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Pleasurewood Hills - Amuszement Park Airsoft

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I can't believe nobody has mentioned this on here yet!


I'll be going to Pleasurewood Hills Amusement Park on 3rd December for an awesome looking event: https://www.facebook.com/events/186224191936264/. It's a taster day to see if further, bigger events will happen.


We have about three quarters of the park available to play in, including a kill house in the form of a theatre*! Unfortunately, the roller-coaster and chairlift are out of play.

Pleasurewood Hills is a small, kitsch park - the kind you only ever go to as a kid but it's not too bad. It has a charm.


Is anybody else on afuk going?


(*An artists impression is attached of the kill house and new manager ;) )




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As my head is running 24hrs behind.....


id love to attend but busy weekends now upto end of year 

hopefully it will run again like the AI500 one did :lol:

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How the hell did I not know about this :(


Yeah further info on ones in the future would be HUGELY appreciated....


My grandparents used to take us there for holidays when I was a toddler, I still have some memories of that place...

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dont worry, i didn't see topic so posted a status, my brother noticed it on facebook, which i am not on....


ill keep you posted as id like to go to one if there is one next year!

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