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Everything posted by Albiscuit

  1. Id like to run my own skirmish site. As far as gear goes, I havent been involved long enough to dream up a list (yet) but would love a garage that was kitted out like a secret agents lair with walls of guns and racks of equipment / camo outfits etc..
  2. Me likey.... Certainly would think about buying one, not making as im faaaar too lazy and useless for that sort of thing..
  3. Cool, so a general rule of thumb is try to stick to the same brand if unsure? I figured all mags of a type such as AK M4 M5 etc would be universal... I suppose nothing else in pretty much any industry is so why should these lol.. Thanks boys!!
  4. Not yet but I sneak in new trainer boxes all the time and purposely built the shelves deep enough to hide another row of boxes behind, so theres at least 60 pairs in the cupboard which she cant see at any one time Only a matter of time before I start doing something similar with guns, I have 4 currently and I think she only really knows about 2 of them oops
  5. A very Noob question, I have just got myself a combat raider and need some new M4 Mags, but my brother has told me they are not all the same as his mayes do not fit his gun and vise versa, is this true? if so what do I need to look out for?
  6. Bloody well LOVE the idea. I wouldnt want to shoot you as I would be grinning too much.. Go for it, but keep this thread updated PLEASE!!!
  7. A battery for my Combat raider M4 I bought and forgot to post about Next on the list is the add ons I want, Torch, Laser, Sight, Tracer/Silencer Then painting time!!
  8. Havent gone through the whole thread as I have just found this and it might be of interest to the OP.... http://www.airborne-airsoft.co.uk/airsoft_longmoor.php
  9. Been in the shop a few times, a couple of the guys are really helpful, there's one or two who come across as unhelpful but I know who to talk to now so head for them as standard. Website is a pain, its messy and confusing, lacking pictures or info for most products and if you are lucky enough to find something you want on there its out of bloody stock. The shop itself needs an overhaul. Plenty of times I have gone in and they couldnt find items I was after, I think they have tried to pack too much stuff in and made it hard work for themselves. I would continue to use them as their store is literally 10 mins from my house but they do seem a tad expensive and unhelpful. If they were to have a tidy up and a bit of training it has massive potential.
  10. I mostly play CQB and have a red dot on my Mp5K for a couple of reasons. 1) My mask/goggle combo doesnt allow me to get the gun close enough to feel I am using the irons correctly 2) In darker areas I feel more confident using the dot over the sights as I feel I am shooting more accurately, this may be a placebo effect but when I swapped the rental for the first time for a friends gun with a sight I instantly felt I was getting more hits. 3) THEY LOOK COOL.... (in my opinion, but I like modern looking guns loaded up to the max)
  11. If you need us to pop round to test your set up, let us know
  12. VERY tempted, will have to run it past the mrs and check with work and my Airsoft pals but I would be very much up for this..
  13. Cool, sound advice. will/wont do Thought it was worth asking you guys first as my friends within Airsoft circles are quite small.
  14. Noted.... Only want to change parts that will address a known problem or greatly increase range/effectiveness etc.. I have used one of these guns and love it, so pretty sure I will keep it and be happy with it, kind of know the attachments I want so sorted on that, just wondered if it WAS worth tinkering with the insides or any know parts. Still getting to grips with stuff so all this help is appreciated.
  15. Hey again... I have just ordered a Combat Raider (finally) and am wondering: A) If anyone recommends swapping any factory parts straight away for slightly better power/accuracy or general well being of the machine. and What sort of battery should I get? I see there are a few options and haver read arguments for both but am still undecided, what would you go for? Cheers guys!!
  16. Hey.. Will be a Mall regular soon, hoping to get there once a month or so from october.. might see you around!
  17. Yeah this... They will either be really interested and ask more questions or shrug it off without having to explain yourself in too much detail.
  18. Better spring and motor, could you elaborate a bit more please. I want to upgrade mine but dont know where to start. Thanks...
  19. Not the best person to answer as I have never been there But as being a noob, dont worry. Most paces are fine and welcoming. Just get talking to others and tag along with other groups and before you know it your involved and feel like part of the scene.
  20. Haha this, exactly this... Might be a problem, I work a lot of evenings and live in London so with timings and travel it might not work out for me.. Will look into it though thanks..
  21. Yeah totally get that, people will always stick to their little groups its human nature. I think sites could do something to help this out in a way though, maybe assigning a marshal or regular or even a random player as leader or split the teams into squads and give some tactical advice. As a noob to the site after being hit and heading back to the spawn (quite a few times I couldnt even find the spawn, so after wandering around, waited a few mins and headed back to the action, this only happened once or twice) I had to tag onto other groups. I was happy to follow their lead and once or twice found myself "squad leader" with a few rentals who obviously were new and led them into some action and joined up with the larger team. I dont know, it might work, it might be a silly idea. I just felt that we had 2 squads actually looking to complete objectives, everyone else was happy giving cover or just playing team deathmatch. And was quite frustrating with no order, in protect the VIP for example hardly anyone knew where our VIP was, so protecting him was pretty impossible.
  22. Would be nice to meet up with some regulars and make new Airsoft fwiends.... As I only go with my Bro and his mate (we have another guy but he is out with a broken leg for 4 months still) The 1 thing I do like about Airsoft is the tactical way you have to play and that works much better when people work together and get on. It wasnt until the very last game yesterday until I found people were more confident giving and responding to orders from a complete stranger. The first few were little groups against little groups with no teamwork outside of those groups
  23. Was good, I imagined it to be more retail spaces and a bit bigger, but the venue and site were great. After only playing at the Bunker 51 before it was huge in comparison, but lack of our team pushing forward meant we tended to stay in our half and not getting too far from our spawn. Briefings were overly long but essential (hate em or love em they gotta be done, just wish the experienced players would be quiet so the marshalls did not have to keep stopping, we have all heard it before but be quiet and lets get it done quickly) All in all a great day of airsofting though. Had great fun and cant wait to get back there... Just wish the teams would play more coherently instead of 10 smaller groups sticking together, but again friends will do this and thats Airsoft....
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