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Tigthbore query

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Hi guys,

I have just bought a suppressor for my UMP and I was going to add a tightbore for a better grouping and maybe a little increase in range if possible. I have a classic army umc (a clone of the G&G UMG) which now has just under 400mm to work with. I've bought a systema bucking to help the hop unit too, but my query is; which would be the best option for me here? I was thinking of a 360-ish mm barrel, with a 6.03 diameter. I know prometheus is the best manufacturer but are there any other brands close in quality? I don't have a great deal of cash atm and I've got until the 5th October to install the barrel.


Cheers guys,



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Prometheus are leagues ahead of madbull, PDI make awesome sniper barrels but there isn't much better out there than a prom my barrel, we'll worth the money


Twist barrels are fine too if your fps is below 320 but go square shaped above that for some reason and are the same sort of money as a prommy

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Thanks for the help guys :)


I've gone for the madbull 6.03 - 363mm tbb based on cost. It's a cqb ish gun anyways and I've got my SVD for longer ranges; just wanted something to push the UMP a little further.

Thanks again :)

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