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Reflex sight or 1x Optic recommendations

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Hi all,

So my run-of-the-mill £15 reflex sight I had for 10 years finally broke. (It looked something like this http://image.sportsmansguide.com/adimgs/l/6/617798_ts.jpg).

Since I've never had the luxury of trying out different styles of optics /aiming devices, I would like some recommendations.

Things I am looking for are:

  • £30-£50 (though if you know something cheap and cheerful, do tell!)
  • Wide field of view
  • Good light transmission
  • Crisp crosshair
  • (Good parallax - for this price point)

Note: I've never been a fan of enclosed style of sights i.e. T-1 or M2, as I feel that they will make my tunnel vision even worse, if you understand what I mean.


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Shame you're not a fan of enclosed sights. The T1 would definitely have been my next recommendation after one of those little reflex sights, which I would still say get a replacement for anyway - yours lasted a long time after all for such a small price! Kind of limiting yourself a bit as to what your options are. 


What gun are you sticking it on? That Ares Amoeba 008 listed in your profile?

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1 hour ago, Gepard said:

Shame you're not a fan of enclosed sights. The T1 would definitely have been my next recommendation after one of those little reflex sights, which I would still say get a replacement for anyway - yours lasted a long time after all for such a small price! Kind of limiting yourself a bit as to what your options are. 


What gun are you sticking it on? That Ares Amoeba 008 listed in your profile?


I am open to trying the enclosed style out. Could you send me a link to your T1 anyway? Some manufacturers may make better ones than I've seen.

Yea that cheap reflex lasted me a while, but it never held zero well, and the reticle blurry. I stuck to it because I was cheap. Now is a chance for an upgrade.

And yes, it'll be on my Ares Amoeba.


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2 hours ago, Gepard said:

I would still say get a replacement for anyway


+1.  I have two of those, they work well, and are easier to use than an enclosed sight.  Why take a technological step backwards?

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28 minutes ago, jeffery7466 said:


I am open to trying the enclosed style out. Could you send me a link to your T1 anyway? Some manufacturers may make better ones than I've seen.

Yea that cheap reflex lasted me a while, but it never held zero well, and the reticle blurry. I stuck to it because I was cheap. Now is a chance for an upgrade.

And yes, it'll be on my Ares Amoeba.



Never been a fan of those sights, they've always felt extremely cheap (as in quality of materials and construction)


You should try the T1 style sights, they're enclosed, yes, but they don't limit your vision.. i mean, you are supposed to aim with both eyes open, your brain will pretend the sight's body isn't there.

I personally use this https://hobbyking.com/en_us/aim-o-t1-micro-red-dot-sight-with-qd-high-mount-silver.html?___store=en_us in FDE.

Best replica dot i've had so far, dot is crisp and doesn't lose zero..


Your best bet would be to go to a shop and try them out on your gun..

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12 minutes ago, Skara said:

Never been a fan of those sights, they've always felt extremely cheap (as in quality of materials and construction)


Yes, we wouldn't want that on a toy gun. ;)


They work well enough, or at least mine do.

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4 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:


Yes, we wouldn't want that on a toy gun. ;)


They work well enough, or at least mine do.


I gave up on cheap sights, i bought a C-More replica for around €20 some time ago, it lasted 3 game days, then the lens randomly popped out from the gun's recoil (and ffs i have Amoebas, not GBBS 🤣)


oh, btw, i got the t1 for free from a guy who didn't like it and bought an Aim-O EXPS for his TM 416

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I use a walthers Ps22.

Basically it's a IR 1x30mm. There are loads of cheaper versions of it.

I like mine a lot, It's very clear, and because it's a larger tube and comes with the cantilever riser mount I find it fits on a lot of guns and works well with a huge range of eye pro. It's also comfortable because it sits higher.

As for the tunnel vision, If you are getting that the scope is mounted too far back on the gun. A 1x red dot tube should be forward mounted giving you a good 3 inches of eye relief. You use them with both eyes open, and the red dot just blends with your vision if it's mounted right. And  you keep the peripheral vision.



If you want zoom then there is a whole range of larger 1.5-4x30 scopes that work well for airsoft. And I recommended a 2-7x32 hawke recently to @AK47frizzle


Perhaps he can chime in with how he's finding that.


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I guess that was the problem. The times I tried the enclosed style scopes, they were mounted on other people's guns, so they may have positioned them too close to the eye.

I have a game next weekend so I'll ask around and try other people's again.

I already have a 1x-4x, and i only use it for outdoors - Im very happy with it!


So on my list now are:

Good old reflex sight

Valken V Tactical 1x30



*Has anyone used the Leapers UTG 1x32?: https://www.tacticalscope.co.uk/leapers-utg-1x32-cqb-red-green-single-target-dot-sight--2-qd-base-mounts---scp-ds3840w-816-p.asp

Slightly out of my price range, but I guess I could skip pub once or twice.




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20 hours ago, jeffery7466 said:

they were mounted on other people's guns,


Most people don't know how to use stuff.. I often see people putting magnifiers IN FRONT of dots, or EOTechs basically slammed into their eyes, the complaining about their optics not being accurate 😕


Btw, the SRS is f*cking hideous lol, but hey, if it works ;)



That UTG dot resembles a handicapped t1 with huge dials 😕 don't really like it

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