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Been offered a Systema PTW MAX 12 for my vector...

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6 minutes ago, Duff said:


I was tempted by a friend. I had a few plinks in his garden and he kept on bullying me. Then he offered to lend me some gear and pay for my first skirmish. You know what they say, "The first one is free..." And yeah... I was hooked.

That’s how I got my brother into Airsoft...at first he borrowed some stuff from me and now he’s spent more than me!:lol:


sorry to derail this thread! If you want a systema and feel that the price is justified feel free!

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1 hour ago, Albiscuit said:

Realism is a big part of Airsoft though. how many of us would play if the guns did have to look like NERF guns? a big part of what makes it cool is that the guns look real and its the closest thing (in UK at least) to owning and shooting guns.

You say that, but my argument to this is always, how many soldiers do you see throwing Pink/Yellow/Red/Blue/Orange grenades around? I can bet that most people in this chat have used a TRMR in one of those colours.


It seems acceptable in certain situations to use realistic gear, but in other situations it’s frowned upon.


I enjoy the sport, I have played in many different roles and ways, but I always come back to my belt set up as it’s light and easy. Yeah it’s not going to be used realistically, but if I wanted that, I would do a milsim.

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On 4/9/2018 at 1:48 PM, Prisce said:




No disrespect meant to anyone. I have been led to believe systemas are more for the people who take the sport seriously or want it to be as close to realism as possible. I am not one of these people. I play for fun.


Like I said, I have never seen/used one so can’t actually say much about them. I just hear the usual safe zone stories “I bet he’s a systema owner” blah blah Bullsh*t. 


The OP asked for any views, Just because we don’t all have the same views, doesn’t mean some of us are wrong.



I didn't take any offence, mearly taking the piss a bit :)

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I'm just surprised @mightyjebus only has 260 AEGs tbh. Having had the pleasure of being on his team a few times at CSW back in the day, I have seen him with a smorgasbord of delectable rifs... 

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