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Everything posted by Speedbird_666

  1. They used to be £114 from Taiwangun when they first released. I do kick myself for not ordering more stuf before they stopped shipping to the UK. 😒
  2. Oh, I've been around the block long enough to see plenty of new product failures. The TSI Tavor is a classic example from ~2009. That gun makes the MDR-X look shit-hot amazeballs in comparison.
  3. And Specna, ASG*, Umarex, Evolution, Cybergun etc. don't do exactly the same thing? *Yes, I know ASG do make the Scorpion Evo in-house, but that's about it. I despise kickingtwat but I have to say that I appreciated his honesty in that Video. The gun has been crossed-off my 'to buy' list until I see independant (not shilled) evidence that his was a duffer and not representative of the entire product line.
  4. Not everyone's cup of tea, but it's the first GBBR that I have been genuinely interested in. Pretty reasonably priced (for a GBBR) - they are doing discounted bundles which includes scopes and mags.
  5. Fair point. I have found one small UK mainland vendor (looks like a site-attached/garage operation) that says they one of the G models left in stock. Just sent them a message to confirm before ordering.
  6. I've decided to that I want a UTR45 and a drum mag - because reloading is for chumps and I figure it would be good for a giggle. That, and it's not 'another' M4 of which I have 7. Only problem is that the only model I can find available is the M917C, which has that gopping mock-brace stock and tiny battery compartment - so I have to wait until the 'G' model is restocked with UK retailers. I found one in stock with a NI retailer but I'm not spending £18 in postage. So i'll just have to wait. Thanks all for your inputs.
  7. Unfortunately she keeps a pretty firm track on the bank balance - with spreadsheets n'all.
  8. Still got 7 or 8 guns knocking around. Probably enough spare parts to build another full gun outright. But there's no harm in buying another, right?🙂
  9. Well, that's stupid. Most movie blank firing guns cannot fire live rounds. There some very professional companies that work in that field that know their shit when it comes to safety. Using GBBs with CGI muzzle flashes and shell casings never feels visceral or real - I fear that we will never see anything as epic as the gunfight in Heat in a film again. Fuck me - I really want a fixed carry handle AR now......
  10. I have 1000's of hours of prints now. It ain't rocket science. Certainly not artistry. Modelling the thing could be argued as the most difficult and time consuming part of the process. He was selling that pretty much that exact print as a kit previously. I hope he is the original designer of the files on thingiverse, or at least have permission to sell these commercially. I was being facetious...😉 The real artistry comes Games Workshop/Citadel/whatever the call themselves these days. They created the worlds, the concepts, the stories, the original artwork and the sculpts in first place.
  11. Whilst that is very cool - what's the point of it? Does it actually fire something? (genuine question - I know nothing about launchers)
  12. The amount of work counts for nothing - it's still a raider with some 3d printed parts. There's what, not even half a spool's worth of printer filament on the gun? I could knock up that front end in a few hours in Fusion 360. A cheapo Cyma stock with some vinyl attached and an LED counter that is the square root of fucking useless when it comes to actually playing does not make for a great deal. But if you can flog it for that price, best of luck! I should build a few to make some cash myself. Actually - that's not a bad idea...🤔 Oh, and welcome to Macks...😉
  13. Ouch....£450 for a G&G Raider with some 3D printed parts bolted on.
  14. That bit of the site is weird. You can't shoot into it, you can't shoot out of it. But you can shoot each other when you are in it. Again - a byproduct of trying to use a Paintball site for Airsoft methinks. I will try the site again - but I'll give it 6 months or so, hopefully they will change things up a bit by then.
  15. Great info - thanks mate! I've actually had that exact gun in my basket for bbgunsforless for a couple of days now - they've been sending me polite reminder emails asking if I wish to complete the purchase. I'm also slightly tempted by the UTR45 with a G&G PCC45 1500rd drum mag for giggles (those stick mags are too much of a faff), but an M4-based variant would be more sensible.
  16. So look out for the gear whore in tiger stripe - got it....😘 (just playing with you) I usually wear as little kit as I can get away with these days. I call this the 'hoody, 2 hicaps and a bag of BB's in a dump pouch loadout' Sometimes I rock a cheapo viper chest ring and midcaps in my special 'i'm too fat to be a speedsofter but wear paintball goggles anyway loadout' when playing CQB. Deeply uncool I know - I don't even run optics or sights on my guns most of the time now. Accuracy by volume and all that.
  17. The answer is no - but I've got some money burning a hole in my pocket and before the missus changes her mind and revokes my permission slip, I need to spend it. No better excuse to buy another gun. TBH I have loads of guns, but another one won't hurt will it? I keep hearing about the DE guns and the value for money they represent. I see plenty of recommendations for them, hell, I've even mentioned them in conversation when discussing budget guns as G&G have basically priced themselves out of the budget market and I can't quite bring myself to mention Specna (although the 'Flex' series gun in the Z1 shop impressed me for the money - reminded me of what Combat Machines originally set out to do). So I fancy trying a DE gun for shits'n'giggles to gain some first-hand experience - figuring at worst it would be used as a loaner/backup gun when one of my boys invites a friend to play Airsoft. Don't care about warranties and all that bollocks - most of my guns get stripped down on the first day of ownership anyway. Some questions for the DE gun owners on the forums: - How has the Falcon FCS fared? Seems like a Titan knock-off (in form factor at least) with some basic functions but I don't expect miracles for the money. - Related to above - Is anyone running 11.1v LiPo out of the box? Any major issues in doing so? - I hear the springs and hop units are worth replacing? - How's the plastic on the plastic-bodied guns? Is it closer to G&G than Cyma in terms of quality and fit? - How's the finish on the metal bodied guns? Typically thin paint? Ta muchly.
  18. If you are Southampton based, you should give Ambush Activities at Botley a try (if you haven't already). They have just (as in 2-3 weeks ago) moved away from Paintball completely and have become a dedicated airsoft site. I'm hoping that they will be focusing on the optimising the field for Airsoft gameplay (it's very paintball-arena based at the moment) but the staff are friendly, have HPA fills on site, and the best run chrono station I have ever seen. Oh, and Dominos pizza gets delivered for lunch. I plan to return there later in the year to see if they implement any changes. Will do mate!
  19. No. Never have - I don't think I ever will. Does not appeal to me in the slightest. I know @Shamal has done a few - he will be better to comment on it.
  20. That's pretty hardcore. Being a family man (4 kids and a wife just finishing her Uni Degree) - I kinda have to stick to the 1hr radius to make it home at a sensible time to help out around the house. We are quite lucky that we have so much locally. Someone (at Ambush the other day) was telling me a rumour that another site will be opening in our local area at some point this year. Whether that comes to fruitition I don't know - I've been hearing that the old Contact Front site near matchams might reopen for years now and nothing's happened.
  21. Just off the top of my head - within around a 1 hour drive from my house (christchurch): - UCAP Valiant* - UCAP Bunker* - Spec Ops Blox* - Bravo Romeo - Ambush Activities* - South Coast CQB - Camouflage Bournemouth - Ironsight Airsoft* - Ground Zero* *sites I've played at - I just need to hit Camouflage, Bravo Romeo and South Coast CQB to finish the set. Journey times might be slightly quicker if you are around the Ringwood/Verwood area as you can jump straight onto the A31/M27 I actually was toying with the idea of going this sunday, but my boys are going to the AFCB match (they are season ticket holders - can't stand the sport myself) and the weather doesn't look promising. I think I will try to get to the May game on the 21st though.
  22. @_K4MF_ Another local site is Camouflage Airsoft Bournemouth nr Hurn bridge. Ironically I've not played airsoft there myself (and I'm only 10mins away) but I know @C-Diddy frequents the site on a semi-regular basis.

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    Actually looking for (another) two of these. Preferably Black and must be unpainted, in decent cosmetic condition and structurally sound. Ta.


  24. Speedbird_666


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