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What are you listening to?


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Started playing Assassin's Creed Black Flag on Xbox one last night. What a game! Honestly I've dreamed of a game like it since I was young and I'm completely enchanted. I've always loved the idea of going to sea.


Anyway - the song that's been maintaining my privateer enthusiasm!


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Nothing wrong with a bit of Mary Poppins!

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Started playing Assassin's Creed Black Flag on Xbox one last night. What a game! Honestly I've dreamed of a game like it since I was young and I'm completely enchanted. I've always loved the idea of going to sea.


Anyway - the song that's been maintaining my privateer enthusiasm!


Hey not sure if AC BF is your dream game because of the naval combat. If it is check out a game called Naval Action, I have been playing it recently its great fun

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It was a combination of everything, was actually sad to complete it. Unity just doesn't compare at all in my mind. I really bought into the story and character of ACBF.


Anyway- you can't stop the funk!



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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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