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Best mags for M4?

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What mags do you recommend for an M4?

I heard someone say certain ones feed better, I've only been airsofting for 7 months so still learning things.


I'm needing to buy 4x Mid-Caps for a MilSim in May.

Was going to get the Nuprol ones, just wanted to check if these are recommended are not?


Thanks :)

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I've been using Nuprol's metal midcaps for a while and have had no issues, feed absolutely fine in my Krytac CRB, G&G CM16 and Fn2000.


Some people hate Nuprol, and some of their stuff is a bit cheap, but I can't complain about these. 

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Nuprol midcaps are OK. I have a few that work quite well. 

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Best all around quality out there is the PTS EPS, no doubt.  Same plastic as a lot of quality firearm mags/accessories, just objectively superior to anything else I've seen on the airsoft market over the years.  Pricey, but if you only need a few, need them to work for an event you've travelled to and paid a lot for etc worth the investment, especially given how long they'll last.

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1 hour ago, CKinnerley said:

Best all around quality out there is the PTS EPS, no doubt.  Same plastic as a lot of quality firearm mags/accessories, just objectively superior to anything else I've seen on the airsoft market over the years.  Pricey, but if you only need a few, need them to work for an event you've travelled to and paid a lot for etc worth the investment, especially given how long they'll last.


Second this, the PTS magazines I own have never given me troubles (Both standard and recoil variant)

If you were to buy another manufacturer, I've also never had any issues (fitment/feeding) with MAG magazines, both their AR and AK variants. 

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