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  1. It's not on our issued stores list or anything it is just something that is lying around unused 99% of the time so
  2. Airsoft-Ed

    battlefield 3

    I stopped going when I got banned from their Facebook page for going to another local site. The owner of Phoenix is a bit of an elitist tit so I didn't think he deserved my custom anymore. He was also immensely unfair and aggressive in his attitude towards the people who took up the site Phoenix moved out of, but having talked to them about it and got to know them, they're all great guys and Skirmish is still a great site, my favourite in fact. It's not like I was permanently defecting to another site, I was just making some fact finding trips to all the sites in the area to try and sort out deals for when I've got the Uni society up and running. If he'd not been such an arse about it he could've benefitted from the society visiting en-masse on a monthy basis once it's up and running, but after what happened I'm going to steer clear, which is a shame 'cos it'd be a fantastic skirmish site for sniping. If not the best. Had they set up any bunkers or tents or anything when you went? Last time I went it was more or less a completely bare forest, only about 3 small trenches dug, one tent and some wrecked freight containers, the rest was untouched.
  3. Why must all my computers and internet die? It isn't like I'm looking at anything 'interesting' ( ), I'm only using iPlayer and writing essays! YAAAAAAAAAARGH! I. HATE. ELECTRONICS! *cue Homer Simpson-esq rage, attacking both my laptops with an umbrella* Also - a Masada Finius? Bad Finius, bad! Put it down! Remember the purity of the L85 - it has no rails!
  4. Redwolf were there. Also, coolest thing about Arms Fair was my being there! Didn't buy anything and spent the whole day in the kitchen, but I've already started saving for the next fair in October! Gonna have at least £500 for it, but probably closer to £1000!
  5. Yeah Ed, I'm not expecting much! I did test fire the Mini AK they sent me and it was surprisingly ok over short range - about 10m lol! The MP5 is coming to bits as soon as I get it and getting a morph into a Scorpion-stylee pistol and its innards refurbed with whatever comes to hand - tape & glue mainly I expect (although I've recently found a steel making firm that do some interesting deals so [cue twilight zone music] we shall see...)! But I reckon I'll have a full-auto side arm that does ok for when a mag runs out and the enemy are piling in... Update on BBguns4Less - maybe they read this forum b/c not long after I posted the above they emailed me to say the gun is on its way. No word on a refund for the postage yet, but I've informed them that my patience will run out at 13:30 09/05/2012, at which point steps will be taken etc. so watch this space I suppose It's not like harassing the arses off them will cost me anything, and I don't care that it's only over £3.38 - it's the principle of the thing, dagnabbit!
  6. I recently ordered an HFC Mini MP5 & 1000 decent 0.12g BBs from BBguns4Less (OK, I fully realise this gun is likely to turn out to be a POS, but I have a project in mind for it which doesn't warrant a hefty spend and £15 is the cheapest I've seen these things offered for.) The saga so far: The price of P&P is a bit high. Delivery was slow, even by standard parcels comparisons. The BBs are fine. The gun I received was a Mini AK in a Mini G36 box that looked like it had been rescued from behind somebody's fridge or something. I complained by email. It took them a few days to respond, but the response was what you would expect, ie sorry, send it back, we'll refund postage. I emailed back several times trying to talk to them about adding items to the purchase and also that I was not prepared to send them the receipt for posting back to them because a) the parcel would already be wrapped when I got it and b ) that is my proof of postage. Instead I offered to photograph the receipt and email that to them for their records. No response. I sent them the gun & receipt pic. No response... At this stage, I fear the worst. Suffice to say, the moment I get this situation sorted to my satisfaction will be the last I have anything to do with them, unless they do something nice by way of apology.
  7. TIER 1 MILITARY SIMULATION EVENT RULES It is every players responsibility to read and understand our rules before attending any TIER 1 COMBAT TRAINING or TIER 1 COMBAT OPERATION event. 
 Our rules are designed to keep "YOU" the player immersed in a realistic military combat environment, while still providing a high level of safety throughout. 
 These rules are designed to enable a high level of organic gameplay whilst retaining a level of control to enable our carefully designed games and training sessions to unfold correctly giving you the full experience you have paid for. A GAME OF HONOUR ONLY? Airsoft is based on HONESTY, RESPECT AND HONOUR. • HONESTY: In the fact that when you are hit, you tell yourself the truth - this time someone got the better of me. Next time you will get the better of that player, but you need to let whoever shot you and your teammates know that you have been HIT. • RESPECT: In the fact that Airsoft is a specialist activity shared by very passionate people who all share the same appreciation for something that gives you so much pleasure. With that much in common, why would you not respect other players regardless of which side they are on? • HONOUR: In the fact that you do not disgrace yourself or your fellow players. Play with dignity at all times. Do not let yourself down and help ensure the quality of the game is at it's best at all times. We at TIER 1 aim to give you a realistic military experience without you actually getting shot or hurt via real ammunition. This experience has come from years of real military regular service, so please also honour us with the same respect and play honestly. DISCIPLINE A large emphasis on common sense is promoted by Tier 1, but certain criteria will be required at TCO's and TCT's. Players breaking our overall safety rules and game dynamic will be: • Taken to one side and given a verbal, constructive warning. • Persistent offenders will be taken out of the training / combat area for 25 minutes to cool down. • Further offenses will result in those offenders being escorted from the area and asked to leave the site immediately. Offenses include, but are not limited to: • CHEAT CALLING: This will not be tolerated. • AGGRESSIVE and ABUSIVE BEHAVIOUR: This will not be tolerated. • EXCESSIVE / OVERKILL WHEN FIRING AT AN OPPOSING FORCE: This will not be tolerated. • FIGHTING: This will result in a lifetime ban. PERIOD! Any issues that occur between players must be reported to in-game and or overt game marshals IMMEDIATELY. At the end of the game will be too late. ALL MARSHALS WILL BE IDENTIFIED at the beginning of each event. Our Marshals are there to help you. USE THE MARSHALS. NON HIT TAKING Any player caught cheating by NOT TAKING THEIR HITS having had this verified by a marshal will enter into our discipline process. (See DISCIPLINE). TEAM DISCIPLINE Individuals playing within a team who are caught cheating by NOT TAKING THEIR HITS having had this verified by a marshal, can incur a penalty for their whole team. A marshal will approach that team's leader and issue a caution. Further offences from that team will enter that complete team into the discipline process. (See DISCIPLINE). SAFETY Tier 1 events are designed to give you an accurate military experience. Area of Operations (AO's) will not always be safe and sterile environments. Certain events will take place at woodland, rural and MOD training facilities. These often have dangerous items or structures that can cause injury to you. It is down to you the individual to act with a degree of caution at all times. Be mindful of the following: 
• Your steps and where you walk. • Where you crawl. • Look before you move into any cover. • Check before you lay prone. • When you climb in and out of windows, see what is on the other side, above and below you. • Never climb on roofs. • Do not use ladders, unless told otherwise. • Do not climb up trees. • Do not pick up anything you do not recognise or that looks suspicious. Report it to a marshal. • Always use eye protection (this is mandatory). We advise that players under the age of 18 wear full face protection. • Always make your weapons safe when leaving the game / training area. • Always remove your weapon's magazine when entering any non-game / training area, regen, designated area or safezone. • Never blind fire. You must always be able to see what you are firing at. • Try and avoid headshots where possible. • Always wear appropriate clothing for the event, in particular we insist that players use a good pair of boots that support the ankle. REGEN, SAFE ZONES AND DESIGNATED AREAS Regens and safe zones will normally only be in play at TIER 1 urban events. Rural and woodland Combat Operations (TCOs), will as a rule, not have any regen or safe zones in play throughout. There will be a designated area for dead players to re-spawn and re-enter the gaming area. • Opposing sides will normally have a regen each if in play. • Most regens will operate using an "open and closed", waiting time if in play. • Designated areas will be open at all times. • If attending any event that does not have a regen / safezone in play, players must always wear eye protection, even when sleeping. 
 Please note: The designated areas may be a Patrol base, Forward Operating Base (FOB), or a particular chosen area out on the ground, but not a dedicated regen. TACTICAL AWARENESS Tier 1 events are designed to emulate a realistic combat environment for you. To aid the realism, we expect all players to adhere to a TACTICAL CODE OF CONDUCT throughout our events. Please read the following points designed to help you do this. • Do not linger out in the open. • Do not stand in plain view in windows or doorways. • Run between areas of cover. • When static, take cover if possible behind an object. If cover is not available, present a smaller target and get down on one knee. • Cover your teammates crossing exposed areas. • Squads / callsigns moving together should watch their spacing, do not bunch up. Please note: If a player is persistently ignoring our tactical code of conduct and is diluting the game dynamic - A marshal may choose to issue that player with a hit and or declare that player critically injured to then bleed out. WHAT DO I DO WHEN I GET HIT? This process is one of the simplest to understand, but often not understood properly. To help you with this process, here are our rules. • As soon as you have been hit - You must shout clearly and audibly "HIT". • This must be followed by raising an arm above your head, followed by getting down on one knee or lying down on the ground. • You must then call out for a Medic if you wish to be saved. • If the tactical situation dictates that it is not the best option to call for a medic, then you may opt to stay silent and bleed out. • If a medic has seen you and can get to you they may medic you. • If you are classified dead - remember: DEAD MEN DO NOT SPEAK. This includes the use of any communication equipment, pointing or indicating a direction with their head. Please note: Medic rules will almost always be in play at Tier-1 events - (See medic rules). Please note: (The only exception to these rules are for a SILENT KILL - (See silent kill). SILENT KILL / KNIFE KILL Tier 1 events will often have a great deal of opportunity for stealth during the day and at night. Players who are able to get up CLOSE to an opposing player without detection (like a sentry for example) and wish to place a HIT on that player, can carry out a KNIFE KILL. To carry out a KNIFE KILL, you may use a replica rubber knife, tap the victim about their body and say "hit" or simply place a hand on the victims shoulder and say "hit". 
 • The victim is immediately classed as critically injured. • The victim will need to remain in place for the dictated game bleed out time before they can move. • The victim may after bleeding out return to a designated area / regen to re-enter the game zone. Please note: We expect the victim to honour the hard work it takes to get that close to another player undetected and not compromise their effort. CRITICALLY INJURED If a player is classed as critically injured, this means the following: • The victim cannot be saved by a medic. • The victim must remain in place and bleed out. • Once the victim has bled out, the victim is classed as dead. • Only then may the victim return to a regen / designated area before they can re-enter the game zone. BLEEDING OUT If a player has been critically injured or has been hit and cannot be saved by a medic, the victim must bleed out. When bleeding out the victim must adhere to the following: • The victim may not move and must remain in the same position where the victim was critically injured or hit. • The victim then bleeds out for the game's stated bleed out time. (Normally this will be around 5 minutes). • Once the victim has bled out, only then may the victim return to a regen / designated area before they can re-enter the game zone. MEDIC RULES Tier 1 events will almost always enforce a medic rule to promote the correct level of realism. We advise that Teams should train with designated medics as part of their standard operating procedures (SOP's). • Each 4 man fire team will have a dedicated medic who will carry a number of medic tabs. • These tabs can be used more than once on an individual or spread across that fire team. • The tab needs to be fastened to the player who has been hit and remain on their person. • Tabs must remain on the hit person until they have had to return to a regen / designated area after having been declared dead. • Once all medic tabs have been used then members of that team that have not been hit, may opt to continue without a chance to be saved again or the fire team can decide that they are combat ineffective and return TACTICALLY to a regen / designated area to replenish their medic tabs. • Once that has been done, the team may re-enter the game zone. • If you cannot be reached by a medic and you have been hit, then you must bleed out and return to a regen / designated area before you can re-enter the game zone. Please note: Certain elements will have less medic tabs than others. This is to ensure a higher level of gameplay for key roles within the game. HOW DO GRENADES AFFECT ME? All grenades are classed as FRAGMENTATION grenades. (Unless carrying out Counter Revolutionary Warfare (CRW) scenarios using Multibang type grenades as stun grenades). • All grenade types have an outdoor HIT radius of 5 metres. • If a player is within the 5 metre radius you will be classed as HIT. (See: WHAT DO I DO WHEN I GET HIT?). Unless behind HARD COVER. (Hard cover constitutes things such as - Walls, brick structures and defendable positions. • Soft cover like hedges, bushes and trees will not suffice as being behind HARD COVER. • If a player is inside a room / confined space / bunker, and a grenade is posted into that area and detonates, the player is classified critically injured immediately. The victim will stay in place for the event given bleed out time and then be declared dead. Only then may the victim move to a regen / designated area before they can re-enter the game zone. • Smoke grenades can be used at all events - no smoke inside buildings. FIGHTING INSIDE BUILDINGS, CONFINED SPACES AND BUNKERS We strongly enforce a high level of self control and safety when fighting in a Close Quarter Battle (CQB) environment. The following points are to ensure this and are mandatory. • As soon as you enter into a building, confined space or bunker, you MUST switch your weapon to SINGLE SHOT immediately. • Only SINGLE SHOT firing is allowed inside a building, confined space or bunker. • You may fire FULLY AUTOMATIC out of a building, confined space or bunker. If you are outside, you may fire FULLY AUTOMATIC into a building, confined space or bunker. Please note: When fighting in a CQB environment, target identification is essential. This will help you place considered fire into the body mass of your opponent. Head shots should be avoided where possible. WEAPON HITS • Weapon hits do not count as a HIT, EVER! RICOCHET • Ricochet hits do not count as a HIT, EVER! BANG RULE • We do not use the bang rule, EVER! MAGAZINE TYPES • You may only use Mid and Low cap magazines on your AEG - HI CAP and Box Magazines are NOT ALLOWED. • You may carry as many magazines as you wish. • Support weapons may use Drum / Box magazines. Please note: There will be ammunition limitations in play at most TIER-1 events. AMMUNITION LIMITS There are no restrictions on how much ammo you take out into the AO / FOB with you in your deployment kit. However, here are our guides for what you can carry on your person when operating away from your deployment kit: • Rifleman: 800 rounds, 8 grenades and 4 smoke grenades. • Sniper: 150 rounds - Main weapon. 300 rounds - Side-arm, 6 grenades and 4 smoke grenades. • Medic: 800 rounds, 8 grenades and 4 smoke grenades. • Radio operator: 800 rounds, 8 grenades and 4 smoke grenades. • Support gunner: 3000 rounds, 6 grenades and 4 smoke grenades. Please note: You may reload your magazines at any time if back in your patrol Base / FOB / regen / designated area. FPS LIMITS • AEG: 370 fps. • Pistols: 370 fps. • Sniper (semi-auto and bolt action): 500 fps. Minimum engagement distance is 30m. RADIOS Each section will have a dedicated Radio Operator (RO). The RO will be the sections communications link back to that team's command element. Tier 1 will issue those assigned RO's with a military grade radio. These will be signed out to you at STARTEX and have to be signed back in at ENDEX. Below is a guide for radio distribution: • 4, 6 or 8 Man sections: x 1 PRC 349 military radio per section. • 4, 6 or 8 Complete sections: x 1 PRC 350, 351 or 352 military radio per section group. • Command elements: x 1 PRC 350, 351 or 352 and 2 x PRC 349 military radios. • Inter-section radios, you will need to provide yourselves. VEHICLES IN USE Certain Tier 1 scenarios will include the use of civilian and military vehicles. To ensure safety please follow these rules. • Players must NOT SHOOT at vehicles EVER. • Players must NOT SHOOT at the driver EVER. • Players in vehicles may NOT SHOOT out of vehicles EVER. • Players de-bussing from vehicles may only be engaged when 5 meters clear of that vehicle. • Vehicles can be classed as destroyed by the use of roadside Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) or other means stated by TIER 1 if in play. Such as Rocket propelled grenades (RPG), Mortar fire and Air strikes. AIR STRIKE Air strikes will be available at certain events and will follow a realistic procedure to call them in. When an air-strike is required, the following will occur: • The team must request the air-strike using their radio and correct protocol. • Once an air-strike has been authorised, to ensure accuracy, players may designate their targets by laser, cyalume, infrared strobe / infrared cyalume or smoke. • A time delay may occur between request and impact. On impact the following rules will apply: • Players caught in the open and within a 40 meter radius - of the impact site - will be classed as DEAD and remain in that position for the given event bleed out time, before moving to a regen / designated area before players can re-enter the game zone. • Players situated inside a building / bunker will be classed as DEAD and remain in that position for the given event bleed out time, before moving to a regen / designated area before players can re-enter the game zone. • If a building / bunker is hit with an air-strike, that building will be out of play for 30 mins. MORTAR STRIKE Mortar strikes will be available at certain events and will again follow a realistic procedure to call them in. When a Mortar strike is required, the following will occur: • The team must request the mortar strike using their radio and correct protocol. • Once a mortar strike has been authorised, to ensure accuracy, players may adjust fire to walk on to the target if falling wide. • A short delay may occur between request and impact. On impact the following rules will apply: • Players caught in the open and within a 30 meter radius - of the impact site - will be classed as DEAD and remain in that position for the given event bleed out time, before moving to a regen / designated area before players can re-enter the game zone. Please note: It will require 2 direct hits on a building / bunker to destroy that target. • Players situated inside a building / bunker after 1 direct hit will be classed as HIT and normal medic rules will apply. (See: WHAT DO I DO WHEN I GET HIT and MEDIC RULES). • Players situated inside a building / bunker after 2 direct hits will be classed as DEAD. The victim will need to remain in place for the dictated game bleed out time, before moving to a regen / designated area before you can re-enter the game zone. • If a building / bunker is hit with a mortar strike twice, then that building will be out of play for 20 mins. TAKING PRISONERS AND PRISONER HANDLING By the nature of TIER 1 events, there will often be opportunities to take prisoners in game and during training exercises. You may also be taken prisoner. At this point we cannot emphasise strongly enough, the need for COMMON SENSE. If you are taking and or handling a prisoner, we still promote a large level of realism, BUT, we expect ALL players to demonstrate a level of composure and restraint at all times. DO NOT GET CARRIED AWAY - As a prisoner or as the player taking the prisoner. If you find yourself in either situation, please follow these steps: • You may ONLY be taken prisoner, if you the victim, agree to it. (If you do not agree to it, you must take a critically injured hit and bleed out). • You may only bind a victims hands in front of their body. • You may NOT secure the victims hands tightly. • You may not inflict any physical pain or hardship on the victim. • You may only remove the victims weapon, with their consent. (If consent is given, the weapon must be within sight where possible to the victim). • You may ONLY blindfold / hood / impair the hearing of the victim, with their consent. • You may ONLY search a prisoner, with their consent. • An "Off Game" buzz word to stop this process for the victim will be given at the initial game and safety briefing. This buzz word will enable the victim to HALT the process of being a prisoner should the victim feel uncomfortable with this game scenario at any time. INTERROGATION AND ENHANCED INTERROGATION Certain TIER 1 game scenarios will require interrogation of a prisoner. This will only take place within the physical safety regulations already outlined in our overall TIER 1 Rules. (See TAKING PRISONERS AND PRISONER HANDLING). Initial techniques after capture will be: • The victim be processed. This will include removal of all weapons, tactical equipment, warm clothing and waterproof clothing. • The victim will be issued with blackout goggles and sound silencers to disorientate you. • The victim will be tactically questioned at regular intervals. Enhanced techniques after capture will include and can last up to 12 hours in total: • Stress positions - No longer than 45 minutes per position. • Exposure to loud white noise and other audio harassment techniques - No longer than 45 minutes per session. • Placed physically in wet and cold environments. Such as water, rivers, ponds and streams - No longer than 45 minutes per session. • Be deprived of sleep for up to 12 hrs. • An "Off Game" buzz word to stop this process for the victim will be given at the initial game and safety briefing. This buzz word will enable the victim to HALT the process of being a prisoner should the victim feel uncomfortable with this game scenario at any time. Please note: These techniques will only be in play for bespoke Tier 1 Intelligence Support Activity (ISA) Sub Operations that will link all Tier 1 TCO major events. Participants will be fully briefed, have to acknowledge these pre-requisites and be aware of these types of operational SERIALS before undertaking any such TIER 1 Sub Operation. These Sub Operations will be invite ONLY. UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS These will be specific to individual events and will be announced in the event information section prior to that event. SLEEPING ARRANGEMENTS Unless stated otherwise, all Tier 1 events will run straight through from STARTEX until ENDEX. The need for enforced rest will be catered for in a realistic manner throughout. Operating in a rural / woodland environment: • Players will be deployed out into the field and will operate from their bergens from Lying Up Positions (LUP), patrol bases, Observation Positions (OP) and or FOB's. (See recommended Rural / woodland kit lists). • A rotation of enforced rest and sentry duty will be required if not out on specific tasks. • It is down to individual teams to create a rotation system to achieve this. Operating in a urban environment: • Players will be deployed into buildings / FOB's and will operate from their deployment bags. (See recommended Urban kit lists). • A rotation of enforced rest and sentry duty will be required if not out on specific tasks. • It is down to individual teams to create a rotation system to achieve this. Please note: Certain specified events will not play straight through and sleeping areas will be available. ENFORCED REST FOR DESIGNATED DRIVERS Designated drivers will have to declare that responsibility upon arrival at all Tier 1 events. • We will provide a dedicated sleeping area for you. • Designated drivers will be required to have at least 4 hours sleep within the last 10 hours prior to ENDEX. Any further enquiries: please call Ed Denson on: 07967 225 739.
  8. Just totally bossing it on Battlefield on Gulf of Oman using the Mk11Mod0, I was on 15 kills to no deaths lone wolfing it about the two story buildings, firing two shots and then relocating, no one had a clue where I was or anything, it was epic, I had my MAV down as a motion sensor and everything. Then, less than half way through the game, EA f*cking CRAPPY ONLINE, decided to f*cking LOSE CONNECTION! Arrrgghhghghjnwg;jd;jdfgjndjlwe;fl;ewrgfsgj!!!11!! Peeved.
  9. If you need another look at it shoot me a PM.. I wouldn't be surprised if all your problems have been down to a cheapy/bad PSU. It powers your system and can take out anything with it, you have to invest.
  10. One of my rats who have never EVER chewed anything has just chewed the cable of my £70 gaming mouse It's a Polly GONE (the mouse not Hawkeye the Little mother ******)
  11. So i got a letter this morning telling me that when i applied for a new passport last year their machine`s showed me as being older now their telling me i`m younger (my family`s stupid and were all confused and went along with because apparently when your born you don`t have to have a Birth certificate until your a year old Kinda stupid to me but oh well i suppose the Government will get around to fixing that at somepoint) so for 10 month`s i got to be an 18 year old (YIPPEE) that also mean`s i`m now braking so many law`s and rule`s i can`t even begin too shake a stick in anger but now i`m 17 and have to Wait until i`m 18 to buy anything worth buying sh*t JUST KEEP`S HITTING ME DUN IT!
  12. Literally hit car, stand up, Take picture, stumble back to the ground XD Then phoned police etc. Although he could't open the door so he was in there a little while longer while passenger got out. I've got that system programmed into me. Anything that happens i'll try and take a pic. Usually ride with a video camera now for long journeys. Tend not to use it for short journeys as I'll just be recording myself giving the finger to women seeing me at the last minute on a junction, and i have to swerve around them. ¬_¬ I get a bit road ragey sometimes. Once shouted my bollocks off at a guy who missed me by half a metre when he swerved across 3 lanes of a roundabout to get in a car park. Bikes are really safe. Its the blind drivers that are the danger. P.S. My crash was 100% his fault. I was legally filtering and he just did a U-turn without looking, warning or indication. Went straight into the side of him.
  13. If I had a bike, how would I get my airsoft gear to and from sites? I want something that will fit my sniper, my M16, my mate's sniper, my mate's m4, my brother's g36 and lunch for us all in the boot :L. I don't bother with lottery or anything, seems like a waste to me... 1 in 14million or something chance winning the jackpot and1 in 2 million of 5 numbers..
  14. I've just received new RIS kit for my M16, so thought this thread needed a little bump.. Nothing too special really.. ImageShack's really messing up and not letting me rotate anything properly. If some are upside down or whatever, sorry, you'll just have to do headstands or tilt your monitor or something..
  15. Face Protection: - Face protection is to be worn at all times, only exception to this is in the Safe Zone. Any infractions of this rule will be dealt with instantly and will result in instant dismissal from the site - If you are fogged up and can not see try to call over a marshall or tell a fellow player you need a marshall. They will help you out the best and safest way they can. Field FPS Limits These limits are tested with .20 gram BB. Guns will be chrono’d before game and throughout the day. - Aeg/Gas Weapons: 350 MAX FPS - Sniper Rifles: 500fps MAX FPS min engagement 30 metres - No exception to these rules is permitted as anything over these set limits is now classed as a firearm. Bang Rule – There is no bang rule, any close combat should be a single shot or short burst Physical Contact - Knife Kills are allowed. Only rubber knives are allowed in the gaming areas, no exceptions. If you are executing a player, either place your knife onto the player and say knife kill, or place your hand on there shoulder and say knife kill. - There is in no way any real knives allowed on the field. If you are caught with a knife you will be out for the day and happens again there will be a suspension. Multi-tools are the exception to this rule, though if you need a knife in the interest of safety then please call a marshall. - There will be no abusive physical contact. If any should occur it will result in the suspension or expulsion of the players involved. There will be no hesitation in calling the police as well. Hits and Swearing - Airsoft is a game of honesty and remember it is a GAME! We do not promote nor allow cheating or cheat calling. - When you are hit your hand goes up and you shout "HIT ". You will walk to your respective re-spawn IMMEDIATELY unless a marshall has told you differently. - If a marshall sees you get blatantly hit and you do not call hit, you will be told to go to re-spawn. The marshals word is final!! - Dead men/women DON'T talk. If you are hit call it and go to your re-spawn without talking to live players about where or how you got hit. Anyone seen doing this will be sin binned, repeat offenders will be asked to leave site. - When taken out by a knife put your gun up and walk to your respawn. Be courteous to the people who were able to sneak up and get you. Do not give away their position. - Bad language is tolerated, but should not be directed at any other player. Anyone found swearing at another player will be sin binned, any repeat offenders will be asked to leave site. Marshalls - Marshalls are there for your safety. Respect their calls, do not argue or question them on the field if you have an issue bring it to management to have it worked out off of the field. There may be a number of ‘In Game’ marshals and will produce a marshal card if you are needed to be dealt with or there is a safety issue. A MARSHALLS WORD IS FINAL! Wild Life - There is wild life on the field (Pheasant, deer, Lee Greenough, Etc.) If you are seen shooting or harming any wild animal you WILL be expelled from the field for good. We are armed, they are not. Blind Firing - There is NO blind firing at all on the field. If you are caught you will be sin binned, repeat offenders will be asked to leave. Blind firing is when you shoot your gun without seeing where you are shooting, this includes sticking your gun around corners, over or through cover or any other non aimed shot. Pyro - Pyro is allowed and is available on site. Only Shock and Awe approved pyro is to be used, if you are unsure what is allowed to be used, please see a Marshall. If you intend to use pyro at Shock And Awe please get a marshall to inspect it before game on. NO HOME MADE PYRO AT ANY TIME, ANYONE FOUND USING HOME MADE PYRO WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE. Player Pyro Limit - Pea Grenades, throwable Mk5, Mk5 electric, 9mm blanks and smoke grenades. - Any pyro thrown is the responsibility of that player, please keep an eye on smoke grenades, as they can catch fire. Site Pyro We do have in game pyro most of the time, it will be marked clearly with ‘Danger Pyro’ safety tape. This is to be well left alone. If it aint yours, don’t touch it!! Any pyro labelled in this way that is detonated by anyone other than Shock And Awe staff/marshall, will be asked to leave site immediately!
  16. I simply have to walk around all the campus buildings and check all the electronic equipment in all the rooms, just switch it on, run a few programs to make sure it works, switch it off, move onto the next one etc etc. If one doesn't work, I just have to inform the technical people and leave them to deal with it. The rooms are on a timetable so I know when they're available, I'm not kept under surveillance or anything, it's a no-obligation temp job. I can say I'm not coming in and they can say they don't need me, but assuming it's continuous for the whole 4 month period: 15 hours a week, £7.32 an hour until the end of July. I think I might save up for this year's arms fair lol.
  17. Sound like a proper bunch of cnuts, looks dont mean anything really. My missus looks like shes been hit by a bus but we are still together
  18. Liam Porter

    battlefield 3

    I hate this game at the moment. I constantly lag, no matter what server I join, no matter what ping it is when I join, no matter where the server is based. It's impossible to play, after literally 30 seconds, it's too laggy to even shoot, let alone move or anything!
  19. BF3. It constantly lags. I join a server with 40ms ping, literally 30 seconds of playing and I can't move or do anything because it's so laggy.
  20. Airsoft-Ed

    battlefield 3

    I use the M16A4 but the stats seem to see them as the same thing. I use the A4 because the burst mode makes it miles more accurate at close range because the spread of your shots recentres on every trigger pull. If you have the auto function available and someone surprises you then I find it hard not to just hold the trigger down and empty a whole mag into air and then get killed. You're kind of forced into being more careful with your shots when you can only fire 3 lol. Plus I just like the burst version more because it's the one that really gets issued. As far as I'm aware anyway. I hope that mosfet works regardless of spring and motor set up, if ROF has anything to do with it it'll probably be a total arse to get working right. I wish that the consoles had the same level of control regarding servers and stuff. There really ought to be a vote to ban thing on console. Instead they've just made it so that on normal mode there's no friendly fire, which I think is sh*t and on hardcore 5 team kills gets you banned from the server.
  21. Airsoft-Ed

    battlefield 3

    If they don't lower the power of 12g frag rounds in shotguns sooner or later I'm going to honestly murder everyone that uses them, at least lower the power of them on hardcore mode, or ban them from hardcore servers, or limit the number of people that can use them per team to 2 or something instead of letting every sad tit in the game that can't play for poo use them just for the sake of being a nooby arsehole that needs shooting. I'm sick of that loading message as well: "Although not terribly damaging the 12g frag rounds have very good suppression stats" or whatever it says. What the hell frag rounds are they having shot at them? One is enough to kill me, 3 can kill me if they miss by about 3m, there's no getting away from them! Over the last few days there have been at least 3 occasions where at least half the enemy team were all using the USAS-12 with frag rounds and it just took the utter piss, you couldn't take cover, move away, out gun, out surpress, flank them or do anything, it was a total joke.
  22. I've used one for nearly 2 year, theyre pretty good (surprisingly so) thought the zip tassles come off easily... but it doesnt affect the zip or anything so its no problem. They can hold loads too, I've managed to fit 3 guns and 4 pistols in at once.
  23. Women are never happy just need to find an el'cheapo torch from town tomorrow and it's finished, until she decides she wants anything else adding/changing
  24. I hate rice pudding. >:-( Edit: Also, the L85 just needed the connectors deoxidising, I could've done it myself, but I needed the wires cutting short so I could fit a lipo in the RIS and since they didn't have the time to sort the wiring out for me whilst I was at the shop, I had to leave it with them anyway. Nothing bad happened to it. The worst luck I've had was when my AEG M16 that I got from swapping my KJW R700 ended up being utterly crap and half dead despite the guy sending it saying that it was "Brand new and only skirmished once for half a day". He must've had the trigger held down with a 12v battery connected to it for that half day the teeth on the piston were so f*cked. But yeah, that wasn't anything to do with me, that was just the swap dude being a bit of an arse.
  25. My step-dad. He has some Sony Ericsson Xperia phone thingy, that doesn't have support for WPA/WPA-2 WiFi security - which our home network uses. Because of this, he insists that we use either WEP or no security at all. If we have WEP, hardly anything else connects properly. If we use none, no Xboxs connect and it's obviously not secure. He's also changed all the router passwords so I can't change the settings or allow devices by MAC address.
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