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Silencer Help


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Hi guys, need a little help. I want to get one of these: http://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/gp-m4-qd-silencer-clockwise-for-m16 for my G&P Commando M4, because it's a G&P the same make as the silencer, does that mean I won't have to change the flash hider?


I'm pretty sure the guy in Airsoft Zone where I got my gun from put his one straight over my gun, but before I go buying one I wanted to double check on here first!





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Unless you're desparate to get one NOW I'd say get a Gemtech Madbull HALO suppressor from RSOV http://rsov.com/category.php?cateId=0&keyword=halo+silencer&submit=Search&langId=1&currencyId=4&manufacturerId=10&sortBy=code&sortOrder=DESC


They only have tan ones in stock at the minute.

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  On 25/04/2014 at 10:28, Joshb1612 said:

That actually sounds really good! I've already order a G&P silencer though. Damn my inpatients!

Where did you order it from? If you ordered it from G&P you could get it for less than £57, including VAT and shipping.

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You should still have an order number. Call them and explain you've seen it cheaper and want to cancel and get a refund. You never know, they may still send it to you and price match it to G&P's price.

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Oh dear... airsoftpeak.com, whose ads you've been ignoring at the bottom of the page, do a lot of G&P stuff and for about as good a price as you'll get anywhere, with free shipping... they also do a Big Dragon KAC long in black w/ Flash Hider for $34.99 posted. You are entitled to cancel any online order without giving a reason. If I were you I'd email f-s and also phone 1st thing in the morning...

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It's too late Ian it was delivered yesterday. I think I'm going to have to send it back to be honest because it wobbles once it's clicked in places and sends my bbs all over the place! Which is some what frustrating!

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I'd call that not fit for purpose then, in which case f-s ought to pay the return postage.

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  On 28/04/2014 at 22:29, CaptainSwoop said:
You can return it within 7 days no questions asked for a full refund under the 'Distance Selling' ;aw but you have to pay return postage.[/quote


Only hve to pay the return postage if it says so on their website or T&C's otherwise they must cover it

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They have to cover it if the item is defective or unfit for purpose, whatever they say on their webby. If it wobbles and prevents accurate shooting, I'd say that counts, eh?

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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