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LCT m16a3 gbbr

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G&P never did ruin the system? The WOCs were based on the WA's, and weren't that bad.

Their mags weren't great but theres nothing hugely wrong with the system, its just a bit finicky which is to be expected from.a gbbr.


Unless you're thinking of VFC, now they did mess it up.

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Some of them use aluminum internals instead of steel, probably most people not knowing which is which. Its just the WA system though so parts are all over the place.

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GBB gives a certain of recoil ((small duh, but can be increased as from what I read by adding some part or changing)) I never seen a M16 as GBB and how the BLOW BACK will look on it. ((gotta look at the vids))

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Are you having a laugh? There are 2 AK gas variants and about 15 M4 style gas variants.

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Read this while cleaning my GBB 416. WAT?

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Orly? That's news to me.

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