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Your advice on this chest rig

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Now I think I know what some of you will think and so let me start with the cons:


It's cheap Chinese polyester with limited carrying capacity,  and is probably badly stitched and not very strong. Plus it doesn't have any sort of cool factor.


However the pros are as follows:


Since I will be playing CQB 80% of the time, and will  only ever use it for indoor games, I don't need carrying capacity or weight.

It is designed to take AK and/or G36 mags, and I have been cosidering getting a G36c as my backup gun.

I will be running a subcarbine AK with midcap 130 round magazines. I reckon four will be more than enough for a 3 hour game and I prefer single pouches which will keep things close to my chest and not hinder my movements.

As for the quality and stitching, I will not be carrying heavy things - just three or four plastic midcaps and maybe a pistol mag at each side. I won't be using it outside so it won't see particularly rough usage.

With this on my chest all I will need is a duty belt for my pistol holster and maybe two 9mm mag pouches and that will complete my loadout.

It's very cheap and can be discarded if useless.


Now you might say that miltec stuff is still rubbish, and this is rubbish even by Chinese standards,  and that it will soon fall apart any way.


That's why I'm asking for your advice. 


I have seen this, and like it, but it is much too bulky for my needs.http://www.military1st.co.uk/fy-vt-c006-bk-flyye-lbt-ak-tactical-chest-vest-black.html


I have seen it for sale £25 cheaper elsewhere, and If I were playing outside I would seriously consider it.


Your opinions would be gratefully received.

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At £20 I wouldn't care if it fell apart after a year or so. I'm sure it will be fine for just running about with a few mags. Probably wouldn't hang anything expensive off it though..

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It's not the worst thing in the world and like you say, it's £20 - who cares if it falls apart after a year?

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It's more expensive than my vest.




Bought it to try at the Mall.  I asumed indoors it would take less of a beating, and didn't want to spend too much in case I didn't like CQB.


My outdoor plate carrier/vests are army surplus

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Thanks for the replies.


No, I wouldn't hang anything from the D rings.


That vest of yours looks interesting MisterG. How does the material feel?


My alternative was this, which I like in some ways, but the strap at the waist straps are a bit primitive (you just tie them together as there are no buckles) and the little pouches at each side would be useless for me.




I think I'll go with the miltec. As you say, you can't get much for £20 these days. And sometimes cheap stuff works better than it has any right to..


Which is why I am considering a JG 36c at about 90 quid as a backup gun in the future. I can't believe it costs less than a run of the mill blowback pistol.

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Feels fine it's about as rough as an Osprey Vest, but not as constrictive.


I was wearing it over a Camo hoodie, so had a bit of padding.  Was planning to wear the hoodie underneath, might re-assess if it gets any hotter!


I haven't worn it to go airsofting yet. 


Build quality is sturdy, but not great.  Nothing a bit of black duct tape didn't fix (the cables aren't well finished on the ends).


Has foam armour plates inside.


Mag pouches are a bit snug for G36 mags, but have left them in to stretch it a bit.




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Bit more expensive, but the Viper Spec Ops Chest Rig would possibly suit your needs. Has carrying capacity for 4 rifle mags,  pistol mags, radio plus all the other odds and sods required to skirmish but is low weight and low profile.


I have one in black and it's decent quality for the price. 



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On 18/04/2018 at 6:49 PM, emilianoksa said:

Thanks for the reference.


Looks very nice for the price but I doubt I could get AK magazines into.

I used the viper specops rig with AK mags and I was happy with it. Definitely fit but can catch a bit when drawing mags (though that happens with plenty pouchs - silly ak lips)

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