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How widely were orange mags used in real steel AKs?

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I wanted to buy some extra LCT mags - preferably black or plum. Most of the midcaps in those colours are out of stock though.


There are quite a few orange ones of all types still available..


Now I have nothing against orange, but I wondered how widely these were used by the Russian military, and with which models.


I'm not a milsim man so I have nothing against using orange mags, unless they happen to be completely inappropriate on some guns. Both my AKs are shorties -  a 74 un with skeleton stock, and a 106 with polymer folding stock. Would orange look out of place on either of them?


Does anybody know the rationale behind the Russian decision to make orange and plum coloured mags. Not exactly tactical colours, are they? Or maybe the shades they use are? Don't know because I am colour blind.

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Thanks for the link.


I've been doing a little more research and it seems there are no hard and fast rules. There have been so many different variants.


AKs seem to be used outside the official military with whatever mags are available.


In the past I have only associated the orange ones with the LCKS74UN sub-carbine with the metal skeleton stock and wood foregrip. My AK74UN is the same size with same stock, but has rails instead of wood at the front. I think the orange mag would probably look OK on it.

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Plus once you factor in all the other communist countries makeing them under licence as well ?

theres probably hundreds of variation in colour ! 

Also if someone actually says “oh there the wrong colour for THAT model AK!” Id say just look at them with utter contempt and tell em to get a life ! 🤦‍♂️


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21 minutes ago, Wo1f said:

Love me some forgotten weapons


the only youtube channel that i can honestly say i have watched literally every video he's uploaded.

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