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Mall 11th of June

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The plan is to have a meal at the Argentine style steakhouse - CAU Reading - in The Oracle, Bridge St, Reading RG1 2AQ. Open 9 am–11pm.



Dress as you please. Ideally we want to be eating around 1600 hrs (4 pm) to allow enough time for those staying in hotel(s) to get changed and grab their gun bags. Last time Trigger and I had a meal and were still ready at The Mall for 1805 hrs.


Names of those who want a meal:


Triggerhappy + 1

Jedi Master




Sitting Duck - tbc


As mentioned on an earlier post it is a great opportunity for some social time and a chat before the game. I need to book a table so need confirmed numbers by this weekend. If you want to join us, send me a PM and put the word "food" in the subject.


Just in case you have not noticed this post.

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Duck is not tbc he is coming and I won't except any excuses. If he doesn't I am go ask to play the Terminator myself all night long and the game will be duck hunt.


7 days to go.


That will be fine with me - I will be able to hear you sat in the supermarket trolley with the squeaky/wobbly wheel


What Trigger doesn't know yet - we are ALL wearing duck costumes - ha ha

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Hey guys soz ain't been on much been so busy with work


Can't wait for next weekend gonna be so good:)

New rifle is sorted and all running as she should, got my new life battery's on there first charge (before some use Tomoz to test)


Gonna be a epic night lol

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That will be fine with me - I will be able to hear you sat in the supermarket trolley with the squeaky/wobbly wheel


What Trigger doesn't know yet - we are ALL wearing duck costumes - ha ha

Suits me I can just shoot everybody without worrying whose who (I usually do that anyway).


No I will be mobile to some extent, new booties provide good support so no shopping trolley needed and if worse comes to the worst its Reading I can just go score some morphine.

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Hey guys soz ain't been on much been so busy with work


Can't wait for next weekend gonna be so good:)

New rifle is sorted and all running as she should, got my new life battery's on there first charge (before some use Tomoz to test)


Gonna be a epic night lol

Who are you?
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Hahaha this is true sarcasm Dosent work lol


Well I'm all prepared (had to pack this weekend)


Are you allowed smokes (guessing not as indoors)

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Gun for Sunday hired. Looking forward for the game and to meet you guys. I may ask some silly question before hand, be gentle please :D. I managed to find a picture with the floor plans for The Mall, don't know how accurate it is, but it will help me familiarize with the location.

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I managed to find a picture with the floor plans for The Mall, don't know how accurate it is, but it will help me familiarize with the location.

No it won't. Others have thought that but once they get in there they are as lost as everyone else.
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I've been working with floor plans on a previous job for 2 years so I'm quite good with getting landmarks so to say. But that may be the ego, you may be right :))

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Easy rules of thumb:


If it moves - shoot it, you can apologize to your team mates later

try to avoid shooting the marshals - they can get a bit funny about that

if you see the Terminator - RUN before he sees you

if in any doubt - call your hits as no prizes up for grabs

have fun - this is virtually impossible if you take $hit way too seriously

try to get on Trigger's team - yes he is a bit qwirky like all of us but f*ck having him for an enemy


sure I could think of some others but those will do to start off with


just have fun and play fair....



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peeew peeew ones on semi only for private game


makes it fairer to all - less overkill and my gun is faster than yours crap

so as it cqb mostly up close all guns are checked 330fps to max max max 340fps

I got a couple I'm precocking to hopefully ensure they are well safe to use rather than risk it as all chrono's do vary a smidge

most engagements are going to be between 10ft to 10m maybe 20m or so - not much long range stuff uhm ergh it is cqb

hence they take safety & chrono very seriously - so aiming for 325fps really on me guns


tbh we all sort of offer some input but last time well balanced games without 12pages of rules/guidelines for stupid ultra complex games

by the time you get through the brief you forget what side you are on let alone the objective & respawn stuff

(basically we are a bit of thick lot so we try to make it as straight forward as possible)

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Sounds like we are going to be in for some team-killing


I shot deebo at least twice in the back and he was on my team

last time I f*cked up I said soz and walked back to respawn with him coz I was such a dick

(note to self - try to identify target first if possible before shooting it, not everything is hostile)


it is FUN not ego crap - think of it as a big kids birthday party if you like rather than a win at all costs crap

I'm gonna try and not shoot my own team too much - but try not to get too stressed if $hit happens

especially if you decide to sprint forward without informing ya team which way you are pushing up etc.....

Hissy fits and abb-dabb's are best saved for other sites or public game days

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I shot deebo at least twice in the back and he was on my team

last time I f*cked up I said soz and walked back to respawn with him coz I was such a dick

(note to self - try to identify target first if possible before shooting it, not everything is hostile)


it is FUN not ego crap - think of it as a big kids birthday party if you like rather than a win at all costs crap

I'm gonna try and not shoot my own team too much - but try not to get too stressed if $hit happens

especially if you decide to sprint forward without informing ya team which way you are pushing up etc.....

Hissy fits and abb-dabb's are best saved for other sites or public game days

Its part of the game. Cqb is all about being snappy so by the time its crossed my mind what side they are on I have normally shot and gone looking for the next person. You try not to do it but if someone appears somewhere you dont expect a team mate then instinct and reactions take over.
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Easy rules of thumb try to get on Trigger's team - yes he is a bit qwirky like all of us but f*ck having him for an enemy



I'm one of the few ppl to face him and win (cause I was an even sneakier ba$t***). Even with a bum foot you will pin him in a room with no entrances or exits and he will still manage to shoot you in the back...
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