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KWA MP7 - a good buy or not?!

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Hi all,


So I stupidly 'strolled' through the Action Hobbies sale section on pay day and accidently bought a KWA MP7 with the MP7 suppressor and five magazines...for £165.00.


It was somewhat impulsive to say the least.


What I am asking is - have I got a good buy here or not?!



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I heard it's not a great GBB.

But, with the money you saved you can buy a HPA tank, a regulator and tap those mags :D

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For that price you could sell it on in a couple months and probably make money. 


From what ive seen and heard, they’re not full travel, they’re hot fps wise and I’ve seen the backs blow out on them where the 2 pins hold everything in. 


Should be fine as a cqb weapon or a snipers occasional secondary. Wouldn’t swap my Tm for one though. @Davegolf I believe owned both so should be able to tell you more. 

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As @Wo1f said they are hot standard, so you need a different BCG.


Also as said above the receiver plate will break out the back after a while, the best way to stop this is to mount a rear RIS sling mount, this will basically link the receiver plate into the upper RIS rail - which is hench.


They are then fine for sub 30M CQB work then.


Or you could return it (inside your 14days grace) buy a TM, let me mod your hop, and have a 60M laser sewing machine that fits inside your back pocket :D


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  On 01/03/2019 at 12:56, Davegolf said:


Or you could return it (inside your 14days grace) buy a TM, let me mod your hop, and have a 60M laser sewing machine that fits inside your back pocket :D




PM me some info please :)  

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  On 01/03/2019 at 12:56, Davegolf said:

As @Wo1f said they are hot standard, so you need a different BCG.


Also as said above the receiver plate will break out the back after a while, the best way to stop this is to mount a rear RIS sling mount, this will basically link the receiver plate into the upper RIS rail - which is hench.


They are then fine for sub 30M CQB work then.


Or you could return it (inside your 14days grace) buy a TM, let me mod your hop, and have a 60M laser sewing machine that fits inside your back pocket :D




Ha, thanks, will see how it goes!

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  On 01/03/2019 at 13:15, Albiscuit said:


PM me some info please :)  


Take it from someone who’s had a recoil built by him... fucking amazing range. 

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I was saying in our PM convo, It shoots fine as it, and I only really bought it to use at The Mall, now thats gone a little more range would be useful.


Let me start using it again and see, he may have another customer soon ;) 

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