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Ammo Counter - Tachyon V2

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put some .20s in a low/mid cap first, when you normally use a much heavier BB, the severe overhop will tell you the mag is empty 😉


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8 minutes ago, MisterG said:

put some .20s in a low/mid cap first, when you normally use a much heavier BB, the severe overhop will tell you the mag is empty 😉



not a bad idea actually, might do that as i normally run .3's but keep .2's for the mg

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, I've randomly found this forum and this thread, it's wonderful to read through your opinions.

I myself hate how expensive it is, I really want to make it cheaper in the future, but so far in the current quantities, I've had no other choice. Almost half of the production price goes to 3D printing of the enclosure, which is ridiculous considering that it could cost a few cents if it was produced in quantities like 1000 pcs and up. 

If I were to cut anything off the other half (electronics) it would lose the features that make it so interesting. 

I wanted to make it as cheap as I could the last time, and I ended up by earning something like 50€ off the whole batch 😕

Again, if I decided to produce them in large numbers, the price could could drop by as much as half but I don't want to commit to it like that just yet,  because I still have school to attend...

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You've done far more than 99% of little whiners and actually created something my friend, that is and always will be the fact of the matter, well done.  All the best with it.


Personally I don't get a lot of posts in here about timing reloads, you don't count shots so you know when you need to perform an emergency reload, you count shots so you've got a rough idea whether it'll make sense to top off and move to a fresh mag when an opportunity presents itself ('lull in the battle' in the old parlance).  Anyone with working eyes and ears can hear and see when their standard AEG is dry firing on empty vs propelling bbs.


I think it's a cool product aesthetically with some application.  Personally I'd opt for translucent mags and/or mental arithmetic because if you've spent enough time bb-warring/on ranges & exercises/shooting for sport (hell even FPSs) you get used to doing that after practice.  Or there's the alternating tracer round (or BB equivalent) method; like most folks who've ever deployed my mags had a strawberry flavour 556 every 4 rounds of chocolate.  So there's plenty of alternatives.  However sitting around complaining does nothing to create anything and having read the same stuff the past 13 years it's become quite clear such attitudes are at best unhelpful and potentially contributory to the fact airsoft tech basically hasn't evolved since Marui man 27 years ago.

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57 minutes ago, delta129 said:

Hey guys, I've randomly found this forum and this thread, it's wonderful to read through your opinions.

I myself hate how expensive it is, I really want to make it cheaper in the future, but so far in the current quantities, I've had no other choice. Almost half of the production price goes to 3D printing of the enclosure, which is ridiculous considering that it could cost a few cents if it was produced in quantities like 1000 pcs and up. 

If I were to cut anything off the other half (electronics) it would lose the features that make it so interesting. 

I wanted to make it as cheap as I could the last time, and I ended up by earning something like 50€ off the whole batch 😕

Again, if I decided to produce them in large numbers, the price could could drop by as much as half but I don't want to commit to it like that just yet,  because I still have school to attend...

Nice to see you join the forum and share with the community, if you’d like, drop me a PM with a little about the 3D bits- I work with a few 3D printers and a couple give good prices. 


Similarly, if you do go up to injection moulding, I can supply info on companies that do the same- no ties to me, just customers who I have seen work with some of the big guns in industry.

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