-shorty on it, I've been eyeing this; https://www.surplusstore.co.uk/hs-mad-max-sawn-off-shotgun-2350.html but it's pretty expensive and I would really like a pump action on it.



The shells for that are absolutely atrocious ! You basically have to completely rebuild them replacing all the seals filler the lot 🤬

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First one , I had one and a team mate had one yrs ago and they were BAD !

second , I’ve used the same model with the stock and it was good but I don’t think worth the money .

third , couldn’t say never seen one .

forth , wouldn’t trust Evike as far as I could throw them ! 

The next few ? Much of a muchness .lasts the one I’d have for your needs if I was in your shoes .👍

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9 minutes ago, Druid799 said:

First one , I had one and a team mate had one yrs ago and they were BAD !

second , I’ve used the same model with the stock and it was good but I don’t think worth the money .

third , couldn’t say never seen one .

forth , wouldn’t trust Evike as far as I could throw them ! 

The next few ? Much of a muchness .lasts the one I’d have for your needs if I was in your shoes .👍


The Golden Eagle M8877? I like the look,, relatively cheap, should do for what I want it for.  Only 1.7kg.



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Yup that’s the one I like the most if just for the looks if anything.

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12 hours ago, paradoxum said:

Thanks, guess I'll go for that! Will post pics with it holstered etc when recieved and all setup.


Thanks again.

You do realise now you’ve actually decided on a model you want it’s going to be out of stock EVERYWHERE !😳

Welcome to Airsoft ! 🤦‍♂️

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