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Boston bombings

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In one sense, yes that works.


However in the sense of the religion and "the holy books are God's words" (well, apart from the bible directly) changing them implies that you are better than God, and your changes are better. Sticking with the times isn't necessarily right. If everyone one is sinning, why change the rules so its OK now???


Saying that a religion is outdated though is a bit silly however. Yes it was written during a time when people were poor and the rich people were the ones with the most goats, however apply some thought to the holy books and they still make perfect sense to modern life. The ignorant take scriptures at face value...


From a moden Athiest view, they may seem outdated which is a fair argument Taking views on homosexuality for example. Yes they don't accommodate, but from a religious view, the majority of people going against your values doesn't mean you must change to suit those.

I still don't get the debate on gay bishops trying to get credited. They do realise they have to preach anti-homo-sexuality right?


Anyway this is really off topic for an airsoft forum :P

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I see what you mean about gods word but there are many things that a lot of people accept should be changed as we now know far more about the world then we did before. But there are also things that have been changed for the worse or interpreted incorrectly


Its not silly saying its outdated, everything gets outdated eventually and it is now commonly accepted that the world was not made in 7 days or Adam and Eve etc etc, the fact there are two contrasting reasons kinda signals something!

Yes there are some important stories that one can take lessons from but that doesn't mean the whole thing is valid.


I'm not saying people should change their views but rather be more acceoting, however, it is important to note that tollerance is a two way street and the rights of one group should not be increased so much it takes away the rights of another.


A gay bishop wouldn't necessarily preach homophobic lessons but would more likely argue things have changed, what you're suggesting there is that every Christian and every Christian interpretation of the Bible is homophobic which is very wrong

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I see what you mean about gods word but there are many things that a lot of people accept should be changed as we now know far more about the world then we did before. But there are also things that have been changed for the worse or interpreted incorrectly


Its not silly saying its outdated, everything gets outdated eventually and it is now commonly accepted that the world was not made in 7 days or Adam and Eve etc etc, the fact there are two contrasting reasons kinda signals something!

Yes there are some important stories that one can take lessons from but that doesn't mean the whole thing is valid.


I'm not saying people should change their views but rather be more acceoting, however, it is important to note that tollerance is a two way street and the rights of one group should not be increased so much it takes away the rights of another.


A gay bishop wouldn't necessarily preach homophobic lessons but would more likely argue things have changed, what you're suggesting there is that every Christian and every Christian interpretation of the Bible is homophobic which is very wrong


Acceptance within society, and within the religion is 2 different things.

Can't really speak for other religions but Islam itself teaches to accept and respect other people's decisions and choices within society,

Someone who really doesn't believe in a religion's teachings wouldn't really join that religion. However you shouldn't have to completely change your religion for others to accept you.


Also 7 days is only a christian view. Judaism and Islam note 7 stages of creation. Its the amount of times it's been changed, the meanings have eventually changed in the bible. Islam also talks about the big bang and atoms. Over 1000 years before they were scientifically talked about.


Not all religion can be "disproved" by science. Science is only correct until the next person comes along to disprove it. Even by scientific solutions, evolution is still a theory, as it is the most logical thing that has a chance of being proven. Darwin didn't even fully support his ideas about this. Not that most religions even disprove evolution by cause of a God anyway.

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what you're suggesting there is that every Christian and every Christian interpretation of the Bible is homophobic which is very wrong

Unless you're westboro Baptist church :)


Anyway, back on topic, did any of you hear about one of the bombers that were caught? Apparently he shot himself in the throat so he wasn't able to speak when he was interrogated.

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That's pretty mental... Was it definitely not just attempted suicide or something? I think I'd rather kill myself that shoot myself in the throat. What a retard.


But yah. My thoughts on religious text are that they're a general guide to life (or were way back when), written to try and educate people, create a degree of social order and ultimately keep people safe.


For example, Islam forbids people to eat bacon, or any pig stuffs. I think that might've been because before fridges were invented, the only way to store meat was to salt the shite out of it, and pork stuffs still began to rot exceedingly fast. So it was probably safer to just completely avoid it, rather than take the risk. Since it's not like they had the medical know how to help anyone that got terrible food poisoning or what have you.


I imagine if they were to be written again now, a lot of things would be very different.

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They're really not.

Where do people get these facts from? Their mate down the pub???


No pig products or alcohol allowed to be consumed, as stated in the Quran; the same in the Torah and the Bible.

Only difference is most Christians like to change the Bible to how THEY see fit and then call them selves devout... (which explains 'Merica)

I'm not allowed in the pub :( my dad tells me drinking in public is illegal and so is eating pork. He learned this in Abu Dhabi while he was on detachment with the typhoons. Also to get this information I had to get out my bed, go down stairs and ask him. He and my step mother were sitting on the couch almost naked so please the appreciate the psychological expense I went to to get this information.
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For example, Islam forbids people to eat bacon, or any pig stuffs. I think that might've been because before fridges were invented, the only way to store meat was to salt the shite out of it, and pork stuffs still began to rot exceedingly fast. So it was probably safer to just completely avoid it, rather than take the risk. Since it's not like they had the medical know how to help anyone that got terrible food poisoning or what have you.


I imagine if they were to be written again now, a lot of things would be very different.


This is the type of thing I'm talking about, for instance Burkas were never meant to be a religious dress but rather practical dress for deserts and sandstorms etc, but it was then later made into a religious thing.

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They're really not.

Where do people get these facts from? Their mate down the pub???


No pig products or alcohol allowed to be consumed, as stated in the Quran; the same in the Torah and the Bible.

Only difference is most Christians like to change the Bible to how THEY see fit and then call them selves devout... (which explains 'Merica)

actually not entirely right on christins. not eating pork is old testament, therefore jewish. however the rule was with drawn in the newtestament in a vision to saul/paul which explained God made them all so view them all equal(so all foods were to be viewed equal, all people were to be viewed equal) but in the end the whole problem with religion and even science and everything else is when my view ends up being more important than others views so they are not allowed it. and considering most claim their views are supposed to make us all equal the way they go about it...

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religion .... in my opinion its either the biggest mercurial or the biggest con ... i carnt decide, but each to there own.


anyway, thats mega messed up with the bomber shooting him self in the throat .... why not just top himself??

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religion .... in my opinion its either the biggest mercurial or the biggest con ... i carnt decide, but each to there own.


anyway, thats mega messed up with the bomber shooting him self in the throat .... why not just top himself??


I couldn't actually find anything saying he shot himself in the throat, all I found was Doctors said he was in such a bad state he may not be able to be questioned. If he was shot in the throat I'd imagine it was more likely from the police than himself

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I couldn't actually find anything saying he shot himself in the throat, all I found was Doctors said he was in such a bad state he may not be able to be questioned. If he was shot in the throat I'd imagine it was more likely from the police than himself

it was Zak Da Mak who posted about throat shooting ;)

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well those Chechen groups are pretty fucked up. so I wouldnt put it past him to shoot his own throat.

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The Metro this morning (not that I like reading something linked to the Daily Mail btw, but if it's on the bus I'll read it) said that it was just speculation that he shot his own throat. But it did happen during a shootout apparently.


So knowing the US media's track record it's just as likely that they shot him in the throat and claimed he did it himself, as it is that he would've just done it himself anyway.


I guess it doesn't really matter, 'cos at the end of the day, he still had a bullet tear his throat to bits and he can't talk either way.

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One of the things I find the funniest about the brothers is that their family have completely disowned them and denounced them except for their parents who say they've been framed!

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it was Zak Da Mak who posted about throat shooting ;)

hmm, I read it some where on a news article somewhere but I can't find it now. He is unable to speak though.


One of the things I find the funniest about the brothers is that their family have completely disowned them and denounced them except for their parents who say they've been framed!

But that's normal to expect from grieving parents though. They probably know on the inside that it was them though

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