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Pouch for extended Glock magazine

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a p90 and ump would be far to big to retain it, assuming you don’t want ones with the flap over it. 

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Well, have you ever held a double stack 9mm pistol mag?  MP5 is also double stack 9mm with a thin metal construction like most popular pistol magazines.  So either a generic SMG pouch for the MP5, or the extended TACOs.  Or if you fancy a chest rig, the Spiritus/Haley/WTF Gear.  Would not recommend a short pouch at all, long pistol mags in GBBs weigh a lot and you would likely end up losing mags through momentum and movement, not to mention the leverage forces created by the majority of the mass of the mag being unrestrained are quite substantial.

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I have had the same problem but I fixed it by raping the flap that normally goes over the mag around the extended mag and then clipping it back in to place. Seems to work well as I haven't lost the bloody thing yet😂🤣

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