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Cosplay Airsofting?

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Wear what you want. Don't care about what other people think. As for the person who posted that some sites won't like it... Dream on kid, since when do airsoft sites worry about what their customers wear.



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Wear what you want. Don't care about what other people think. As for the person who posted that some sites won't like it... Dream on kid, since when do airsoft sites worry about what their customers wear.



Some sites care about the realism and go as far as banning two tones. If they do that I can't see them wanting people playing whilst dressing as a power ranger.

Dream on kid.

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Wear what you want. Don't care about what other people think. As for the person who posted that some sites won't like it... Dream on kid, since when do airsoft sites worry about what their customers wear.



Quite a few sites actually... its not that they will ban you its that it will be frowned upon and they may even ask you try to dress more "appropriately" in the future. While I know this isn't the majority there are a few with a more milsim inclination that may very well take this stance. Its the same with two-tone guns. Many sites ask that you tape up your guns not to ruin the experience for other players.

and also what Marcus said.. (damn ninja post)


If I were you I'd save the costume for a Halloween or Christmas game

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I'll also vouch for the concept of knowing that some sites aren't too happy about you not milsimming it up. I think that's the very reason why Team Bacon go there in Hawaiian shirts though...

Long shot sounds like they need to see Shiteshirts http://www.shiteshirts.com/? £35 for a shirt of their design, all you get to choose is the size. I've thought about one for an urban/cqb loadout.


As for the original subject, go for it if it makes you feel better, I've seen plenty of people in outfits outside of the normal Camo but they tend to be at dedicated games, eg, 50 santas for a Christmas special. Hawaiian shirts for a Columbian druglords vs USSF. Or where's wally, the stag on his stag do. But perhaps its for somewhere you know well and would take it positively. Two of my regular sites wouldn't give two hoots about it, you'd get the piss ripped out of you in one though. The third company would prob have a bout of humour failure as they have a blanket ban on any 2 tone or ex 2 tone guns.

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they have banned ex 2 toned guns?how does that work?whilst i can understand for certain apecial days etc as a general rule i dislike that tbh.

course i am working still on my umberella corp loadout so couldnt give 2 hoots, and i know of others with similar loads etc.

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Because the law isnt hugely clear, assuming im thinking of the same chain of sites, they dont want anything that's even close to a grey area taking part at their venues (such as manufacturing an rif)- which is fair enough I guess.

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yea but how hard is it to tell that a gun is ex 2 toned at times? would be interested to see them enforcing that well(im guessing they go by looking at the guns, what looks dogy(scratched to bright colours/taped over etc) and work from there but still, some times you cant tell the difference...

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Ive always wanted to go airsofting dressed like this


I'd just run around all day with a sword and one of them flintlock pistols shouting "Yew Bluddy fooool man" at every given opportunity

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Ive always wanted to go airsofting dressed like this


I'd just run around all day with a sword and one of them flintlock pistols shouting "Yew Bluddy fooool man" at every given opportunity

I originally wanted to go as a 19th century british soldier but even replica costumes of that are like 300+.

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Get someone you know to make one or do it yourself, the plans and genuine materials are available online and a shako will probably set you back about 40 squids

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genuine materials are available online

I'll tell yer what yer need, lad. Parafin oil and best brown paper.

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