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new L85 on the market!

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ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok this looks cool



i thought hubert might like if i shared!

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I've been watching the development, over these past 2-ish years, and I have to say I'm amazed at how quickly this is been finished in the last 6 months.


It looks nice. I have to say, I'm very tempted.

True, I'd much prefer it to have the bigger front...but beggers can't be choosers. Sadly, a lack of funds, and hopefully going to Uni next year mean that I probably won't be picking one of these up. (Ok, that, and I'm waiting in the of chance that they do make an L86 :lol:)


But seriously...what the hell his grip?! Someone really needs to stop watching those "dynamic shooting" DVDs.... :rolleyes:

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haha yeah +1 i dont know where someone leart to shoot like that, i also dont know why he was allowed to put that in his video!

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annoying thing is, lefty's get a face full of charging handle.

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probably disappears in 2 seconds anyway :P

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probably disappears in 2 seconds anyway :P


I suppose so, the propane molecules recombine with the air molecules and is rendered harmless.


But if you breathe too much because it's denser than air, it will fill up the bottom of your lungs and suffocate you, and when you talk you'll have a very deep voice.

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the opposite of helium huh?


Yes because helium is lighter than air, and I think is the 2nd lightest gas of all (1st is Hydrogen but this is dangerous to use in balloons etc) it makes your voice higher pitched.


Breathe in heavier air = deep voice.


Breathe in lighter air = high voice.


Just don't breathe any hydrogen lol, because it's highly flammable, so flammable it's explosive, and when mixed with oxygen you get oxyhydrogen (if it 2 parts oxygen and 1 part hydrogen) , and the oxygen is a pure oxidant, which is lethal, I know this because I've done various experiments with it.


Anyway that's enough science for a day.

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Considering saving up for one of these, but I'm a little worried by the crazy FPS, can we regulate that nowadays or what? (I'm new to gas guns)


What you want to do is look at install a NPAS kit in any GBBR (Gas blow back rifle) this will allow you to change the FPS of the gun regardless of what gas you are using.


If you don't want to do that then you should use either Green Gas or 134A.

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you have bollocks? :P hehe but that looks good

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Funny, really funny :P

I'm so tempted.....

What do people on here prefer, rails or theft standard hanguard?

Would also give me an.excuse to buy a propane adapter...

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im liking the RIS, i might have to magpul it out though :P so AFG and Magpul rail covers...thats it lol

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