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Gun Help

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Hello there,


I am new to airsofting and am about to buy my first gun. Firstly I do not intend to go airsofting yet I would just rather buy a bb gun to use around the house and garden so I have decided on buying a cheap two-tone. I have searched around the web and have found two that I want. The first one is a springer L85A2 and the second an electric AUG. I was wondering however if there are any cheaper AUGs or even an xm8 around the £50 margin. Here are the links below:








So can someone tell me which one is probably better for indoor use and is fully automatic a big bonus?


Regards Ryan

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there seem to be XM8's and AUG's around £70 no where cheaper, you linked us to the AUG i am talking about

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Both links dont work...


However! Dont touch any airsoft gun cheaper then maby £80? ROF is like 1 per min and the FPS most prob wont even register on ur sites crono

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i brought a springer when i was 13 from a cheap toy shop for £7 still works to this day me and my mates used to play with them in the house. so if you are just after something to mess around with in your garden i dont think you can really go wrong.

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alot of indoor site wont allow you to use fully automatic on alot of their games. some do. it depends where ya gonna be "Skirmishing" And if ya just shooting inside your house you just wanna be Semi automatic so ya don't damage yours or your mums/dads best china

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Alright thanks guys, in the end I went with teh L85 and just got it today, I ordered it on monday, it was dispatched yesterday and was here when I got in so I was pretty happy. Im very happy with it though the only problem I have is that the replica red dot it came with is not lined up with the front sight, so is there anyway to fix this or should I just stick with the normal iron sights. It's my birthday in june and was thinking about getting a new gun the too, just wondeirng if anyone can reccomend a full-auto gun that will be in two-tone so my parents can buy it then gift it to me, id prefer if it was under £200 and maybe an AUG/L85 or XM8, thanks in advance

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  Matt! said:
can confirm thats a JG AUG, there good weapons :)


rare though so can bet its been sat on the shelf for 2+ years.

They were out of stock 4 weeks ago

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Fair enough then, maybe managed to source one from a china distributor, but after the whole china clamp down and JG's factories being closed down a few months back you couldn't find them at all, there slowly emerging back up though.

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Alright cool, I have found a site nearby where I live and have spoke 2 some of the members who seem pretty good and want me to come and play. They invited me along this sunday but I don't know if I can make it so I may just go to next weeks game. Is it alot like paintball? As I have played that before with my friends and really enjoyed it. I think if I like it when I go along and start doing it more regularly I will buy my own equipement. One more question about sourcing an AUG, can I order it from airsplat.com? I know its american but is it still possible to order one from there?

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I have no experience of airsplat but I've heard theure terrible. Airsoft OS similar to paintball, in that you shoot people, the similarities end there. Airsoft isz more realistic in every aspect and just generally better

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  marksman556 said:
Im pretty sure jg is bqck under a new name- AEG- Asia electric guns

In ghat case, go for it :)



Nope, those Asia electric guns look nothing like JG's I'm most likely guessing Dboys or re branded Dboys.

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