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Google Bans BB Guns

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Google have just 'not' announced that they are changing their adwords advertising rules with regards to BB Guns. As from today google has started removing all advertisements for BB Guns accross the UK.


So why... well erm... it's because of us, us being UK-BBGuns.com. I should point out that this was not our intention and as a result even we have even been removed from using google Adwords to promote our rather lovely airsoft merchandise (so they think!!!).


So what seems to be the problem with google and the advertising of BB Guns.

As you know the USA has rules on bb guns just like here in the UK, in short the USA have to sell orange tipped bb guns whereas UK bb guns are to be brightly coloured by 51%.


This all seems pretty straight forward right, nice and simple - yes. No, google doesn't have the ability to distinguish the difference between US and UK law and tries to ensure that all bb guns sold in the UK have orange tips too.


"So hang on a minute, why the ban"

Well we at UK BB Guns don't take kindly to being told what to do, least of all by the American's (You know, them the Worlds Policeman). We challenged Googles policy team to clear up their definition for the sale of UK and US bb guns - let's just say they had no idea how to respond and after very lengthy telephone calls each day over two weeks we are still waiting to hear the policies for advertising bb guns on google adwords. The plain simple fact is they don't have a policy and certainly don't know how to deal with challenges on their policy making capabilities - in their panic they have simply pulled the plug - on everyone!!!


So what now

Well, this is where it becomes slightly more interesting, some adverts still remain (google did express that it was going to take some time to 'CLEAR THIS UP') most notably Amazon's adwords campaign is still running - ever heard the phrase money talks! Hmmm.


We ourselves have made significant changes to accommodate google's daft policy changes, however for other airsoft resellers they are without doubt unaware of the required changes and over the next few weeks will be required to revamp their advertisements and in most cases completely redesign their websites - You can guess who will end up paying for this - yes, you the airsoft fan!


Fear not, we have had a good chat with our lawyers and are currently preparing to do battle with Google - we'll keep you updated!

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  • AF-UK Founding Member

Indeed AdWords isn't that great although I can understand your frustration in being blocked. Did you think they were worth the money anyway? When we tried them too much went down the drain for hardly anything back.


As long as the don't start blocking sites from search results then I don't think we have too much to worry about. That is generally where the majority of results come from in my experience.


Good luck with your case.

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  • 3 weeks later...

+1 i would LMFAO aaaalllllll day long!

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oh ###### where would i be without an OS on my phone...lost of course

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oh i dont use my Wildfire for anything other than music, you tube and texting, rarely calls, but yeah unlucky UK BB GUNS for getting banned, but all retailers as well

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