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  1. One of my rats who have never EVER chewed anything has just chewed the cable of my £70 gaming mouse It's a Polly GONE (the mouse not Hawkeye the Little mother ******)
  2. So i got a letter this morning telling me that when i applied for a new passport last year their machine`s showed me as being older now their telling me i`m younger (my family`s stupid and were all confused and went along with because apparently when your born you don`t have to have a Birth certificate until your a year old Kinda stupid to me but oh well i suppose the Government will get around to fixing that at somepoint) so for 10 month`s i got to be an 18 year old (YIPPEE) that also mean`s i`m now braking so many law`s and rule`s i can`t even begin too shake a stick in anger but now i`m 17 and have to Wait until i`m 18 to buy anything worth buying sh*t JUST KEEP`S HITTING ME DUN IT!
  3. Literally hit car, stand up, Take picture, stumble back to the ground XD Then phoned police etc. Although he could't open the door so he was in there a little while longer while passenger got out. I've got that system programmed into me. Anything that happens i'll try and take a pic. Usually ride with a video camera now for long journeys. Tend not to use it for short journeys as I'll just be recording myself giving the finger to women seeing me at the last minute on a junction, and i have to swerve around them. ¬_¬ I get a bit road ragey sometimes. Once shouted my bollocks off at a guy who missed me by half a metre when he swerved across 3 lanes of a roundabout to get in a car park. Bikes are really safe. Its the blind drivers that are the danger. P.S. My crash was 100% his fault. I was legally filtering and he just did a U-turn without looking, warning or indication. Went straight into the side of him.
  4. If I had a bike, how would I get my airsoft gear to and from sites? I want something that will fit my sniper, my M16, my mate's sniper, my mate's m4, my brother's g36 and lunch for us all in the boot :L. I don't bother with lottery or anything, seems like a waste to me... 1 in 14million or something chance winning the jackpot and1 in 2 million of 5 numbers..
  5. I've just received new RIS kit for my M16, so thought this thread needed a little bump.. Nothing too special really.. ImageShack's really messing up and not letting me rotate anything properly. If some are upside down or whatever, sorry, you'll just have to do headstands or tilt your monitor or something..
  6. Face Protection: - Face protection is to be worn at all times, only exception to this is in the Safe Zone. Any infractions of this rule will be dealt with instantly and will result in instant dismissal from the site - If you are fogged up and can not see try to call over a marshall or tell a fellow player you need a marshall. They will help you out the best and safest way they can. Field FPS Limits These limits are tested with .20 gram BB. Guns will be chrono’d before game and throughout the day. - Aeg/Gas Weapons: 350 MAX FPS - Sniper Rifles: 500fps MAX FPS min engagement 30 metres - No exception to these rules is permitted as anything over these set limits is now classed as a firearm. Bang Rule – There is no bang rule, any close combat should be a single shot or short burst Physical Contact - Knife Kills are allowed. Only rubber knives are allowed in the gaming areas, no exceptions. If you are executing a player, either place your knife onto the player and say knife kill, or place your hand on there shoulder and say knife kill. - There is in no way any real knives allowed on the field. If you are caught with a knife you will be out for the day and happens again there will be a suspension. Multi-tools are the exception to this rule, though if you need a knife in the interest of safety then please call a marshall. - There will be no abusive physical contact. If any should occur it will result in the suspension or expulsion of the players involved. There will be no hesitation in calling the police as well. Hits and Swearing - Airsoft is a game of honesty and remember it is a GAME! We do not promote nor allow cheating or cheat calling. - When you are hit your hand goes up and you shout "HIT ". You will walk to your respective re-spawn IMMEDIATELY unless a marshall has told you differently. - If a marshall sees you get blatantly hit and you do not call hit, you will be told to go to re-spawn. The marshals word is final!! - Dead men/women DON'T talk. If you are hit call it and go to your re-spawn without talking to live players about where or how you got hit. Anyone seen doing this will be sin binned, repeat offenders will be asked to leave site. - When taken out by a knife put your gun up and walk to your respawn. Be courteous to the people who were able to sneak up and get you. Do not give away their position. - Bad language is tolerated, but should not be directed at any other player. Anyone found swearing at another player will be sin binned, any repeat offenders will be asked to leave site. Marshalls - Marshalls are there for your safety. Respect their calls, do not argue or question them on the field if you have an issue bring it to management to have it worked out off of the field. There may be a number of ‘In Game’ marshals and will produce a marshal card if you are needed to be dealt with or there is a safety issue. A MARSHALLS WORD IS FINAL! Wild Life - There is wild life on the field (Pheasant, deer, Lee Greenough, Etc.) If you are seen shooting or harming any wild animal you WILL be expelled from the field for good. We are armed, they are not. Blind Firing - There is NO blind firing at all on the field. If you are caught you will be sin binned, repeat offenders will be asked to leave. Blind firing is when you shoot your gun without seeing where you are shooting, this includes sticking your gun around corners, over or through cover or any other non aimed shot. Pyro - Pyro is allowed and is available on site. Only Shock and Awe approved pyro is to be used, if you are unsure what is allowed to be used, please see a Marshall. If you intend to use pyro at Shock And Awe please get a marshall to inspect it before game on. NO HOME MADE PYRO AT ANY TIME, ANYONE FOUND USING HOME MADE PYRO WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE. Player Pyro Limit - Pea Grenades, throwable Mk5, Mk5 electric, 9mm blanks and smoke grenades. - Any pyro thrown is the responsibility of that player, please keep an eye on smoke grenades, as they can catch fire. Site Pyro We do have in game pyro most of the time, it will be marked clearly with ‘Danger Pyro’ safety tape. This is to be well left alone. If it aint yours, don’t touch it!! Any pyro labelled in this way that is detonated by anyone other than Shock And Awe staff/marshall, will be asked to leave site immediately!
  7. I simply have to walk around all the campus buildings and check all the electronic equipment in all the rooms, just switch it on, run a few programs to make sure it works, switch it off, move onto the next one etc etc. If one doesn't work, I just have to inform the technical people and leave them to deal with it. The rooms are on a timetable so I know when they're available, I'm not kept under surveillance or anything, it's a no-obligation temp job. I can say I'm not coming in and they can say they don't need me, but assuming it's continuous for the whole 4 month period: 15 hours a week, £7.32 an hour until the end of July. I think I might save up for this year's arms fair lol.
  8. Sound like a proper bunch of cnuts, looks dont mean anything really. My missus looks like shes been hit by a bus but we are still together
  9. Liam Porter

    battlefield 3

    I hate this game at the moment. I constantly lag, no matter what server I join, no matter what ping it is when I join, no matter where the server is based. It's impossible to play, after literally 30 seconds, it's too laggy to even shoot, let alone move or anything!
  10. BF3. It constantly lags. I join a server with 40ms ping, literally 30 seconds of playing and I can't move or do anything because it's so laggy.
  11. Airsoft-Ed

    battlefield 3

    I use the M16A4 but the stats seem to see them as the same thing. I use the A4 because the burst mode makes it miles more accurate at close range because the spread of your shots recentres on every trigger pull. If you have the auto function available and someone surprises you then I find it hard not to just hold the trigger down and empty a whole mag into air and then get killed. You're kind of forced into being more careful with your shots when you can only fire 3 lol. Plus I just like the burst version more because it's the one that really gets issued. As far as I'm aware anyway. I hope that mosfet works regardless of spring and motor set up, if ROF has anything to do with it it'll probably be a total arse to get working right. I wish that the consoles had the same level of control regarding servers and stuff. There really ought to be a vote to ban thing on console. Instead they've just made it so that on normal mode there's no friendly fire, which I think is sh*t and on hardcore 5 team kills gets you banned from the server.
  12. Airsoft-Ed

    battlefield 3

    If they don't lower the power of 12g frag rounds in shotguns sooner or later I'm going to honestly murder everyone that uses them, at least lower the power of them on hardcore mode, or ban them from hardcore servers, or limit the number of people that can use them per team to 2 or something instead of letting every sad tit in the game that can't play for poo use them just for the sake of being a nooby arsehole that needs shooting. I'm sick of that loading message as well: "Although not terribly damaging the 12g frag rounds have very good suppression stats" or whatever it says. What the hell frag rounds are they having shot at them? One is enough to kill me, 3 can kill me if they miss by about 3m, there's no getting away from them! Over the last few days there have been at least 3 occasions where at least half the enemy team were all using the USAS-12 with frag rounds and it just took the utter piss, you couldn't take cover, move away, out gun, out surpress, flank them or do anything, it was a total joke.
  13. I've used one for nearly 2 year, theyre pretty good (surprisingly so) thought the zip tassles come off easily... but it doesnt affect the zip or anything so its no problem. They can hold loads too, I've managed to fit 3 guns and 4 pistols in at once.
  14. Women are never happy just need to find an el'cheapo torch from town tomorrow and it's finished, until she decides she wants anything else adding/changing
  15. I hate rice pudding. >:-( Edit: Also, the L85 just needed the connectors deoxidising, I could've done it myself, but I needed the wires cutting short so I could fit a lipo in the RIS and since they didn't have the time to sort the wiring out for me whilst I was at the shop, I had to leave it with them anyway. Nothing bad happened to it. The worst luck I've had was when my AEG M16 that I got from swapping my KJW R700 ended up being utterly crap and half dead despite the guy sending it saying that it was "Brand new and only skirmished once for half a day". He must've had the trigger held down with a 12v battery connected to it for that half day the teeth on the piston were so f*cked. But yeah, that wasn't anything to do with me, that was just the swap dude being a bit of an arse.
  16. My step-dad. He has some Sony Ericsson Xperia phone thingy, that doesn't have support for WPA/WPA-2 WiFi security - which our home network uses. Because of this, he insists that we use either WEP or no security at all. If we have WEP, hardly anything else connects properly. If we use none, no Xboxs connect and it's obviously not secure. He's also changed all the router passwords so I can't change the settings or allow devices by MAC address.
  17. the only way your going to get in the forces is by being superfit, everytime i've gone for ADSC they've moved the boundaries forward and as far as i can tell, the only thing they're really interested in is the running and command tasks. last time i went (march 2011) there was a skinny quiet guy, who could barely do 120kg on the static lift, 3 heaves and even though i never found out, i'm pretty sure his back extension's were crap. problem was he did his run in 7.48 and could do a good amount of press ups (thing is I benched him 20 times) and he didn't say a word during the command task. he walked away with a high B grade. I, on the other hand, did 380kg on the static, 12 heaves, very vocal during the command tasks, but because i did a 10.42 run, they deferred me. planning to go through university and train as a trauma nurse/paramedic, then a doctor while in the TA. hopefully by then the economy will have sorted itself out. can't you take that to civil court? do you know who actually did it? i'd say a bit of aggressive persuasion would be in order as to me, lazy a**** scared by a bit of snow, and the fairer sex saying one thing, doing another, yet wanting an entirely different thing which has nothing to do with anything.
  18. I didn't even have to sacrifice any animals or anything this time
  19. Heh, well I'm alright now, you should see some of my early efforts. It's taken me around 1000 pictures worth of practice to get to where I am, and that's just of weapons, doesn't include gear, loadouts or anything else non-airsoft. I'm also quite lucky in terms of having access to a decent, fairly modern camera. The basic keys to good photos are getting outside, finding a nice, uncluttered natural background and time it so you've got good clean sunlight. Even with a phone camera you can get decent snaps if you follow those simple rules, the problem people have is they too often use the light from average house-hold lightbulbs, combine that with flash and a phone camera and it's hard to make the end result look good. As I always say, even a cheap, battered gun can look amazing with the right photography. It's easy to make a £2000 rifle look cack in a bad photo though. Nice work, impressive for a first effort, keep it up. Can't remember if I'm entirely honest, I purchased that on a pre-order back in '08 when the ICS very first came out. I think fire-support have some stock in, they're my favourite retailer for RIFs in the UK.
  20. Yeah, I've seen that grip style used with the horizontally mounted handstop quite a lot. I'd just presumed that the users hand wouldn't interact with another stop placed in the position you've got that second one in. I've never tried anything along those lines myself though so I purely asked out of conjectured interest.
  21. I'd think anyone using homophobic terms to describe certain things that they don't personally like has a incredibly poor attitude. Some people may consider that sort of thing to be funny or a 'joke' in some fashion, but this is 2012, not 1912. I'm sure the standard issue response to me will be "ligthen up" but pathetic, childish little plays on words like 'fagpul' simply don't fly on most forums, certainly not on arnies, and that's the way it should be. Your stance there isn't even anything remotely like the ones demonstrated in the Magpul DVDs, which makes his comment doubly ridiculous.
  22. I've not bothered Nick, my gas sniper wasn't up to much, it was all stock and not that great. So this is still better, even if it is still crap lol. There's an M100 spring it in at the moment, would it take an M120 without modification? Since it only cost £50 to replace the piston, piston head and some other stuff, I imagine if anything goes it'll be those parts, the gearbox must be pretty solid. So I can just replace those parts as need be since it's relatively inexpensive. That is assuming it will take an M120 though. Anyone know? If I get the fps up to 360, stick a tight bore and new hop up rubber in and I reckon it'll be pretty good lol. If my barrel mod for my L85 doesn't work with the twist barrel I've got, then I'll see if it'll fit in the M16, then the fps can stay as it is. I just have to wait for my L85 to come back first and apparently that could take 2 weeks quite pissed off about that. The M16 took about 3 days. Dunno what's going on. Finius, I'm getting the hang on it lol, I'm still learning the names of bits and bobs and figuring stuff out. I've heard loads of words thrown around and have no real idea what they refer to. I've also not dared open a gearbox yet. But I can totally do barrel and hop mods and stuff lol.
  23. Losing the ability to type and think about anything other than Chemistry at the moment..
  24. Quite the opposite. Finius got exactly what he hoped for. However, the issue is this, I had decided what I was hoping for whilst under the influence of half a bottle of whisky, a bottle of gin, several shots and several glasses of something (once I get quite drunk, I tend to walk up to the bar and just tell them to surprise me with anything alcoholic). In doing so, I have effectively kaiboshed my hopes of getting where I wanted to be when I was sober. HOWEVER. It will soon be lambing season, and we all know what that means! Time to find my sacrificing knife!
  25. Liam Porter

    battlefield 3

    What's this? Advertise to sell yourself as a BF3 player? Anyway.. Player name; Souponherhed - I use it for pretty much anything I can. If you see a Souponherhed somewhere, it's more than likely me. Play on PC, and I'm one of those boring people who snipe a lot.. but I'm good at it, and tend to get accused of cheating - a lot, especially on Metro. Also use the Assault class, pretty good with the L85, play the objective. Prefer the play style of flank as far as I can, then cover the furthest away objective, acting as a spawn point for my Squad behind enemy lines. Don't use vehicles (apart from jeeps for faster transport), the one time I tried to fly a plane, it literally fell off the ship and into the sea. Although I could probably be good at flying, as I have an Xbox controller
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