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What gun to buy

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I know this will have been asked umpteen times before, and I know that everyone is likely to have their own opinion, but hey I'm going to ask it anyway and see what people come up with.


If I were to be on the look out for an airsoft gun with all or most of the following characteristics, what would people recommend?


Short overall length (bullpup considered, or maybe an SMG)


good rate of fire


decent accuracy


reasonably high mag capacity


Weaver/picatinny mounting rails would be an advantage, probably for sight and at the fore-end for torch/laser


Mounting points for a sling (probably 3 point combat type rather than the 2 point I use for hunting)


I'd probably add on a sight of some sort. Anyone who knows the Mall in Reading will know that dark is pretty much the order of the day, so probably an illuminated sight.


I'm not too worried about what firing mechanism is used, though I guess electric is going to give a higher rate of fire in general.


Not too worried about materials of construction. Metal or plastic/synthetic is fine, as long as it doesn't feel flimsy.


As it won't be carried far, the overall weight isn't too much of an issue (unlike with my hunting rifles where I might carry them ten or fifteen miles in a day, then weight becomes a big issue)


with a budget of max £200 realistically (if I get the job I had an interview for yesterday, that might be stretchable a wee bit)



Suggestions people?


Most of my weapons are pretty traditional looking, wood and blued metal. I'm not a fan of the "black gun" look for my sporting guns, so it would make a nice change to have a decent MilSim as an airsoft weapon. I used the SA80 (and it's variants) a fair bit, so something along those lines is an option. Also a big fan of H&K (yes, I know they made at least the early variants of the SA80)


I rather like the FN P, just because it looks cool, but not sure how good they are in my price bracket.


Decisions decisions!


Still, got plenty of time to look around and decide, having to wait the 2 months.

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Range and accuracy.


Fire rate / magazine cap not an issue.. make your first few shots count.

Everything else are secondary problems

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Range and accuracy.


Fire rate / magazine cap not an issue.. make your first few shots count.

Everything else are secondary problems




That said, there's a certain effect to be had from laying down a lot of fire.


However, going with your surmise, what would you suggest?

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Most guns have high-caps available... 300-500 rounds are always enough for laying down fire.


I'd go with what ever you feel most comfortable with.

I can't stand M4 or any other armalite style weapon personally, so i chose a G36 as my first gun.


But its up to you for your own preferences! Got any of your own views? M4/M16, G36, AK, MP5 are the most popular ones.

Since you play at the mall think about what size you want aswell.


A P90 as you said is pretty good choice. The TM ones are great, although a little out your budget.

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Most guns have high-caps available... 300-500 rounds are always enough for laying down fire.


I'd go with what ever you feel most comfortable with.

I can't stand M4 or any other armalite style weapon personally, so i chose a G36 as my first gun.


But its up to you for your own preferences! Got any of your own views? M4/M16, G36, AK, MP5 are the most popular ones.

Since you play at the mall think about what size you want aswell.


A P90 as you said is pretty good choice. The TM ones are great, although a little out your budget.


Well, like I said, I ike the H&K stuff, MP5 in particular but also SA80. Handled the real steel a fair bit so they are familiar in the hand. I love the P90 simply because of the way it looks, and would probably lean that way if I can find a decent version in my price bracket.


I'm happy to take something basic and modify it if that's an option. I'm fairly handy and have gunsmithing tools and electronics kit, so upgrading motors and gearboxes is a possibility.

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Ok so you like HnK how about these:

lots of rails to fill up with stuff on an mp5 with 200 rnd hhicaps



or g36c with 300'ish hicaps



or (ok its not hnk, but it does look cool)



or bit more expencive, but nice



or, railed but not top rail



or many others!


for reviews of most manufacturers, once you have decided then try here, they are American, though its not their fault, and they do have higher fps limits, but you do get a view of the gun as most have lots of reviews


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Browsing for guns is the most dangerous thing you can do! Every second you spend looking at things trying to make up your mind is another second of limitless terror for your wallet.


I have such a huge list of things I want for airsofting that I'd bet money I could spend an entire lottery win on the internet, on airsoft stuff alone, in less than a week and I STILL wouldn't have everything, in fact I know for a fact I wouldn't because I'd just see more and more stuff the more stuff I bought haha.


My advice would be to decide on what you like the look of and then lock it in your mind - say to yourself, "I do solemnly swear I will look at no other guns but this one" then decide on the brand based on all the information available, and buy it.


'Cos otherwise you'll find another 50 guns you want and you'll never be able to decide on which one you really want the most lol. It's horrible!


Then when it's in the post you'll be a giddy wreck waiting for it, like a 10 year old on Christmas Eve.


I think I need one of those Eat - Sleep - Airsoft T-shirts.

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You're not wrong, Ed! I didn't have any idea what a wallet ache I was letting myself in for, but now my overdraft is maxed out!


Based on everything you've said, Scoob, I would lean towards an MP5 - I've seen them with 'kin ridiculous rates of fire and, as we've discussed elsewhere, range can be gained through fps and a good hop. Accuracy, schmaccuracy with a short weapon... hose 'em! You'll get a few on target. Something to think about though is your site's fps limit, because for sub £200 you're probably looking at one of the better Chinese TM clones (and don't listen to people who won't have any of it when it comes to China made guns: look for reviews - I can tell you that some reviewers say that CYMA AKs are better than the TM's they were cloned from and having bought one, all I can say is "I believe it" Their M14s have a good rep too, but I don't know anything about their MP5) and they are often a bit hot - 360+ fps.


Personally, if I were buying an AEG primarily for CQB, I would get a G36 - I'd prefer the K variant with the carry handle/3.5x scope combo and the extendible solid folding stock. It's got a longer barrel than the C variant, but it's still short (K stands for Kurtz = "cut" ie cut down from the main battle version, the E variant), it has front rails for a foldable foregrip, torch and laser, but most of them I've seen come with a bipod too, which I'd take off. The stock I mentioned can take a huge battery, so you could stick a 9.6V 3300mAh fat one in there and never have to worry about it running out all day, possibly 2 days depending on how profligate you are with the BBs... and with a 9.6V you could be very profligate because your ROF will be impressive.


Having said that, the C variant rocks too...

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K is a bit iffy for CQB. The length was an issue when trying to get up the stairs at the academy lol.

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K is a bit iffy for CQB. The length was an issue when trying to get up the stairs at the academy lol.

What sling were you using, Tariq?

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What sling were you using, Tariq?


Wasnt using a sling... The issue was trying to aim up/down the stairs :P


I'd be standing right against the right side and the barrel would still be hitting the bannisters :P

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Ah, that is a problem, Tariq. My AK is 930mm with the stock unfolded and I can't say I've had any problems with CQB, but there's always the option to fold my stock... and your's, right?


I was going to say, about slings, that I use a 3-point with the rear clip attacked to the far end of the butt, so when I'm not holding my AK, the butt stays up close to my right shoulder, which keeps the whole gun close in to my body, but is still fine for aiming quickly. When I fold the stock, the sling goes quite loose - perfect for firing from the hip or raising it to eye level to aim. I would have thought a G36K could work in a similar way...?

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Yeah but i don;t like having it that way.


By all means you could skirmish CQB perfectly with the K, My mate even used his M14 that day :P


But its not my style. I prefer using smaller guns for small encounters.

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Yeah but i don;t like having it that way.


By all means you could skirmish CQB perfectly with the K, My mate even used his M14 that day :P


But its not my style. I prefer using smaller guns for small encounters.

Yeah, I know what you mean. How long is the K with/without stock?

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Yeah, I know what you mean. How long is the K with/without stock?


870mm??? Not sure as the K died after a few months and got it swapped for the full length E version (1055mm)

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Ian, I believe the K stands for Kurze, which means short in German. Not sure what the C stands for though.


Josh, the UMP does look like a good gun performance wise, not sure on the look of it, I'll have to go back to it a few times and see how I feel, but thanks for the tip!

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I'm also really new, just got a Classic Army MP5K PDW, it's £145.

It isn't a bullpup, you'll know that.

Doesn't have any rails though so that's a big con/disadvantage.

Comes with a metal 200rd magazine, with lots of mid caps and short 50 round low caps available.


I think a good gun for you would be an AUG.

There are TM Steyr AUGs, I've seen an A1 version (intergrated scope) (again, no rails, but has a sight and foregrip) it's £200. But there's also a Classic Army Steyr AUG, it's £150, an A2 version (which means it has a top rail for mounting sights, also still has a foregrip)

If you find an A3 version they have rails on the top, bottom and sides. A bullpup, same length as an M4 but with a much longer barrel = increased accuracy and FPS etc. Compared to other magazines at my local airsoft shop, AUG ones were also the cheapest, they were £10 each. Hi-caps, I'm guessing 330 round.

Problem is I haven't seen anywhere else! Everywhere else they are very expensive, and haven't seen box sets, they only ever seem to be STANAG (M4/M16), MP5, G36, MP7, AK mags in sets of 5. (basically all the most popular guns I guess)

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