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190rd mid cap???

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Been thinking about giving mid caps ago for a while, and looking round about 100 - 120rd seems to be the norm.


Then I spotted a a box set of 5 mags with a 190rd per mag capacity this got me thinking WoW these would be ace, but it also got me wondering if anyone has used these before? And are they any good?

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Personally i'd stick with 100-120 rds as surely 190s the spring wont be all that great/strong.


The only mids i would use are the genuine Magpul ones or the TM recoil ones! I had G&P mags and they would not feed in anything!

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If the ones you have found are the MAG metal 190rnd mid caps, then they are great. I have had some and never had a single feed issue when using with JG and G&P M4's. Also know a lot of other people that rate them as well.

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I plan on using Hi-Caps, 300+ RDS, should I get Mid's? What are the advantages? Sorry Sp00n if you didn't want me to ask but I thought as we were on the topic I meres well ;D

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I also use the Mag 190 rounders, Never had a problem, they are pretty heavy mags too.

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If the ones you have found are the MAG metal 190rnd mid caps, then they are great. I have had some and never had a single feed issue when using with JG and G&P M4's. Also know a lot of other people that rate them as well.

Yeah its the MAG ones, i have seen :D glad to hear they work well :D


I plan on using Hi-Caps, 300+ RDS, should I get Mid's? What are the advantages? Sorry Sp00n if you didn't want me to ask but I thought as we were on the topic I meres well ;D

if you get the G&G CM16 it will come with a 450rd hi cap ;) the reason i am looking at mid caps is, i dislike the bb's rattling, the constant winding, and well to give skirmishing a slight element of realism (ok so 190 isnt exactly realism, but its closer than 450 :lol: )


I also use the Mag 190 rounders, Never had a problem, they are pretty heavy mags too.

Thanks for the info mate ... gunna have to get me some :D

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Yeah its the MAG ones, i have seen :D glad to hear they work well :D


if you get the G&G CM16 it will come with a 450rd hi cap ;) the reason i am looking at mid caps is, i dislike the bb's rattling, the constant winding, and well to give skirmishing a slight element of realism (ok so 190 isnt exactly realism, but its closer than 450 :lol: )


Thanks for the info mate ... gunna have to get me some :D

I need a spare mag though, didn't know if I should get Hi or Mid? :D

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i have 2 450 hi caps .... so far there has only been 1 instance when i needed to change mag (i forgot to reload between games), and even then i forgot to bring the 2nd mag! :wacko::wacko: . hence why i am looking at mid caps B)

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How much is the box of 5 and from where, Sp00n? I want the option to use STANAG mags with my G36, in the fullness of time, and these sound promising.

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How much is the box of 5 and from where, Sp00n? I want the option to use STANAG mags with my G36, in the fullness of time, and these sound promising.

Around the £50 for a box of 5, which I thought was fantastic value for money, that's from airsoft supply drop (currently sold out), but I also found them here >>> http://airsoft.tiger111hk.com/Airsoft-Magazine-Std/Mid-AEG-Magazine/c43_261/p3115/MAG-190rds-M16-AEG-METAL-Mid-CAP-Magazine-(5pcs)-BOX-SET/product_info.html for £35 + shipping etc :) (dont foget supporters also get a 5%discount)

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i have 2 450 hi caps .... so far there has only been 1 instance when i needed to change mag (i forgot to reload between games), and even then i forgot to bring the 2nd mag! :wacko::wacko: . hence why i am looking at mid caps B)

Might just get a hi-cap and be done :L Thanks!

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I have 3 of the 190rnd Mid's, and to be honest they are pretty good, BUT, you must make sure you don't over fill them, the springs have a habit of twisting and jamming if you really cram in the bb's.


They are reassuringly heavy which is nice and the metal exterior is solid. And I did have an issue round Christmas time when they didn't feed right probably because of the above filling issue.

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I have (5) 65-round Dboys mid-cap STANAG mags. They feed properly and are made a made of a good metal. I also have a 300 round SRC hi-cap that came with the gun I use that only as a backup or for heavy suppression. So yeah I have to reload a lot.

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I've only just got around to having mine now - cheese & salad butty with hot choc!!!

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just had a thought .... why isn't there some sort of electric speed loader (Edit:- quick Google, and i have seen pics etc from one 7-10 years ago, but no where stocks it)


the standard one is ok (100 bb's) the mag variation isnt bad (450 bb's) but where is the box mag version :(:(

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