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Hi thought I ought to say hello.


Anyone in the Bedford area?

Im looking to go to my first organised game, can anyone recommend somewhere in the Bedford(shire) area?


I'm not UKARA yet, so my weapons stand out if you can put up with that then lets do it.



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Tuddenham looks good it's not a million miles away from me. I use to live in Suffolk so know the area. Can anyone give me a brief of thier experience of playing there?


Thank you for the welcome to the site, I'm new to this and will make noob mistakes but see that as part of the fun.

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Tuddenham is a Gunman site isn't it? Should be excellent, Gunman does some very fun WW2, Vietnam and other filmsim games.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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