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Hello from North East Surrey


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Hi all, just wanted to say 'ello.


I'm a refugee from occasional games of paintball and lots of PC milsims like ARMA II. Of course, no paintball or PCs when I was a kid in the 70s, and all me and my mates did was boot a football about or play 'war' over the woods. What great days they were even though the guns were rubbish and no one ever took their shots!


Anyway, me and the other half have decided to give airsoft a go and we've booked The Mall this Sunday, so might see some of you there. I'm praying she doesn't team kill anyone!



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We played war with gun shaped sticks in the seventies. At least we got to run around rather than sitting in our bedrooms playing on consoles lol.


I get involved with milsims now and several of our players have migrated from ARMA, so theres hope yet.

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Welcome! I'll be at The Mall on Sunday.

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Welcome! The 80's wasn't much more hi-tech although we did have super-soakers and nerf (although i didn't have any money for such things, and was more a lump of coal kid hehe)


I have Arma2 but only so i could play Dayz, do like a bit of BF occasionally


Will be there on sunday too!


As for the missus team-killing I'm sure that won't be an issue if you play on opposite teams ;)

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Hi all.


Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed Sunday at The Mall. Sorry for tagging a few of my team durng the day. Lisa didn't really take to it, but more because it was inside and she prefers the ourdoors, so there is still hope. Personally, I'm sold on airsoft. :D





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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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