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Everything posted by Snakeeyes75

  1. Snakeeyes75

    R HOP

    Can someone explain what an R hop is? I've seen a guy fire a gun with one and as has been said, it's impressive! Maybe it's "The future" as you're definately firing way beyond most AEG's. It's also cost effective.
  2. I can't see why not, Yeah if you could link to the battery that'd be a great help..
  3. Oh yeah, if you're using a LiPo could you link me to a decent one? Cheers!
  4. Hehe, cheers. I watched a YouTube vid of someone filling down the screw holes to get the feed unit to fit tighter, is that the issue with the standard box mag? I'm not really too bothered with single shot, would the 20a trigger switch mod be sufficient? Or would a MOSFET be a better option? I've had issues with MOSFETs burning out if the gun jams (rare I know). So the classic army hop is good, shall I just stick to the CA bucking? I noticed that the A&K hop is fairly a loose fit thing, pretty crappy, I get the feeling .2's are all its going to lift? Speaking of which, what BB weight should I use? Cheapo .2's were what I was thinking or would a .25 give me some kind of accuracy?
  5. Hi all, I've just bought a second hand A&K M249 (Para), I know a bit about some trigger issues, plus I've been told to ditch the hop unit in favour of the CA version (I've got one on the way). Chrono shows it firing at 410 fps so I'll be swapping the spring out. Here's a few questions? 1, What battery would it be best run on? 2, I take it a common mod is putting the battery in the ammo box, are there any guides for this? 3, Is the bucking (Classic army) any good? Would it be better to swap it over? 4, Would a TBB be of use, (Considering it's used as a support, suppression weapon)? 5, I've seen a couple of mods saying that they've wired it so that the ammo reload works off the main power source, is that viable or is it best just getting some AA rechargeable batteries? I think that's it! If there's any other bits of wisdom worth mentioning then please feel free to let me know
  6. Finished my VSR and also I had to buy the M249 para as it was such a great price!
  7. No offence taken and I don't mean to offend either I'm new to sniping so a couple of months ago I got talking to several local players who have spent the money on their rifles, 90-100 meters seems to be the norm! Truth be told the thing shoots further than 100 meters but it's with overhop which means the flight path is ridiculous lol. Like I said, I zeroed at 65 ish meters. Seems to be what everyone else does too, my last game was amazing! A bit of sidewind caused a bit of a problem but I'd say 1 in 3 shots was a hit! Loved every minute of it
  8. The pic of the range above is 75 meters measured to where I took it (There's gun stations set up). So even that's just over what the guy in the vid is hitting, Looking at what the guy is using (5 years ago), that's pretty standard for a sniper rifle now. I'm using: ASPUK Advanced upgrade: EZ Trigger + piston Steel Spring Guide M150 Spring Nickel plated Steel Cylinder Advanced Steel Cylinder head Dangerwerx Type B hop lever PTFE mods to hop bucking and Cylinder head Nuprol .43g I've always been miffed by peoples arguement that FPS = more distance. Explain TM then? A stock 300fps VSR shoots 35-40 + stock, still not 500 fps standard but compaired to most AEG's ??? There's been various threads about heavier weight BB's travel being further than lighter BB's etc.. Plus a quality hop will make all the difference. My Marui VSR is running the standard bucking but with a Type B Dangerwerx hop lever. It's lifting .43 Nuprols with just 4 clicks of hop. (Compaired to .4's they're light years ahead) Really not trying to brag, and I'll be perfectly honest, I sent it to ASPUK, paid them £300, they sent it back, it works as they say it should! Simple Range wise, here's a link: http://www.fordranges.co.uk It's not what I call a glamorous place but it does the job, £5 for an hour is enough time to get set up, zeroed and have a bit of fun!
  9. Ooh a challenge OK, Next time I go to my local range, I'll get a vid of me shooting the target at 100 meters. Maybe a week or so! Only issue is I don't have a laser range finder but this is the 75 meter range, I walk back 25 meters (You stand on a small raised grass section) to achieve the 100 meters. I'll take my 30 meter tape and take pics of everything. It's weird as I saw that chart earlier this week, Correct me if I'm wrong but it says that at 500fps using 43's I should be hitting max 70 meters? (235 ft)? I have a Type B hop and the below pic showing the 75 meter range I use is pretty much centre board every time!
  10. Hehe, I set my rifle up at a local gun range, 100m to A3 target. Hit every time after half an hour of zeroing. I actually ended up zeroing at 65 meters as it's more realistic for games. Btw, neither are with any over hop.
  11. I'd recommend watching the bodgeupairsoft vids on youtube! I've been airsofting now for 6 months. I decided from the start that I wanted to try all aspects of the game, Sniper, Support & Infantryman. Last Sunday I had my first proper outing as a sniper, I loved it! What I will say is that I'm now using a 500fps rifle that can easily hit 100 meters. There's nothing more satisying seeing a BB hit it's target through a scope I agree with what everyone else has said but you won't be working alone for long. You find that your teammates will be feeding you info on targets they can't hit and you'll find yourself as an asset to your side (If you help your team). I actually found it more of a team position than with an AEG. I tend to go by myself but for the first time I found other players interacting with me. Yeah, you could easily just sit right at the back, camo'ed up playing for yourself but it's more fun to be slightly more forward (Out of MED).
  12. I think you're going to find everyone will tell you something different lol.. I'd say Devil blaster .2's are the standard. Saying that, a lot of people use Devil Blaster .25's as it's a great weight option for AEG's (Me included) depending on what gun you use, you'll try different brands, sniper rifles for example .43g Nuprols seems to be a fan favorite (Again, me included). If you're after "The best quality", I'm sure other people will jump in with niche' brands, What I will say is I've used a pack of the Tokyo Marui .28 Perfect hit BB's, they're bloody amazing! You can tell they're super polished as it's a nightmare picking up any loose balls lol
  13. It's funny cos when I used Fairy power spray on my PX4 I got the p*** ripped out of me here (The slide cracked). Anyway, Power spray usually works, as does a soak in brake fluid although krylon can be a pig to remove. One thing you could concider is Krylon it black! When you strip paint you'll almost certainly not be able to get every last bit off, atleast if you spray it you know you'll get good coverage.
  14. That'd have the same issue mate, It's a gas inbetween 144 and green. Here's a test, if you you it indoors, how does it work? If it's fine in a warm environment then it's the gas.
  15. What gas? I get that exact issue if I use 144, Green gas works much better.
  16. It has a M150 spring in it, with the B type lever I only need it 4 clicks back. (It'd be fun to see what trajectory a .2 would take with full hop on lol)
  17. Thanks for the replies! I've spoken to Sam at ASPUK, he's sending me out a new spring just incase, I'll be chronoing it myself in a day or so, it might have been a combination of the B type hop lever being set to lift a .43 and it was pretty cold when tested (Plus it was my first shot of the day).
  18. Cheers, yeah with the hop off the BB's drop at just over 30m, hop on then you're adding 70+ meters to that! I just had this nasty thought that I might have been given me an M130 spring rather than a M150. I had a Mad dog a while ago and I just couldn't trust the readout, I've heard there's copies of the Xcortech, how do I know the difference? It's was listed as genuine from a UK source at £65 is this ok?
  19. Mornin' Sounds like a silly question but I'm just about to buy my first chrono (Xcortech), I chronoed my rifle on Sunday on site and it was reading 440 using .2's, now I had been told that it was chroned at 490. Only thing I can think of is, does the hop make much difference? I've set it to lift a .43 so can it slow the BB to the extent that a .2 will read 50fps lower? are you suppose to turn the hop off before testing?
  20. I have the Marui VSR (What yours is cloned off). I don't think the stock has anything do do with it as (If it breaks down like the VSR) all you need do is undo the bottom 2 allen bolts and the whole barrel/trigger/bolt lift out. It can, very crudely be cocked and fired without even having the stock attached. The only time mine did that it was because I didn't push the bolt all the way forward and turn down the handle. If it's not that then before opening up anything give patrol base a call.
  21. Fair enough. I've lowered it to £220 all in, at the mo that's the lowest I can go. I've tried swapping it for a TM MP7 but with no luck. It's honestly been used 5 times max!
  22. Yeah, i'm getting that the resale price of these things are horrendous? That's why I thought of a swap! Seem to be a lot of people on the various forums and FB groups that list really nice guns but they just don't sell!
  23. Ah Patience... What is this you speak of?? True, My VSR spanks everything else I have. I just don't like things hanging around. Sounds like a fair bit of work. I spoke to a couple of guys at my last game, one was running a T4 as a DMR with a stronger spring and piston (I think) that's what gave me the idea. TBH I'd rather just sell it! I'm just loooking for options.
  24. Hi all, I've been trying to sell my T4 for a few days now with absolutely no luck. I've also tried swapping as I'm tempted by a TM MP7 or maybe a M249, again no luck! Those that have them don't wanna swap etc.. Anyhoo, I was thinking, how would it be if I turned it into a DMR? apart from a spring upgrade what else would I need? (I realize I need to fix the selector so it could not be put in full auto). That brings me on to another issue. From time to time the gun locks in semi, the remedy is to flick it onto full, fire a short burst then try again. If it's locked in semi I wouldn't be able to do this. (My TM Scar does it too, I assume most AEG's have te same snag?).
  25. I've been trying to sort out the same issue myself. The last 2 games I've been too I come home with Concussion on one and a split cheekbone on the second where a sniper pellet has gone in the tiny gap between the goggles and mask! I've now sorted out a mask which covers my whole face. I use Nuprol Mesh goggles with 4 griptied to the mask. It also allows me to remove the straps from the facemask so it's a bit more comfortable. I now always wear a helmet too with the ear covers. I know it's overkill but I'm not having something like this ruin the hobby!
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