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Everything posted by Snakeeyes75

  1. Thanks for the response guys, yeah i'll be leaving it near (But not right against) a radiator, i've put a packet of silica gel into the magwell too just for good measure. I took off the barrel and hop again just to see if there was something really obvious, only thing I spotted was that one of the O clips that hold the green hop wheels on had popped off (I found it in the case though luckily). For a while it was still doing it but then it seems to have calmed down. Like you all say though, it's more than likely some water in the barrel, I remember at one point firing nothing but water!
  2. Hey all, I went to my second skirmish yesterday in Worthing and it was pretty abysmal weather! about a third of the guys buggered off at lunchtime leaving about 40 or so players. I stayed on as I wanted to get my money's worth! about an hour from the end my G&G T4 started dry firing every 8-12 rounds, When I got hoome I striped the gun down to the gearbox and dried everything, there was only a couple of drops of water on the top of the box but it all seemed dry, the motor was nice and clean/dry as was the hop unit, basically it was about 95% wet on the inside. Before I verture into the gearbox (or pay someone to do so) Is there anything that could be a simple solution? I've cleaned all my mags thoroughly and it seems to do the same on all meaning it must be the gun itself. ANy help welcome! Please,Please,Please,Please,Please don't just say "Well you shouldn't have got it wet!".
  3. I can't quite believe this! I have a 5 year old and although the OP is suggesting an 8 & 9 year old there's no way that letting them get shot with a 350fps rifle is a good idea! My son loves Nerf and we have several 140-150fps modified blasters, there's been several times when a dart has hit his face (He wears child safety glasses) and he's screamed out in pain, it bloody hurts! If 12 is the accepted age then understand that that comes from experience, TBH I wouldn't let me kid at 12 do this, it's classed as an "Extreme sport" unless you're some kind of gun ninja you're inevitably going to get hit and it really does sting like a bitch!
  4. So here's a follow up to my original problem. After speaking to another forum member I realized that the 2 AAA batteries that were fitted were infact non rechargeable 1.5v standard AAA's. (No disrespect to the other AFUK I bought it from, I should have checked first). What I will say is that with the correct 1.2v rechargeable batteries and a good charge the readings are much better, you still need to fire off about 10-15 shots and take out the obvious low/high readings. The other thing I noticed is that you need to hold the gun with the muzzle about 5mm from the entrance to the testing hole. I'd be interested if anyone else who's had issues with the Chrono has checked what batteries are inside!
  5. So how are they meant to be charged? Is it literally via the USB on my computer?
  6. Hi all, I bought a Madbull Chrono off another forum member a couple of week ago, I used it to chrono both mine and a couple of friends guns. At the time it worked fine, just gone to use it today and it's reading about 50fps exactly lower than the previous reading. Now, I know this thing has had some horrible reviews, even saying the same issue. I have a couple questions from this, how long do the batteries take to charge fully using the USB? (I've plugged it onto my iPhone charger) does the light go out??. Has there been any solutions to the problem, seems weird that one moment it was working and now it's not?? Cheers
  7. When you paid did you send the funds as a gift? If you did then there's not a lot that can be done (Trust me, my other hobby is buying toys from all over the world). If you sent is as "For goods" then Paypal will be able to get the money back. Did the payment draw from a Visa card? if so you're also covered by Visa. I had an issue earlier in the year with an item than I pre-ordered & six months later I was still waiting, paypal wouldn't act as it had been more than 30 days (If I remember correctly) but Visa give you 6 months, they instantly gave me my money back then claimed it back against paypal!
  8. Can I ask, what mags have you been using? With the trouble I had with my PX4 I know exactly the issues you have with a warranty claim!
  9. Really sorry to hear this mate, after my initial frustrations with my T4-18 I'm pretty happy with it now, as I've said in another thread, all of the issues have been sorted by getting a different brand of Mags. It sounds like you should have utilized the warranty when you first started getting issues. Have you tried the gearbox in another gun? I'm just trying to work out what you HAVEN'T tried! Believe me when I say that it's normally buys the 1 broken item in a million good ones.
  10. I got the gun back today, the slide has been poorly glued and the hop has been bent up so I can just about shoot 20 meters! This has just been one F up after the other! I'll be giving Firebase a call Monday am! I ended up glueing it myself, not pretty but I reckon it'd hold, I've fiddled around with the hop, I'll be testing over the weekend. Is there anyone that has a PX4 that could kindly take a pic of the metal Hop up adjuster (The piece that moves up and down when you turn the dial)?? Cheers
  11. Funnily enough that's not what the guy in the shop said! No wonder they had about 20 bottles on the shelf
  12. One thing I did notice was the smell! The .23's smelled (in the bottle) like melted plastic! Compared to the 3 other bottles I have, the smell is there but they reaked of it! I'm wondering if they've been heat damaged?
  13. Ok so here's an update, I wouldn't have bothered but I think there may be some issues that a wider audience may appreciate hearing about. Firstly, I'm not (At this point) going to name the retailer, it does appear to be a popular UK site though based in the South of England. I called them today as I've not heard anything back re: my PX4 with a cracked slide. The conversation started with "We've tried to contact you", I've checked and there's no missed calls, no answer phone messages, no emails. The guy seemed to get touchy when I said that i'd not heard anything back, anyway... he told me that I'd clearly voided the warranty by: -Removing the slide -Removing the barrel/inner barrel -Removing the rear safety switch -Removing the paint I questioned him as how that would crack the slide and he replied that they were professional and I was not, they've glued the slide up and that's all they would do! They would also order a new slide if I wanted but it'd take a year to get in stock (I can only guess what the cost would be). I wasn't happy but I know they had me on the removing paint issue alone, however the guy seemed to want an argument, he said that i'd "F***ed it up" nice, with my kid sat next to me! I also asked him about the hop up and he said that he'd get a tech to look at it but it was probably damaged by myself! he also went on to say that i'd most likely dropped the gun (I can promise you all that I haven't). All together my original order was £207, I've learnt a lesson but I don't feel that his little speech has really sorted the issue, all he had to say was that i'd voided the warranty by removing the paint, that would have been a professional way to do it! Pretty harsh. The phase 2 part of my budget won't be going to them I have started a "Wanted" thread as I will gladly buy a replacement plastic slide for the gun, I hope that someone may have put a metal slide on theirs so they may be a plastic one somewhere? Cheers
  14. Just a quick follow up, I recieved a bottle of Blaster .25's today, I'm pleased to say that this has resolved the issue Crazy that I have a duff pot? are there batch numbers on the bottles at all? (I can't see one) as it may help others to know what batch this came from!
  15. Sorry to hear you're in a bad way, believe me when I say you've been a great help with getting this sorted As frustrating as it may be I don't think my new bottle of BB's are going to turn up today so it'll now have to wait till tomorrow. I've used a digital caliper on a couple of those .23's and they reading as 5.92-5.94 mm compared with the .2's that are coming out at 5.88-5.89. I assume all the time it's under 6mm they should be working fine? I've put a small amount of oil in the tubes, not done the latch though so that's be next
  16. Not a lot! TBH, when parcel force say it's "Stuck" at customs what they mean is it's progressing through Customs. Do you have a tracking number? If so check it every few hours on the parcel force website, the number will have changed to a UK tracking number, there's nothing wrong with importing a gearbox (I just received mine, all through customs with no issues relating to what it was), what you'll probably get though its a customs charge. UK customs can identify a lot of the Asain E-sellers so when the sender puts $5 gift they disreguard that and go with market value! I import toys regularly from China with the same issue, sometimes you're lucky though! Don't worry about it mate, they won't take it apart!
  17. Thanks for the in-depth reply, this is all a good read! In regards to the last paragraph, the dry firing is happening even in Semi auto I've adjusted my firing style so i'm not "Snatching" the trigger as much and correctly squeezing. Hopefully i'll be getting a bottle of .25's later today so I can see how they work. There's something else I've just noticed, maybe this is how it's supposed to be? When you fire on semi, the nozzle retracts the whole way, when you fire on full auto it seems to end it's cycle with the nozzle out, not all the time but more often than not. if you switch it then back to semi the first shot doesn't move the nozzle but from the second one it does. Again, I'm new to this so go lightly
  18. This is where I get confused, Ian_Gere 's post leads me to believe that the .2's are the best choice, I've chrono'd the gun at 335fps so on paper the .25's are too heavy. I'm inclined to go with what you're saying but so far everyone is telling me something completely different! From my original post the question that I suppose I'm asking is "Is it possible that the BB's are bad?", from what is being said, yes!
  19. Thanks for the Response Ian, I understand what you're saying, I'm still very new to this so I'm combining word of mouth with the science behind it all. The main reason I was going to use a heavier BB was due to the effects of the wind...sorry, I mean "Resistance" hehe. I called two of the big UK retailers today and had quite a lengthy chat with both. Each said in their own way that it sounds like i've picked up a batch of bad BB's, apparently the "Blaster" .23's aren't a widely sold size as most people favour the .25. (Aplogies if this is wrong, just passing on what I was told). They also said that if I really wanted the .23's that it'd be worth trying a different make (No they didn't try to sell me any). The fact that I can only jam in 110 BB's in my mid cap compaired to the 130+ of the .2's means there's something off with the size! Both companies also told me that mid caps in general are way more reliable if you just fill them with approx 100 balls despite what their capacity is supposed to be. I tried this with the .23's and they seem to be feeding WAY better! The tappet spring probably isn't working as it should but it's not down to a fault but the force of the spring pushing too hard on the nozzle. (Again, that was explained to me). The fact that the .2's have no issues surely means there's no problems with the mechanics of the gun? Surely the weight is irrelevant it's more the size that seems to be causing an issue and again, with a hi cap they feed fine! It's only with the mid cap that I get the issue.
  20. Hello again My first question to you is are you using the G&G mags?: http://www.landwarriorairsoft.com/airsoft-magazines-c3/mid-standard-capacity-c52/g-g-g-g-120-round-mid-cap-magazine-for-gr16-m4-black-p3421 I tried them and basically they don't fit. Pretty much every problem that i've banged on about was sorted by switching to the MAG brand ones: http://www.armysurplusandtoys.com/MAG-box-set-m16-m4-8-piece-mid-cap-130-rounds-p/mag-box-set-8-piece-.htm I can fill them to bursting (135-140) and they fire off every one without issue. The issue is when I try the heavier BB's i'm experiencing 2 problems: 1: I can't physicaly fit 130 BB's in the mag, I've tried it and the max is 110 2: When they are as full as possible i'm getting bad derping and the gun occasionally sounds like it's dry firing (Would that be an indicator that the BB has not been pushed into the hop?). Have you tried using the HI Cap that came with it? I loaded mine up with the .23's and it works faultlessly!
  21. Interesting! I'm was only buying the .28's because another forum member who has the same gun swears by them. What weight BB would you recommend as a compromise to the .20? I'm still stuck with this issue over the .23's not firing/feeding
  22. Ok I'll try it! The thing that's weird is that with .20's the mags work amazing! no issues whatsoever. I've ordered up some .28 Devil Blaster BB's as I've been told that they are very cool with the T4, I'm beginning to think that this is more a BB sizing issue than the mag issue. The fact that even my speedloader feels crunchy when filling (Compaired to the .20's). Hopefully the .28's will work.
  23. Ok, Here's what i've tried! I loaded up the Hi cap that came with the gun and it fires both the .20 & .23's without issue. If I try the "Mag" 130r mid caps, the .20's work fine the .23's fire about 50:50 fine or derp/s or just doesn't fire (I wouldn't say "Jam" as the sound it makes is the same dry fire sound. So it looks like the Mag's are the issue but as it has been pointed out, that shouldn't matter should it? I tried a very crude test with 5 balls of each size and a metal ruler, i placed the BB's on the kitchen worktop and using a ruler on top just rolled them around, the .23's (Light green) moved wheras the .20's didn't so there's definately a size difference. Could this just be a "Breaking the mag in" issue? I noticed on youtube a guy taking the feeding head (?) off to make it feed better
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