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Everything posted by JamesAirsofterAgent

  1. Great escape, the dambusters and a hella lot of others!!!!
  2. BLOODY HELL!!!!! My mum just showed me this: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Airfix-Scale-Coastal-Defence-Modelkit/dp/B00IJZIC5I/ref=sr_1_sc_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1410383452&sr=8-1-spell&keywords=D-day+defense+airfix She got it for £2.00 new, from an closing down model shop But bloody hell, what a buy!!!!
  3. Just wondering if anyone's used this site??? http://www.newmodellersshop.co.uk/airfix_dioramas.htm
  4. Well that just means I'll have to do this: :wub: Makes it look great in the photo!!
  5. Also, sorry to look like an idiot but are those real 9mm? Or a different type of real bullet? Sorry to be nosy!
  6. Actually scrap the above: http://s835.photobucket.com/user/cianty/media/Hamburger%20Tactica%202010/Tactica2010036.jpg.html
  7. http://www.instructables.com/id/WWI-Trench-Model/ http://cianty-tabletop.blogspot.co.uk/2010/03/tactica-2010.html Please look at the above!!!!
  8. Anyone know any good world war 1 battlefield diorama shops, or shops with that in stock?
  9. The music makes things more than just airfix... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7Kqnri9URkY
  10. I know! Got a god load if sheet music from there to! The old people in there are really nice also, talked to one for quite a while when I got the sheet music for Danny boy;)
  11. Here are my airfix soldiers, most are 1:72 apart from the Second World War German infantry: My misfits who have been found in charity shops going for 1p each: The napoleonic era infantry: French Great War infantry: The dead person. Please dont hate me for saying this but I think this adds more realism and shows what it was like with the dead being everywhere: The Great War German infantry, including the deadly flamethrower sand stretcher bearers: Finnally, world war 1 British Infantry and Second World War British paratroopers. I had some German para's somewhere..... Enjoy Edit: forgot the pic of some infantry...
  12. Thanks!Mum says if I do good in test (an A or higher) I'll be able to have two of the sets as gifts woo HOOO!!!!!!!!!! Predicted grade is an A so hopefully....
  13. Oh, it's the same one that was on pro airsoft supplies I think so it should be great as people on here say it was amazing! Good luck with it and have fun! xD
  14. HOLY fuck THANK YOOUUU!!!!! You found another starter pack place you are now going on my awesomeness-ly awesomeness list...
  15. Can no longer find the starter pack....NOOOOOOOOOO lol still get the gun etc...
  16. Awww sheet.....I cant find the G&G starter pack, the one on pro airsoft supplies...... :( Nooooooo!!

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. team flex

      team flex

      Well m4 is more practical but then a step is sexy

    3. JamesAirsofterAgent


      Not as sexy as Matilda though.....But there on "Ze List"

    4. JamesAirsofterAgent


      Time I started the list in a physical form. Well here goes.

      Before someone says this I know I'm jumping the gun and apologise for my noob-ee-ness but I really love the look of airsoft and want to get into it. (Puppy dog eyes)

  17. Do you people use clay or expanding foam or something else for the places ,"scenes" that you put them in? I've only used clay and haven't actually bought a proper diorama kit yet but am looking at the ones I linked....
  18. The Focke Wulf: Hopefully it'll look better once painted! Shame I trod on the spitfire
  19. Gonna start a nice and easy of Focke Wulf now so I have a few more planes for the D-Day diorama! ...... I'll need more than luck, I'll need an A* in deciphering crappy instructions lol
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