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Best Place To Buy A Dynatex BFG Online?

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Can anyone give me a recommendation for the best place to buy one of the timed Dynatex BFG’s online? 


Pretty much given up on ever getting the one I bought from SWAT. 





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Don't leave it "primed" in your bag for weeks that you forgot about, can become sticky


You can make a 9mm to .203 adapter using a alloy tube or something if req

(or buy adapter, but a DIY adapter sleeve works well too to use cheap .203 primers) 

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8 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

God dammit, both PatrolBase and ZeroOne are out of stock. :angry:




dunno if still works but 5% off non-sale items with voucher:




as I say dunno if it still works but might and better than a kick in the nutz

(which if you keep buying stuff - missus might perform on you & your toy guns)

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2 hours ago, Sitting Duck said:

as I say dunno if it still works but might and better than a kick in the nutz

(which if you keep buying stuff - missus might perform on you & your toy guns)


"Why, no, dear, that latest delivery isn't for me, it's for my workmate.  Recall that I said I'd got him into this sporting activity.  Now I will pass on that new item of sporting equipment to him, and not keep it for myself, in my collection of sporting equipment that you said, and I remind you, you didn't want to see or know about."


The perfect crime.


On topic, AIrsoftWorld is generally a good shout and they also sell .209 primers.  But that Dynatex is the 9mm / .38, it doesn't seem to come with the .209 adaptor. :(

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Socom have them in stock but dont appear to want to sell me one as they are not answering the phone or replying to emails. Seems the SWAT brand of customer service is rubbing off on them. 


I will need to order an adaptor for the .209 primers. I have well over 1000 of them so they need to be used!

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And Airsoft World?


Sorry but with the best will in the world there are about 10 retailers on the first page of Google results. Give them a go. If you're unsure of how reputable they are then use this section to look up some feedback from the members. Other than that, go for the best price you can find!



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That was my original question. I wanted to know who people had bought from as I have just been pretty much ripped off by SWAT and have never used any of the 10 companies you mention. 


I have done my research mate, honestly, you dont need to treat me like I want others to do the work for me. 

Google is not my friend in this situation as I prefer people who have actually bought the item I want, to let me know who they bought it from. 

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Apologies for being a bit terse initially but I don't think I understand the premise of the question then. There are a lot of retailers there who sell a lot of goods and are well reviewed in that very section (some of them really big names in fact) . Selling a BFG is no different to a battery, gun, the blanks that that BFG uses, surely?


If you want one or two forum users here to tell you they've had a good experience buying specifically a BFG from one of these then you might get lucky I'm sure, but I don't think you're going to leave here with any more information than when you entered. Especially if you've already checked out our subforum that's here for this sort of thing.


Probably more pertinent is who has the adapters in stock as those could be the important bit. Have you decided on .320 vs. .203 vs. 12ga? Then I might be able to find a retailer I've used for BFG-related things who also has the adapter in stock alongside the nade you want.

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As for adapter - you just get a tube/sleeve aprox 20/25mm long


ID 6.2mm x OD 9mm aprox type of thing......

You might track something down on the imperial side of things.....


Now being that an old alloy/steel/brass aeg barrel is say 6.08mm x 8.5mm aprox....

Bit of aluminium heat tape wrapped around the outside and a bit of filing inside

(the .209 primer only goes in about 8mm into tube/sleeve/diy adapter anyway)


Just something you might look into if you get stuck on adapter or avoiding the cost

I bought my timed BFG from zero one - jeez had to fill in form and scan/email it back

(kid you not, they had my ukara but still had to fill in a form and scan/send it back)


Ordered adapters - but they were for the OLD BFG's not the NEWER models

(this was about 4 years btw - and they were great at taking the old ones back for full refund)

Unfortunately they were out of stock of NEW adapters so I had to improvise

Others have done similar stuff, it comes as 9mm by default, but the .209's are like 6p or so

instead of say 30p for 9mm blanks - tbh there is not a massive " BANG " difference imho


That said if people can't improvise then adapter is available in many places....





(like I did and had to return...)





Just buy the damn thing, a small box of 9mm to get you going for the moment

.209's are great - but f*ck me are they ultra tiny to f*ck about with in the game with gloves on

And even 30p Vs say 6p it is still a big saving over pyro's

(I'm going with a rough ballpark figure - you can get these cheaper in bulk I know)


BUT then you can't use BFG's at Mall so it is horses for courses and all that crap

You can get yourself going with say 9mm then sort out a 209 adapter or DIY etc....


Agree with @proffrink - I don't know which I'm more shocked about tbh....

people's Google-Fu or lack of ingenuity/work around/bodge (whatever you wish to call it)


Still think that covers most stuff in the end

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Have ordered from Socom. 


Just a quick point and that will be me finished on this. 


I am in Northern Ireland, to buy blanks of any kind you need to get an explosives license from the Police. I already have two TRMR grenades and just over 1100 .209 primers and 130 12g mag flash blanks, so I am sorted ammunition wise. I have checked with Socom and it comes with the .209 adaptor. I only plan to use these with the Dynatex as I use the mag flash with the TRMR’s. 


I am on day 24 of waiting for my SWAT VTG so I was extremly hesitant about ordering from another company I had never used before, hence my original question. 


Thanks for all the replies. 

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Oh and before anyone says anything, 1000 .209 primers is the smallest amount you can buy over here. 

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49 minutes ago, AlMcCann said:

1000 .209 primers is the smallest amount you can buy over here. 


<State Logic> We'll keep explosives out of the hands of the populace by ensuring that you can only buy LOADS of them. </State Logic>


Good shout on Socom, thanks.  Annoying that they don't say that it comes with the .209 adapter, you think they'd be making that clear.

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Its a pretty daft law to be honest. The license is a one time thing, so every time you want to order more you have to fill out the paperwork again. 


You also have to be UKARA registered, 

have safe storage which the Police have to check (luckily my Father has a pre-approved gun safe at his house so I keep them there) and you need a risk assessment from the site you plan to use the blanks at - this is the odd bit as most people play at a number of sites, not just one. 


You then have to organise who the Police send the license to as they wont send it to you, it has to go to to the gun shop you plan to buy the blanks from. The one I picked is local to me and their smallest order amount is 1000 .209 primers at £46 and 50 mag flash (saluting blanks) at £40. 


I got the 1000 .209’s and then decided to order 3 boxes of the mag flash as they are the most fun. Expensive, but for all the hassle of getting the license it was better to buy lots to keep me going for a few years. 

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If my SWAT VTG ever arrives then I plan to run it with mag flash, it comes (or should come) with all the adaptors required. 

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1 hour ago, AlMcCann said:

If my SWAT VTG ever arrives then I plan to run it with mag flash, it comes (or should come) with all the adaptors required. 

Tell you what, best timed nade in my opinion with lifetime warranty for any and all reasons.

But my god do they hold the info on your order back! 


I ordered mine last September and lucky me, their supplier shafted them with a sudden holiday out of the blue.

Took 4 weeks to clear the back order and get my VTG, I had sympathy for them because of the situation however I had to drag that info out of them after 6 phone calls.


It's a shame that a company with such a great product has such terrible support and professionalism.

A simple email to all outstanding orders with "Supplier issue, order delayed" would have been very appreciated if they ever figure out how email works (they take weeks to respond so you have to call).

Rant over, nade is awesome, be patient... :)

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Huh, they usually go with computer failure, or the dog ate their records.


I do wish they were better than they are, but they're not.  Or that you could buy their products from stock, from an actual retailer, but you can't.


So I couldn't recommend anyone gamble on them, because it seems inevitable that at some point they'll simply ragequit and stop making them.

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The excuse they gave me was that they had a large ‘military’ order that wiped out their parts inventory. 


Not sure I believe that the MOD are purchasing training grenades from a house in Liverpool. 


Was told this during a phonecall yesterday (after I left a message saying I was contacting trading standards) and that new inventory was being collected today/tomorrow for manufacture at the weekend. 


Will believe it when its in my hand. 

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1 minute ago, AlMcCann said:

The excuse they gave me was that they had a large ‘military’ order that wiped out their parts inventory. 


Not sure I believe that the MOD are purchasing training grenades from a house in Liverpool. 


Was told this during a phonecall yesterday (after I left a message saying I was contacting trading standards) and that new inventory was being collected today/tomorrow for manufacture at the weekend. 


Will believe it when its in my hand. 

My mate's waiting on one as we speak, he got the same reason. 
Granted they do make military spec sized versions for that use.


I think my mate's about to threaten action too, if you bring up refund they get all arsey.

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23 hours ago, Rogerborg said:


<State Logic> We'll keep explosives out of the hands of the populace by ensuring that you can only buy LOADS of them. </State Logic>


Good shout on Socom, thanks.  Annoying that they don't say that it comes with the .209 adapter, you think they'd be making that clear.


The impact/Dominator comes with 9mm & .209 adapters according to description:


Dynatex 'Dominator' impact BFG

Dominator impact grenade comes with string trip line and adapter for both 9mm and .209 primer blanks. Please check with your site before regarding rules for trip wires


The Timed BFG - the description says " is available .... ", which by my logic implies it isn't included

(When I bought my timed BFG it was 9mm only and only adapters were the wrong ye olde type that didn't fit)

according to Timed BFG is says:


Dynatex's original Blank Firing Grenade is back!

The grenade you know and love is back in the game at a very affordable price. With a built in 5 second fuse, it is slightly longer than others on the market. Gives you the ability to cook it (not that we recommend it), and adds that tactical advantage.

Chambered for 9mm, a .209 shotgun primer adapter is available. Weighing in at around 250 grams, it is also lighter than other grenades on the market.

Supplied with loading tool.


But if they now include both adapters like the Dominator then fair enough

But timed BFG description implies or at least is a little vague it seems


No biggy, a sleeve is easy to knock up


As for loads of ammo, think @sp00n won an auction bid and ended up with 1,000 for something daft like £35

(which I think is about the bulk price for Cheddite primers)

Think I got about 190 Cheddites (can't remember where from), & 280 Fiocchi's from JD Airsoft

(plus some 9mm blanks somewhere, be careful to buy good ones with hammer detonator

there are some blank pistol or starter blanks without the usual pin detonator and they don't work in BFG's)

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32 minutes ago, Corky2110 said:

if you bring up refund they get all arsey.


And threaten you with an undisclosed "restock fee" for a product that they haven't even made.


I wouldn't mind if they were just honest about it, and on that, I would urge anyone hacked off by them to get a complaint in to the ASA about their deceptive advertising, at https://www.asa.org.uk/make-a-complaint.html


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