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Everything posted by Albiscuit

  1. Nice looking gun... Id think about a torch and optics if your using it in CQB these things would be muchos useful
  2. I like the idea, trying to do stuff under pressure and fire is an interesting idea, as mentioned it could be made into something slightly more relevant, a code breaker or used to open a box to gain "intel" etc rather than a childs game plonked in the site somewhere. Defo something I would like to see in the futre
  3. Thanks Dex, never looked into those, will check em out!! Bunker was booked, so we shall be hitting Epsom tunnels on the 8th now
  4. Hoping to book on Monday once all of mine confirm. We will be driving, should be space in one of the motors depending on whos attending.
  5. I would like to get into some milsims rather than skirmishes all the time.. Do you have any info? This thread seems to work haha
  6. Wahey.... this is kinda what I was wanting We are in North, Islington mainly. Will reach out individually to replies, but shall also update here.... March looks like Sat 7th Bunker 51 and Dragons Lair Sun 21st (TBC)
  7. I know theres a few of us Londoners lurking. And some not too far away either, so wanted to put it out there that if anyone struggles to find sites or people to play with then me and my boys try to play once a month minimum and we welcome people to tag along. Depending on the game and whos driving we may even be able to offer a lift. Or more than happy to meets players and teams at a site for some competition or friendly play.... So far we have played at Bunker 51, The Mall reading and Epsom Tunnels. Dragons lair next month and loads of other south east sites are due to get attacked by us this year So leave a mesaage or drop me a PM!! *******EDIT******** I would also love other SE players to recommend some site in this thread to please, always looking to expand our site/players/experiences....
  8. Speed upgrade and general service for my problematic Raider. Have been told this will sort it, and after playing with a similar rifle with the same mod I CANT WAIT!!!
  9. Hiking or cargo pants, a vest suited for your equipment and a lumberjacks shirt will do you
  10. I WANT to get to that point, but dont want to ruin a working gun and end up costing myself more, im not very technical minded. I have long term plans to bag myself a new rifle and use my Raider as a project to teach myself the art of stripping and pimping guns though, so eventually I will know what im doing. Hopefully....
  11. Some mags work better than others, I ended up with 16 mid caps and only 6 work properly Tend to use the high cap which came with the gun tho
  12. The day an american movie is historically accurate will be the day they actually win a war
  13. I have no idea how to take it apart and I dont want to try just now. Need to get my raider re wired and looked at first as thats not working. Would rather have 1 primary working for now than take them both out of action. TBH it will probably end up in the shop next month for a service and upgrade if poss.
  14. My MP5K has dropped to under 200 according to the last chrono Need to get it looked at as I have NO clue about the tech stuff... Used it but the enemy still felt it though
  15. Still nothing through the door.... Fucking postpeople....
  16. Fair enuff.. makes sense i suppose. Was just curious. What have I started? hahahah
  17. Nah, still feck it. If I wanted to go all out and rock a replica loadout I still would, I probably wouldnt wear a regiments insignia out of context just because they looked cool. but a logo like that or skull n crossbones etc would be fair game..
  18. Not having a garden or long enough hallway I do it at a skirmish....... Trial and error, if its too left I aim to the right for a round, adjust and repeat...
  19. If I ever get a sci fi rifle im slapping the Metalheadz logo on it somewhere!!... So basically, use what the hell you want. If it looks cool, DO IT!!!
  20. Looking good, impressive amount of kit for a short time.
  21. Im there on the 12th... Im not waiting for 10 days in that dark basement for you so alas we shall not be crossing bbs... Another time maybe!!
  22. I work with teenagers, many of them vulnerable, my boss know what I do and its not seen as unprofessional. I work with my brother who talks about airsoft at work, and I try to keep it a little quiet as I do not want some of the young people knowing I have RIFs and am able to obtain them, but he says a lot which I find a little unprofessional. However it turns out one of our young persons plays regularly at the same sites as us Not sure what boundries this crosses, but Its the same when I see my young people in bars locally. I ignore and leave. However I wont be leaving a skirmish, would just rather not highlight it at work and make it clear we did not plan to be there together as its perfectly legal for them to be there and a bit different to being in a bar with them. And yes, whatever is posted online become public property pretty much and many industries will look to your online behaviour and perceptions as an accurate view of the person, WRONGLY.. Partly why I have hardly any online presence, no FB or twitter etc... My best mate nearly got the sack for a off the cuff remark about a suppliers Rep being an idiot and the company put 2 and 2 together and found him and he got in big trouble... Whilst your hobbies are yours to have, it might be better to review how public your information is if your job is that strict..!!!
  23. Couldnt imagine waking up and telling said burglar to wait a moment while I dug my rifle bag out of the cupboard, unzipped it, found my backpack, took out all the crap to get to the mags which would be rattling in the bottom, put one in, and tucked the battery wired back into the stock and clicked the cover on to say "AHA you f*cker, I have a gun"... When I could clump him in the head and punch myself in the eye to then claim self defence whilst the mrs called the fuzz.... Oh and found some eye Pro for me and the mrs incase I had to fire to protect us from ricochets...
  24. Dont get me wrong Id love some sci fi inspired weapons and would love a load out which was more leftfield inspired. Im just not too keen on that one
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