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Which is the best under £50 NBB pistol

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So I recently bought into the Airsoft game with a high price sniper and am looking to buy a sidearm to go with it. I spent a lot on the rifle and upgrades without thinking about a sidearm. So with about 50 quid left I was wondering what would be the best pistol to buy and from where. Preferably somewhere that delivers to the UK.

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Honestly, wherever you can find it in stock.


The cheapest was Taiwan gun but they sell out in minutes. 


PatrolBase and Skirmshop sell for around £40 and are UK based.


Are you planning on upgrading it?

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And I fourth it ! I ‘think’ if you buy a mk23 and it’s not a TM then you pretty much guaranteed it’ll be the same gun in the box no matter what name is ON the box ! I bought mine from Battlezone and it was listed as a HFC gun , team mate had his from Taiwan gun where it’s listed as STTI and it’s the same gun (even same box just a different manufacturer sticker on the side of it) and as stated above the ASG will be the same gun as well ! 👍

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You won’t find cheaper than that in stock. UK always seem to be more expensive. That’s why Skirmshop are sold out, could be worth emailing them to find out when they will be back in stock?


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