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UK Airsoft Forum Resources?


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So, as airsoft lacks wiki, and I cant find many sites dedicated to airsoft, most of the resources are buried in forums and youtube.

Generally the characteristics of a forum (ignoring quality) are: Total posts/threads/members and how many members online in last hour/24 hours and most users online ever. Anonymous browsing can also be a telling feature.


A lot of people think you go to a forum and ask a question, but often times looking where someone else has asked that question can be much more useful and quicker, albeit slightly more time consuming - and not consuming of others' time. I am looking for useful resources, are there any missing from below (looking for general resources in english)?

Here is a list of Forums for airsoft I have located that are primarily in english(uk/usa) and are NOT obscure or tied to a specific skirmish site/club/team (retailers excluded).

Note I have not included forums below a set size (recent visits) unless they are in the UK.

They are ranked in order of usefulness to me (no other way).

Name | Hosted Location | Threads | Members | Oldest Threads |

airsoftsociety.com/forums/ | USA | 100k| 60k | 2007 |

airsoft-forums.co.uk/ | UK | Threads | 10k | 2008 |

arniesairsoft.co.uk/forums/ | USA | Threads | 76k | 2004 |

airsoftsniperforum.com/ | USA | 13.5k| 7k | 2007 |


forums.airsoftmechanics.com/ | USA |

forums.airsofters.co.uk/ | USA | 40k | 15k | 2005 |

airsoftforum.com/board/ | USA | Threads | 62k | 2003 |

ukairsoftzone.co.uk/community/ | UK | Threads | 4k | 2011 |


forums.zeroin.co.uk/ | Germany | 185k | 30k (5k active) | 2009 |

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  On 12/05/2015 at 09:19, cyrexx said:

you put "I am looking for useful resources, are there any missing from below?"


The ASM forum is the best forum for the technical side of airsoft so it should be on your list.


It was already on my list when I posted it at 3AM, please do not take this as sarcasm.


I appreciate your input and that you took the time to give thought and help, but you "appeared" to simply copy a domain from the OP, with no further information given - thus confusing, or simply failed to read the OP, I was not sure which.



The reason I do not have statistics for the site is because I have not yet joined because there is no point, I would simply waste time reading on there, going to wait till I have an AEG or two.

Edited by Sacarathe
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acm is a very good site but you have to reg to view posts

plus it is a much more serious site - very very high in knowledge

but not very noob spoon-feeding friendly.


best advice is to read lots before you post anything on there - always try to use the search & read pinned topics etc....

way way way more experienced than I will ever be them guys are - one of many techy places I am still learning from

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Would a Wiki for Airsoft be used?


I mean, it would be simple to setup and reference but how much use would it get?

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  On 12/05/2015 at 09:39, Tad said:

Would a Wiki for Airsoft be used?


I mean, it would be simple to setup and reference but how much use would it get?


Absolutely, a resource with a list of all available guns by manufacturer in one page, for example. Their tech specs, gearbox info and part lists all on one site.


When I started airsoft the lack of a wiki was most disappointing.

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  On 12/05/2015 at 10:03, Sacarathe said:


Absolutely, a resource with a list of all available guns by manufacturer in one page, for example. Their tech specs, gearbox info and part lists all on one site.


When I started airsoft the lack of a wiki was most disappointing.


Yes but whilst I could create the back end of this and have it running by tonight, the issue lies with getting the information populated and then curating it.


Sure we could hold tech specs for stock guns when they are released, plus information on specific gear ratios in the gearbox and what not.


You could expand it to include upgrade tips for Specific AEGS / Gearboxes and various other useful information. However that would subtract from forums that have setup tutorials / guides for it.


I would also want to look at linking the Wiki with the main UK based websites (ASFUK, etc) so their users could use it as a repository.

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An Airsoft wiki was started a couple of years ago, no one used it and it was a waste of time. It doesn't provide anything very useful.

The specs of guns are almost always on sites you buy them from so there's not much more to gain from a wiki imo

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TL;DR - dont read the stikeout.

  On 12/05/2015 at 10:11, Tad said:


Yes but whilst I could create the back end of this and have it running by tonight, the issue lies with getting the information populated and then curating it.


Sure we could hold tech specs for stock guns when they are released, plus information on specific gear ratios in the gearbox and what not.


You could expand it to include upgrade tips for Specific AEGS / Gearboxes and various other useful information. However that would subtract from forums that have setup tutorials / guides for it.


I would also want to look at linking the Wiki with the main UK based websites (ASFUK, etc) so their users could use it as a repository.


Well, the one up at wikia is very weak atm.


There are a lot of people with a lot to say on airsoft.


I think a good way to go about it would be to start a compendium of useful resources and then look to combine them with references at a later time. For page categories, I suppose you'd start with Safety, then legality, then lethality ( ;) ), followed by manufacturers of RIFs(including rebranders).


A weapons table (sortable) page with the columns: Weapon name (as the manufacturer terms is), brand (manufacturer, if different), Closest real steel equ, GBB/AEG/Pneumatic/Spring, Classification (Pistol, Shotgun, Rifle/carbine, LMG, BASR), release date, stock FPS - and so on.


That then floods the wiki with pages, ask a few retailers if you can copy (and reference) the information from their store pages, eg TWG has good (not saying its correct, but it sure is clear) info listings.


Then pages for, Airsoft Origins, the honour system, Eye Protection, the most common injuries, trigger discipline common sense airsoft, what do you need for your first game, advantages of hiring guns, the cons of being a sniper, Airsoft is not Call of Duty, Field types, Game types, Milsim, milsim lite, cheating, teching, modding, types of gearbox,


There is a lot of overlap with real steel that's true, but there is a lot of information to be relayed on airsoft.


First problem - checking whether there actually is not an existing quality resource.





  On 12/05/2015 at 10:21, M_P said:

An Airsoft wiki was started a couple of years ago, no one used it and it was a waste of time. It doesn't provide anything very useful.
The specs of guns are almost always on sites you buy them from so there's not much more to gain from a wiki imo


I don't agree, wiki's have great potential, however as I am not in a position to stock a wiki with information, I cannot posit the making of one any further.

Edited by Sacarathe
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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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