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Seems to be reasonably speedy progress tbh.

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Serious lol. They only announced it around June last year iirc.

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They showed off the lower receiver ages ago, saying it was in the works what must be over 3 years by now. Pretty sure it was before even the m14 ebr and most g36 variants came out.

Edit: yeah the video showing the mag and lower was released in December 2010, the video is now deleted but the news thread on arnies exists.

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It always amazes me when you get to see a GBBR test video and they show you the side where NOTHING happens...

I want to know if it's full travel or not, hard to tell from a 30fps video by looking at the bolt carrier guide thing.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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