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noob who needs help from a experienced member

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So I'm looking to buy my first (decent) airsoft gun, I'm looking for a AEG but I'm unsure of what to look in to. Please recommend a rifle suited for use in a woodland and keep in mind my distaste for ak's. All help is appreciated!

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G&G combat machine for an M4, SRC G36 (as long as its the latest version)


Hire a few times and have a look at everyone else's guns, ask to try holding a few and see what suits you. Don't buy anything from a web site with bb guns in the name. Read all the guides people have made.

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Hi have a look at Ians Guide for noobs in the "new arrivals" section of this site, its full of useful info. As Russe11 says get out and try a few guns at your local site (or retailer if you have one close by) before deciding what suits you. Bear in mind a lot of cheap China clones will need downgrading so these are best avoided, especially for a first buy.

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Not owned one, but it comes highly recommended and most of our newbies seem to end up with one (the ones that pay attention to advice at least).

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Yeah it looks like one of the best I can find. Do you recommended any sites to use for buying? Not that I'm planning on buying at the moment

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Lots of people recommend Zero One, they are usually a few pence cheaper than anywhere else for G&G. I like Landwarrior because they have an awesome clearance section :)

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  On 04/02/2014 at 11:02, jay83 said:

Tokyo Mauri M4 from firesupport or http://www.wolfarmouries.co.uk/airsoft/bb/product.asp?page=product&id=41XPTMMP5A5


You cant go wrong with it.

Decent enough, but a touch pricey for a n00b?

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Also why are you recommending an MP5 for someone wanting a rifle for woodland? Mp5's are great for CQB and urban environments but the magazine is too long to crawl through vegetation easily. Don't get me wrong, I love MP5's but sadly an M4 would be a better choice here. TM guns are nice but a beginner will want a budget gun that's capable of shooting well and can be upgraded later if needed. The G&G combat machine M4's fit that bill perfectly.

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